Saturday, May 21, 2011

Barack Obama's Forged Hawaiian Birth Certificate Scandal

Maybe there is something to this ...

Text with below video:

Uploaded by on May 20, 2011

Alex talks with author and investigative journalist Jerome Corsi about the Obama birth certificate fiasco. Corsi is the author of Where's the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President, now available at the Infowars Store. In the book, Corsi assembles evidence that Barack Obama is constitutionally ineligible for the office of the presidency and has spent millions of dollars in legal fees to avoid providing the American people with something as simple as a long-form birth certificate.

Jerome Corsi: White House Running Scared Over Latest Discovery of Obama's True Origins 1/3

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More recent Alex Jones videos embedded here:

w/ Paul Craig Roberts:

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I, Steven G. Erickson, have been asked why I blog, blog, and blog, so angrily. Well, when I co-founded the Stafford Springs, Connecticut, Crime Watch, Town Constable (Police Officer) "Fat Frank" Prochaska told me he'd arrest me if I proposed legislation to elected officials and seemed to want to take my wife away from me. He was a no personality idiot living with Mommy. So, he slammed me against my house and assaulted me, and then later arrested me for having called 9-11 when a drug dealer I wanted out of the area bit my ear and punched me repeatedly in the face and fled the scene. [that story with pictures of me and my former European Lingerie Model Wife]

The former selectman John Julian of Stafford Springs, Connecticut, told me to sell my properties to his mob friends, "Or Else". I told John that if I didn't get a tractor trailer sized dumpster like his mob friends got when they bought rental properties to get rid of initial debris, I would paint one of the main properties on the way into Stafford, near the town green and cannon, pink. I further told him I put a row boat up on the roof, and paint a big sign, "Steve's Oar House", and then tell the media why if I didn't get the dumpster. I was just being an ass back to him. That is when Connecticut State Police Officers threatened brutality and murdering me.

Prosecutor Keith Courier allegedly got a blow job, or blow jobs, from a prostitute "tenant" who moved in without my permission, Lana Thompson. Courier told me on the phone if I evicted Lana I would be arrested and go to prison.

I was later arrested for resisting being mugged.

Why should I have to pay for a prosecutor's blow jobs? Courier refused to give me AR, Accelerated Rehabilitation, a program I was entitled to as a first offender, for the charges of my resisting being mugged on my own property. I got a year in prison for having pepper sprayed the mugger, one of the police informants sent out by police. Since self-defense isn't legal in Connecticut, the mugger who committed felonies stalking me, threatening my life, and trying to rob me at knife point was given immunity to prosecute me.

Peter Coukos, a crack smoking, alcoholic, prostitute user, possible psychopath was allegedly given first dibbs on my rental properties and offered help in getting a gun permit to carry concealed pistols by Stafford Police Officer Frank Prochaska and Stafford Resident State Trooper Mulcahey to sexually stalk and harass my then 14 year old daughter, help enforce their "no dating policy" on me, and terrorize me out of the State of Connecticut.

I could go on, and on. My latest letter to my Vermont elected officials [click here, post includes my mugshot]

I have nothing, my daughter and most of my family won't talk to me and I have a bogus criminal and prison record, for retaliation and for my Free Speech, not for crimes committed. I was held in the US as a political prisoner. I'm angry. There is no one who'll do anything from the local Town Hall to US President. So, I blog.

stevengerickson AT yahoo Dot com

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