What do George Soros run courts look like?
I might the only one in the US that got a year in prison, 3 years probation, for getting a year in prison, 3 years probation for pepper spraying a felon who tried to stab me in the face demanding that I had over my wallet in my dark driveway. I reported Israel, the DoD, & China for Child Trafficking & Money Laundering age 5 in 1969 permanently. So, this is how I get treated in court, always. [click here]
New Hampshire Police got me fired from my jobs. Stole all I own. I can't go to a court to file against them. Calling police on police doensn't work. Proof I was ripped off. [click here]
You, the reader of this post, are offerred up to $3,000,000 for helping me recover what has been stolen. [more info]
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David DuByne talks about "Bunker Fuels" being burned by Cargo Ships & all the Pollution due to buring high carbon goo instead of clean fuel: https://gab.com/SvenVonErick/posts/111647438502248168
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Will there be such starvation that Natural Born Citizens in New Hamsphire will be fed to the replacement migration to flood in as much as 3 million to Vote for Joe Biden should an election be held in 2024. Please FAX, write or call, New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu about this:
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