Friday, July 10, 2020

Boycott Bank of America and the 99 Restaurant for Contact Tracing and/or Mask Policies?

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I went to the Salem, New Hampshire USA Bank of America Branch. The death numbers for COVID are way less than regular Flu. Yet the wearing of masks and a 2nd lock down seem imminent. The is complete BS.

I went to the 99 Restaurant in Salem, NH a few days ago. The do contact tracing and you have to wear a mask to go inside. Other restaurants in that town aren't doing that. Where are these corporations and banks getting off on violating our US Constitutional Rights?

I went to Margaritas in Salem, NH. They have a where a mask order from Chelsea and Revere Massachusetts that is not even in the jurisdiction of New Hampshire.

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Lying Lobbyist Fauci wants to screw us $4000 plus a pop?



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From 1995, the UN and International Police Union was out to co-opt all branches of US Government and all agencies?

Above image was found [here].

Most Americans don't know what it is like to be an inmate, until just a few short months ago.  National Sovereignty is being erased worldwide. Travel restrictions for average people may become permanent. The state lies for the lock down are becoming beyond ridiculous.

Prison guards work a lot of hours, they get a lot of overtime, and it isn't hard to make 6 figures, and there are often extra duty to work with law enforcement, often getting paid for riot duty, inciting riots and actually participating to get new "customers" into the prison system based on their politics and amount of wealth that can be stolen and converted into cash for the police, court system, and the state to divvy up the booty:



Ennio Morricone - the ecstasy of gold


My video uploads on BitChute are [found here]

thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com


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