Saturday, August 01, 2020

Did Jeffrey Epstein, Hillary Clinton, and Bill Clinton use Meat Cleavers Killing Children after Raping them?

Maxwell/Epstein Data Dump Proves Obama/Clinton/Mueller Crime Syndicate Running Blackmail Ring - (Alex Jones Infowars) FULL SHOW 7/31/20

Text with video:

With 94 days out from the election, the Civil War is now hot – tune in to learn how to survive, thrive & win! Tune in as we uncover the powerful bombshells and secrets revealed by the recent Maxwell/Epstein data dump.


Will all police department all over the United States of America be de-funded and closed? Why is BLM and Antifa allowed to Communist infiltrate the NFL, NBA, etc? Will the National Anthem no longer be sung, called "racist", and it is now illegal to sing? What more BS will average Americans take? 

If we are to remain a country, Donald J. Trump [needs to consider this].

Vietnam and other countries being infiltrated by Chinese Spies infecting population with new strain of Virus to Continue Terrorizing World, for Financial Domination?

I have sources telling me that Chinese spies, not necessarily Chinese nationals, are paying their way into Vietnam who have intentionally been infected with COVID to spread the disease. Will Vietnam and other countries now have a spike in COVID cases as a psychological operation to continue to spread fear around the world?

Divide, then conquer, has long been Chinese warring philosophy.

If this is true, how long has the Chinese Communist Government been luring other nationals into its spy rings? How many nations have been affected by China's predatory spying to destroy world economies?

Is the Coronavirus just one big hoax so that they can rule the world using the UN and pandering whore US Leftist Democrats as their minions?

The American below posted the video in 2019, before there was any hint of any of this. Check out his perspective.

Why I Changed my Opinion on China


[My father and other globalists celebrated the harm they were doing, getting drunk 1968. Monsanto and other chemical companies responsible for doing untold harm in Vietnam and countries all over the world. My piece of excrement Chinese Government style Government collaborator for corporations to replace all governments, knew full well of the damage his company's products were doing to the world]

My video upload channel on Bitchute:

"News", paid tax money to lie to you?


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