Wednesday, December 02, 2020

9/11, Anthrax Vaccine, Burning Religion and Morals out of Brain for NWO Slave Compliance?

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Did Required Military Anthrax Vaccine have Back Door to burn Religion and Morality out of Brain? [Direct link to video] [ Video uploads]


The Big Pharma companies are in business for profit, and to further a political ideology. My father was a chemist working for Monsanto who through his marketing job dealt with Communist Chinese Intelligence Agents sometimes in our own home. My father would often quote. “People are like blades of grass, grow up above the others where you can be seen, you will be cut down.”

I believe that he saw that I was aware of his treason from a very early age, and he never liked or wanted me. At 3, I believe he poisoned my cat because he didn’t like me hugging on it. At that time Monsanto was selling millions of tons of Agent Orange to US taxpayers to be sprayed on Vietnam.

Chemical and Big Pharma companies were given a turbo boost from 1946 where Germ Warfare and Intelligence Operatives were given immunity for human experiments involving use of chemicals, biological agents in warfare in controlling and enslaving populations. Big Pharma and Chemical Company Corporate heads were jealous of Communist China owning all land, all resources, and their employees also know as the subjects who are subjected to Communism.

Owning your customers who are also a product for sale was an ideal concept for those like my Monsanto father. They often talked about wanting to come up with a vaccine to kill, and make sterile, as the [N word snipped] and F’ing Jews as both populations would populate the US like roaches after the year 2000 if there isn’t some sort of solution to that problem.

Lyme Disease was manufactured on a Germ Warfare Island below Lyme Connecticut where sea winds and birds travel up from the island.

Baxter Pharmaceuticals, Pfizer, and Glaxo Smith Kline were in a race to come up with a vaccine for Lyme Disease to lock the world down for. It was too dangerous and gave 100% of the recipients the worst case of militarized Lyme Disease that was possible, and was a killer. Still, Big Pharma wanted to force the entire world to take it.

Biological agents run through goats on Plum Island below Lyme Connecticut, and the infected goat urine was then dried and sprayed on the Desert Sands of Iraq during the two wars there. Troops were given experimental vaccines to battle the diseases and biological agents they were ingesting in Iraq.

Like the Lyme Disease Vaccine that Big Pharma was developing, it was designed to kill the part of the brain that religion and morals live in the brain. Burning that out makes better soldiers who follow the most extreme orders for no conscience war crimes committed on demand.

The added benefit was that there was a ready made customer base for depression drugs. Giving veterans depression drugs is an excuse to disarm them, and veterans armed are the first resistence to the coming coup of the US and the Free World.

I was told by Big Pharma scientists that piece of militarized Lyme Disease was placed in with the Anthrax Vaccine that Troops took. I took that same military vaccine before being allowed to be an insurance adjuster in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina New Orleans Louisiana.

I was never sick in my life, like I was just after getting the vaccine. I had migrains for the first time in my life, confusion, mood swings, insomnia, blood wouldn’t clot when I was cut, and a Flu for 3 to 6 months, my knees and joints hurt, and I haven’t taken a normal dump in the morning since the first day after getting the shot.

Seeing insurance customers who had lost eyes from broken windows blown in by 100 mile per hour plus winds and hearing how neighbors used chain saws to extract neighbors crushed by their own collapsed houses, where there were deaths of small children and babies. With my military injection, I didn’t shed a tear.

There is a backdoor on all vaccines. It is for more future profit, a future need for another vaccine, and is a delivery system for population and mind control.

There were 2.3 Trillion missing taxpayer dollars stolen by the DoD, Pentagon, and Big Pharma talked about September 10, 2001 and Donald Rumsfeld had some “Splaining to do”. Vice President Dick Cheney would probably have been arrested and executed for treason, war crimes, and massive embezzlement if there hadn’t been 2 planes hitting 2 buildings for 3 buildings to fall into their own footprints at free fall speed.

So, what did Baxter Pharmaceuticals, Pfizer, Monsanto, Glaxo Smith Kline, DoD and Pentagon do with that money? Was that Clinton Coup 2.0, with the Oklahoma City Federal Building blowing up Coup 1.0

With an audit of the DoD, Pentagon, and Big Pharma and up to 100s of Trillions of US Taxpayers Dollars in Fall of 2019.

Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, the Obamas, and the Bidens were due in New York City Courts Spring 2020, along with DoD and Pentagon Officials to answer about the embezzlement and treason.

So, then came the lock down, especially of New York City. Take your crime victim compliance shot and shut up, or your current lock down will get even worse. You will never travel again, you have no rights, you don’t own anything. Shut up and like it.


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Barack Obama Arrested for Espionage?



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