Thursday, November 05, 2020

Every Democrat in US is Illegitimate and Needs to be Removed Immediately, Illegal NDAA 2012!

Barrack Obama passed the 2012 NDAA. It was to turn the US and the Internet over to the UN for Agenda 21 and 2030. It was for the DoD to propagandized the Mainstream and Social Media putting out 100s of millions to elect Democrats, completely nullify the US Constitution, put us in permanent lock down, and to rig all court cases and prosecutions so Democrats and their operatives can do whatever they wanted and their opposition can be maliciously prosecuted, kidnapped, tortured, beaten, and even railroaded to prison for life. 

Ask Roger Stone, or anyone who was, or is, a key supporter of Donald J. Trump. 

I wish to sue in the Supreme Court, or any Court in any US State or Territory to hear my case. Consider this post my petition to sue. 

I wish to sue to remove ALL Democrats from office based on their ties to a foreign enemies of the people of the United States of America. Their seats, 100% of them are through election rigging using the Social Media and Mainstream media. 

The 2012 NDAA is a coup of the United States of America by Barack Obama. Barack Obama used 100s of millions of your tax dollars, possibly up to trillions, to rig all elections. 

I wish to have the TSA and DHS abolished and have all legislation rolled back pre 9/11/2001. I wish all future legislation be standard US English language, not Lawyer-Speak which is another language to rip us all off, and enslave us. All legislation, laws, rules, and all government papers need to have a plain English translation. 

Please donate to the legal fund:

Steven G. Erickson

PO Box Eight Seventy-Four

Brattleboro, VT 05302 USA

stevengerickson at yahoo dot com

[My BitChute video channel] [my LiveLeak video channel might still be up]

[More information, videos, links

DoD, “Drugs on Demand”, Behind the Coup? [Direct link to video]

Canadian blogger Green Crow as the Crow Flies blog is awesome in calling BS on "the virus" and has awesome blog roll in right side panel:


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