Thursday, July 28, 2011

Osamacide [Video]

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Uploaded by on May 18, 2011 RapNews: episode 8. It's the end of an era. The decade which opened with a ferocious attack in the United States of America, closes with the announcement of the death of its greatest and most conveniently disney-like villain, Usama Bin Laden. In a decade which has been dominated by the Empire Strikes Back, our affable and dextrous host Robert Foster invites us to scrutinise the events shrouding the killing of this twentyfirst-century Goldstein. Joining him in this May retrospective are Rap News regulars, General Baxter, the Pentagon's most effusive spokesperson, attempting uncharacteristically to stay 'on message', and his counterpart from the world of alternative academia, the conspiracy industry's favourite son, Terrence Moonseed. What actually happened in Abbotabad? Do the public have a right to see evidence of this event? What is Terrence wearing on his head? Was justice really served? What next? History is happening.

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CREDITS: Many thanks to the following people for lending their superb skills and/or expensive equipment to the making of this episode: Our ineffably awesome designer, Zoe Tame from for creating all the original artwork, backgrounds and vectors - and for building the website. Trav and Nick for lights; Lucy and Caitlin for ongoing support; Blake for Baxter gear; Jason for not wigging out over the wigs.

BEAT: Hats off to The Alchemist for "Horrified Nights"

CAPTIONS: Many thanks to our French friends, Koolfy and Siltaar, for sync'ing English closed captions.

TRANSLATIONS: Thanks to our awesome volunteer translators around the world: Lucien Danigo for German; Marcelo Henrique for Spanish translation; Marcelo Henrique and warlockbr for Portuguese (Br) translations; Elina, for Estonian translation; Gian, for Greek translation; Martin R. for Bulgarian translation; Meryam for Arabic translation; Thomas for Swedish translation...

If you'd like to translate Rap News 8 into your language, please contact us via our website:

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