Monday, August 17, 2020

Would you be better voting for a brass door knob instead of Joe Biden?

The Democratic Party is giving you a brass doorknob to "vote" for.

It is bait and switch.

Kamala Harris is the actual choice. Biden, if he isn't already, is going to be soon wearing adult diapers and probably can't pass a mental fitness test. Will there even be a debate before a flood of BS mail ballots are counted for a Chinese Style Communist takeover of the US, nullifying all national borders?

If mass mail in voting is allowed, there will be a civil war. The United States of America will cease to exist. Bill Gates aka Jim Jones can give the world the Kool-Aid suicide shots because the world will go Green with no people. 

[This is when it all started with video]

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My email: thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com


David Knight calls out both the Republicans and Democrats out on their BS, his morning show can be seen live, or past episodes as videos [click here]. 


Wear a Mask in "Live Free or Die" New Hampshire? [Direct Link to video]

The brass doorknob picture was [found here]


I typed the below in the electronic message form to [Vermont Republican Governor Phil Scott]:

I believe massive fraud is being committed.

Big Pharma can charge $800 a pill for what was $3 before. It seems that Big Pharma is represented by Government, not us.

If there were an inexpensive drug to reverse Autism that already existed, it wouldn't be produced. I believe there is one.

It isn't about "cases", it is about deaths. The deaths aren't anymore than the regular Flu. Is the US Constitution suspended due to the common cold?

What medical studies say that masks do anything? Since when do the healthy quarantine so those in nursing home(s) don't get sick and die?

Big Pharma thru Fauci is reversing themselves at every turn. Vitamin C, D, and other inexpensive treatments are now ineffective.

The continued shutdowns, in my opinion, is your support for the suspension of the US Constitution, erasure of our borders and sovereignty, and putting us all under the control of the UN and the Chinese Communist Government.

Please be the first Governor in the US to have basic commonsense and call BS on all of this.

I will post this message to you on my blog,

Thank you,

Steven G. Erickson


I believe that the Clintons sought to have a Federal Building blown up in 1995 that included a daycare, to get their terrorism bill passed. There then would be pictures of toddlers mangled. The enemies of the Clintons are especially small business, religion, farmers, Republicans, and the US Constitution.

How are we doing now after Clinton Coup 1.0 in 1995?

I blame the Clintons for the police and the courts being tools to make me lose my home, business, to be permanently estranged from my only daughter, that I may never meet, or know if I have grandchildren, keep me from running as a Republican for Selectman of Stafford Springs, Connecticut, from voting, and engaging in Free Speech and the pursuit of happiness.

[my beef]

Click on top banner of most blogs to go to newest post. If you are in contact with Governor Scott, or your governor, why not make him, or her, aware of this post. Please widely share this post. 


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