Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Hey Joe Biden, suck brown chunks out of my arse, You ain't the US President!

Standby for angry rant, bad grammar, misspelling, massive run on sentences, and text you may not be able to wrap your head around.

I don't remember exactly, but I recall 2006 to 2010, or so, if you ever wore an Insane Posse Clown shirt, attended one of their concerts, or ever had a Ron Paul for President Bumper Sticker, you could immediately be put on the harassed on sight list so police, TSA, DHS, maybe lose your driver's license, have lifetime problems with IRS, TSA, and maybe never fly, get a loan, utilities in your name, an apartment, or be allowed unrestricted use of the internet ever again. Police will show up to any potential employers and correct their wrong for even considering hiring you. 

Your rights revoked because you might want to vote for a candidate that the United Nations, World Bank, Police and Teacher's Unions, B.A.R. Association, Communist China/United Nations, Corporate Organized Crime, Big Pharma, their owned Mainstream Media, and Billionaire Bad Boys Club don't like and no guns, no job, no dating, and maybe a quick trip to a Hillary Clinton re-educations "Fun Camp" is in your future!!!???

I was 4 and didn't believe in Santa Claus. [This is why].

Insane Clown Posse photo above [found here].

Rumors Flying Around Possible Action Coming Soon [direct link to video]




Insane Clown Posse - Tilt-A-Whirl


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