Thursday, November 12, 2020

Has Hunter Biden been arrested for alleged pedophilia on a laptop? If no, why not?


I placed the below in an upload on my [Bitchute SvenVonErick] video channel:

More info:

The UN and China can't get their aim of having door to door gun confiscation and inoculations with Hunter being arrested. The coup would then fall apart. There would be no social distancing. There would be no need for masks. All this BS worldwide will be exposed as hoax if Robert Hunter Biden is arrested. All mainstream media and social media have squashed this story. This is suppressing an election at minimum, but if it looks like a coup, smells like a coup, and tastes like a coup, it is a coup.

CBS Executive Michael Nowacki may have manipulated the 2000 Election result. Nowacki allegedly was the only one manning the poll results to report to all other networks so they had the same numbers and the real numbers would be made to match the polls. Allegedly if you know which Offshore or UBS of a friend or relative of the right important person, you can fix ANY court case or election.

If you mention Pfizer or UBS in just about any courtroom, or legislative hearing and if you try to say anything about pay to play, bribes, income tax evasion, or public corruption you can be immediately be arrested, face up to 5 years, get beaten up, or even killed police can be sent out to your New Canaan, Connecticut, mansion as allegedly happened to Michael Nowacki after having been arrested for bringing up his wife's UBS account after a bitter divorce in a Connecticut courtroom and live at a legislative hearing.

So, Mike why did your wife have so much money in her UBS offshore bank account? Mike was it supposed to be your money for rigging the 2000 election Gore Vs. Bush?:

The information on Michael Wiener's laptop was allegedly shows what offshore bank accounts were funded to bribe Hillary Clinton. 

Is Hunter's and Wiener's laptop not being investigated and prosecuted the reason Biden has to be installed for all the perps to avoid prosecution, and is the whole reason for the world to be locked down is because  Hillary didn't want to go to trial in March, or April in New York City Court to face the music for her lifetime of organized crime?

[My LiveLeak SvenVonErick video upload channel] watch and copy what you can before all gets deleted if UN and China do their final censoring of the internet.


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