Sunday, October 04, 2020

Is a dual US/German Lawyer Suing COVID Scam Perpetrators? (See video before YouTube Censors it)

Crimes against Humanity

Excerpt [Below, including video found on Green as the Green Crow Flies blog]:

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
The Greatest Crime Against Humanity
Ever Committed

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, a German lawyer with an international practise, is the leader of the German anti-vaccine, anti-lockdown movement.  He is probably the only lawyer of any renown other than Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who has stood up against the Ziofascist, globalist, communist cabal who want to destroy humanity as we've come to know and love it.

Above, he outlines the legal case against the CovID scammers.  It's based on the PCR test and it's total uselessness in diagnosing any disease...according even to its inventor, the conveniently deceased Dr. Kary Mullis.  I would encourage readers to watch the long video above with the perspective of a juror watching a prosecutor...or a defense attorney...wrapping up a criminal case before a jury.  See if Dr. Fuellmich convinces YOU of the efficacy of his case.

Sadly, the legal system is so universally corrupt now that it is debatable whether Dr. Fuellmich will even find a venue to HEAR his case...much less win it.

On a personal note, We're now betinning to pack up/leave our hotel room on the Island and return to the Vancouver Lower Mainland after our weekend visit with our children and their families.  I got through the weekend studiously avoiding any uncomfortable moments relating to the diametrically opposed stands on the Coronavirus Plandemic/Scamdemic HOAX between me and my entire family.  I have nobody out of eight people who agrees with me.  But I made it through, relying on my unequivocal love for all of them in spite of the looming tragedy that will ensue when they all line up like sheep to take the DNA-altering vaccine.  Can you imagine my agony as a mother contemplating the beautiful little baby boys that I gave birth to so many years ago...being mutilated by a hydrogel monster that will tear and shred their very essence to shreds?  And all weekend I had to smile and never mention my agony.

The glimmer of light came at the very end of the weekend as they were getting ready to leave, I was able to show my youngest son and his partner the World Bank document that listed the "end date" of the Coronavirus "project" as being "March 31, 2025"  I said to him: "You wanted to know when this would be over...well here's the end date."  He laughed and said:  "That's just the banking document that says when the funding to support the affected countries through the crisis ends!"  I replied:  "Well you did ask last night when you would be able to travel again and so this is the date--March 31, 2025!"

Well, at least I gave him and his partner something to think about on their long ferry ride back to the mainland.

The SRV video uploads on BitChute are [found here].

COVID Deaths too low to be called a Pandemic? (Warning: Foul Language) [Direct link to video]

This blogger's email: thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com


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