Thursday, February 15, 2024

Is Being Blacklisted by the FBI, really about pissing off Satanists?

Dalton Trumbo was caught up in the "Red Scare" of the 1940s & 50s. The FBI would not let him work, socialize, or live anywhere unmolested. Parallels can be found today. [my issues] The Dalton Trumbo story is a movie, more of a documentary w/ Donald Sutherland & others. You may have to sign into YouTube to [view this].

Like Dalton Trumbo, I have been blacklisted for writing screenplays. My Grandfather S. G. Erickson had a lifelong fight against the Federal Reserve Act. I could read, & write when I was 4 in 1968. When I took up my Grandfather's Fight in 1969, I had 4 FBI Agents visit me in Kindergarten in 1969.

I have been throttled in all aspects of my life ever since. My bank accounts have just been emptied all my life, all I have stolen, & I have no remedy & no one who is allowed to take my complaint, because our real leaders are something else. [Video Explanation

I may never meet my own granddaughter now about half a year old. I lost my millions of dollars net worth & became permanently estranged from my only daughter in 2002 when the Connecticut State Police had previously stole all I own, then railroaded me to prison. My only working email at this time is ericksonsteve99 at gmail dot com 


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