Monday, December 28, 2020

Destroying Monuments of Historical Figures: Erasing American History - Revolution?

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The tearing down of statues, the riots, the looting, the forest fires, the censorship, the BS one sided mainstream and social media, banks refusing to serve conservatives flagging accounts, the courts, FBI, and DOJ only going after conservatives giving looters, rioters, and Socialist Democrats a free pass almost no mater what. 

It seems, looks, and smells like a coup. 

The Psy-Ops and the Q-Anon and other BS traps for journalists to discredit them are all part of the Coup. 

China, the UN, Big Pharma, the Rothschild World Bank, and all the elites benefit from the downfall of the US. Private use of land, small business, free speech, and basic human rights might all be a fading memory burned out and punished into all of the future. 


If you want me to send you any of my SvenVonErick videos by email in a small format, or audio only, and if I still have the files I can email to you at your request. 

This blogger's email: erickson_77 at hotmail dot com


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