Thursday, July 23, 2020

Trump/Ghislaine 3x Drizzle in the Fah Shizzle. So what, even if "what if"

picture [found here]

Even if there was 3x drizzle in the fah shizzle, I would not blame Trump a bit. She is above age of consent at that time, and Jeffrey Epstein made himself available to all who are wealthy and influential to compromise themselves and then be subject to blackmail.

Richard M. Nixon would have been forgiven after the first time he was accused of what he actually did. "I F'd up, I'm sorry. I won't do it again. Let's move on, and I will make it  up to you. I don't want to talk about this ever again." Nixon would have then gone on to be the best US Presidents ever. He chose door #2, slime back, and hid.

Nixon and Trump aren't comparable unless Trump wants to mimic the "slime back, and hide" tactic. It didn't work for Nixon.

Donald J. Trump knows the Clintons, he used to hang out with them. He lives in New York City, he would have had to bribe the Clintons just to be in business.

Trump, the world and all of your base will forgive you for whatever you did, with who, where, and how, it all doesn't matter if you help save the United States of America.

You can either go down as the best US President in the history of the United States, or get the fate of Colonel Gaddafi of Libya where Hillary Clinton can squeal like a piggy with delight after a crowd drags you into street naked, the most medieval tortures, and Jerry Springer Show embarrassment will be the globally posted video of you getting a bayonet right up your pooper.

Trump it is your choice.

I don't want a Bill Gates shot and my DNA collected. I would like to impale Bill Gates on the White House front lawn using a team of 4 horses. Will you help me out with what hurdles I would need to do this legally? Also, can be put all the judges in the entire world in an internment camp for re-education while their finances are looked into for all their Hillary Clinton type corruption of fixing cases?

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Trump Cucked, the Constitution F'd



The History of "Nice Shot" lyrics by Filter. [Wikipedia Post]
It actually has nothing to do with Kurt cobain of Nirvana.

Filter - Hey Man, Nice Shot (Official Music Video)

Alice In Chains - Rooster (Official Video)

Metallica: One (Official Music Video)

Audioslave - Show Me How to Live (Official Video)

Queens Of The Stone Age - No One Knows (Official Music Video)

Velvet Revolver - Fall To Pieces (Official Video)


Hunter S. Thompson interview (1997)


2012 Legislation allowing US Defense Department to Propagandize all Media for their Benefit [Link to my BitChute video upload channel]

My email: thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com Click on top banner of blog to go to newest posts. Click on white envelope below and share this post. 


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