Thursday, October 08, 2020

Deep State to make US go Cashless to Crash US Dollar?


The real reason the Deep State wants the US, and the World to go cashless, is for China and the UN to take complete control. 

The US has always been the beacon of stability. 80% of the 100 US Dollar bills are in foreign circulation. 

So, all that US currency called in all at the same time would crash the US Economy, the World Economy, and with digital currency, whom ever runs that runs the world. 

Imagine all foreigners around the world turning their US currency in for credit all at the same time? 

It would be chaos worldwide. 

From 2015 the Democrats, and the UN, have conspired with China to make the US Homeland a War Zone. 

United National UNESCO Agenda 21 and 2030 is about abolishing the US Constitution and vastly reducing the world population because of Global Warming and the supposed abundance of Greenhouse Gases. 

[my bitchute videos]



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