Sunday, September 20, 2020

Singapore Smartphone Contact Tracing to Come to You Until You are Chipped for Automatic Criminal Investigation?

When you are under surveillance, you are constantly being criminally investigated, so that you can be detained, and punished the fastest. 

I have not complied with wearing a mask, and only social distance when someone requests it, as I don't believe even 1% of the COVID-19 BS. If there is a 1 in 1000 that I might get the sniffles it is a fake pandemic. I am not allowing my US Constitution to be suspended because of some lame UN UNESCO Communist Chinese BLM Antifa Marxist coup of the world.

This is the obvious roll-out of UN UNESCO Agenda 21 and 2030. 

I boycott contact tracing [video].  

The below video explains the "Big Reset", and who contact tracing will work with smartphones for now, and then with a digital tattoo, which might just kill you with one keystroke by someone more important that you to use 5G to tell your tattoo to knock you out, or kill you, for collection.

This is Happening in Singapore! Is America Next? [Direct Link to Video]


The Weiner Laptop Emerges Again: FBI Agent Speaks [Click here for direct link to tracybeanz bitchute upload] (The Clinton emails should have already put the Clintons, Obamas, and the coup, stay behind bagmen, and pedophile profiteering network Clinton Global Initiative CGI and their associates would all be in jail waiting to be prosecuted. The COVID-19 Worldwide smokescreen needs to come down)

#MalkinLive: Follow the money. Find the truth. [Direct link to Michelle Malkin bitchute video] (the scandal of Fox News blocking Newth Gingrinch from outing George Soros for funding BLM Antifa arsonists, rioters, and agent provacateurs is a major relevation/scandal)

There is an awesome 1973 Club of Rome video of why 2020 is an important year to initiate a worldwide lock down to reduce population. Also in this below full post, Dr. Tony Fauci and Surgeon General Redfield say masks aren't needed, and then show they are lying scumbags in another video embedded:  [Click Here] for:

Pelosi, Clintons, Obamas, Soros, Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg orders Trump and all Supporters tracked, traced, EXECUTED?


Could things get any stranger? 

Substitute, for the real guy, Joe Biden, isn't even prepping for debates. Most likely they won't happen. 

Fox News isn't allowed to have politicians expose George Soros. 

It is war. 

If Trump doesn't strike first, the UN UNESCO Communist Chinese will make sure their puppets act accordingly, and then take out Trump and the US will be Assimilated. 

Resistance isn't futile. 

[More and embedded videos with my contact information]



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