Sunday, October 18, 2020

Stanley Kubrick, the Moon Landing, and the Satanic Shape of the UN. Are Pedophilia Symbols based on Math Principles?


The below was placed in [this Green Crow as the Crow Flies blog] post:

My Father was one of the minions, and in a very small part, allegedly with a security clearance from about 1968, me being age 4, I had a front row seat on the corporate globalists plans.

My father sat me in front of the television set, and didn't like when I watched TV. In 1969 it was the moon landing. My father wasn't doing anything, and didn't bother to watch a historic event. That told me volumes. He told friends, "I don't watch BS propaganda that we help to create."

I am not saying the moon landing didn't happen. But, I do know that Stanley Kubrick created back up footage just in case it wasn't pulled off, and any "missing footage" of the real thing could have been replaced with studio footage. So, soon after I overheard a lot that I wasn't supposed to. My father didn't want me to have friends, told me I wasn't allowed to talk to adults, and nobody wanted to hear my opinions.

I was stored downstairs in the cellar, sometimes bowled down the stairs, and whenever no one could see I would be punched, slapped, and wake up in my bed to my father choking me unconscious. My father is 80 and his sending police, and federal authorities, and rigging all court cases to most BBQ me is still happening to this day. I am surprised I am still alive.  

I have boiled down his Secular Humanism (before his movement had a name), and before he wrote the book, "My Invisible Friends": in my latest Stark Raving Viking Post that won't show up on your blog roll until tomorrow. I am noticing more and more shadow banning, and I believe my blog may soon disappear.

I posted a couple hours how math, and formulas, and non-believers in God put forth Satanic and other symbols, hidden in plain sight as they are that arrogant. My father would have us as family go to churches all over the area so he could report any priest or church leader for targeting, being threatened, or worse, if they talked bad about Monsanto, or any of their agenda.

Any anti-Vietnam War neighbors were turned into the FBI or Monsanto paid goons on police departments to be dealt with, financially ruined, their families broken up, and maybe they were even railroaded to prison. Monsanto was making all sorts of taxpayer money from making the millions of tons of Agent Orange being sprayed on US Troops and Vietnamese that Monsanto scientists knew were genetically changing and harming troops and Vietnamese citizens.

The same programs the "Monsanto CIA" used against those who could harm their profits, are now being used on all those who speak truth about the COVID. My father partnered and met with operatives in our Ludlow, Massachusetts, home in the 1970s. They talked about a time when China, the World Bank, and 5 international corporations would run the world, and the US Constitution would be suspended.


My beef:

My email:

thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com 

[This is the Stark Raving Viking blog post with the below video embedded]:



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