Friday, August 28, 2020


The bottom video well describes what Greenpeace is doing to ruin Canadian communities. Is BLM and Antifa actually Greenpeace on steroids?

Riots and terrorism are neither Green, or Peaceful. The psy-ops are to break up the cohesion of local communities, then regions, then states, then entire countries, and then the whole world can be UN and Communist Chinese run, and OWNED. 

Large ships with flags of many nations were out ramming whaler ships, and ships of other nations as part of "protests" some were just thinly disguised acts of war.

Kicking indigenous people that didn't have armies or modern weapons, was easier to do if the propaganda was to save the planet, right. The largest corporations could then come in, exploit nature and the resources without the pesky owners.

The activists got sympathy in court for trespassing, arson, assault, kidnapping, extortion, risk of injury to minors, attempted murder, mayhem, inciting riots, and a whole host of serious crimes. The owners of companies and their workers could sometimes do way worse in the purposely rigged courts. The bigger boys got rid of their competition.

Smaller logging companies were blocked from traveling on dirt roads, nails were driven into trees, and equipment was destroyed, and even explosives were deployed. Sounds like domestic terrorism to me. Terrorists could go door to door from the 1970s and still nothing is really being done about this, so we have what we have, now.  

Look at what has always happened in Africa, the real Amazon, and the world vast expanse where there is anything of value that the World Bank and the Corporations with a bigger bottom line than the [GDP] of most nations do. The have their own version of the CIA and they covertly operate Greenpeace, Peta, and too many children and other charities to get their dirty deeds done at a profit.

There was a time monopolies were broken up. The barons who exploited, and eliminated their competition were once a target of a legitimate government of the United States of America. The Corporations tried a coup of the US in the 1900s, [Smedley Butler] blew the whistle on that, and not one of the perpetrators was adequately punished or suffered financially. So these same families keep doing the same things and keep getting richer.

There is a vast expanse of the population that is angry, is desperate to resist what they think in mainstream, has no clue so an ideology can be inserted, and useful idiots for photo ops for fund raising.

[Greenpeace] probably started out as a peaceful environmentalist tool, but it became a ripe breeding, and recruiting, ground for radicals, agent provocateurs, and in the Age of Orwellian 1984, the real name should be, "Exploit the Environment for the Most Profit and Keep Average People off the land, especially the most scenic and natural, it is for elite enjoyment and exploitation only."

"Save the Children," just might help fund [the psy-op to disable American, and other farms], to cause mass starvation and death in the 3rd World to cull populations, and to soften up Americans up enough that they demand the US Constitution be scrapped, go to a cashless system run by Bill Gates, get the Bill Gates tattoo proving vaccinations have been forcibly done at intervals, and that the former citizen of a nation is now an inmate with a conditional identity in the UN and Chinese Communist run World Government.

greenpeace boat steve irwin rams japanese research vessel

"Ocean Warrior" protects whales worldwide | Daily Planet (On the surface these "environmentalists" seem to be too well funded, and too comfortable breaking all sorts of international laws. The real purpose is to claim all of the outback and vast oceans for some other entity, for monopolistic gain.)

Greenpeace Finally Realizes Its Attacks on Canadian Communities Have Consequences

Image up top was [found here].

Example or real racist cop who gets away with murdering Blacks like so many other cops before him in Connecticut:

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