Foreign Intelligence was giving me tainted vaccines age 5 to keep me out of Military Service
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A Gay & Lesbian Unit at a nearby Military Unit to Ludlow Massachusetts that are dual citizens of the most favored nation & most protected people shot me up w/ injectables that were to be forced on mostly White & Christian kids to change our DNA to not be dominating the military & all Public & Private.
I was give female hormones, meth, cocaine, heroin, esctasy, & what would be drugs for ADHD, Autism, & behaviorial issues caused by all I was being injected w/ age 5 in 1969. I was also injected with what became Lyme Disease & the Current Spike Protein mRNA.
I have never been compensated for being part of human experiments from the Chemical Company, the Military Base, & the Most Prefered Nation running the University of Chicago IRB.
All is to my best belief & knowledge. - Steven G. Erickson ericksonsteve99 at gmail dot com
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