Dr. Mary's Monkey: Uncovers Death of Cancer Researcher, Secret Lab, Oswald & JFK
Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on Mar 15, 2012
On the Thursday, March 15 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks in-studio with Edward T. Haslam, a former advertising music director and author of Dr. Mary's Monkey, a book that covers the 1964 murder of a nationally known cancer researcher and uncovers medical professionals enmeshed in covert government operations over the course of three decades. Mr. Haslam's book is available at the Infowars Store. Additional guests include former newspaper journalist and New York Times best-selling author Jim Marrs, author of The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy: How the New World Order, Man-Made Diseases, and Zombie Banks Are Destroying America.http://doctormarysmonkey.com/index.htm
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Strange Days ... and real news stories

Are people who know too much being murdered?:
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Are the elite in the State of Connecticut out to kidnap babies born to poor citizens? Are federal tax dollars paying for this program? Do elites make money by abusing the poor? Is this a program to reduce, and abuse, the unwanted populations?
Children and Grand Children of Poor kidnapped for Federal Tax Dollars?
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Is there a quota for officially stealing children? Teen mothers can have their children stolen while they are at lock down birthing centers. Should those who pay US federal taxes be funding the break up of families and adopting out children? Should taxpayers pay for workers whose only job is to lie and kidnap children? [DCF Abuse] [The truth about organized crime, lawyers, and pro se litigation]
The story is about St. Agnes in West Hartford, Connecticut. If any citizens can be treated like this, we all can be treated like this. Does the state have the right just to show up, enter your house, confiscate your property, take possession of your body, make you go to court on more and more trivial excuses, and is there an agenda to break up families of the poor, those the elite want to abuse? How much is this mismanagement actually costing you? Should government workers be able to switch out a judge who makes a humane ruling for another judge who will rule for kidnapping and abuse? Is that state worker judge shopping? The woman in this story has had her grandson stolen. She was denied access to her 13 year old daughter.
Should grandparents be denied being able to be the caregivers of their own grandchildren? Should children literally be stolen out of their mother's arms, no paperwork, no hearing, and a child is officially kidnapped? [Unhappy Grammy speaks to me in another interview]
[The Judicial Abuse blog]
Hot Pockets of Bio-Weapon Release, Lyme Disease?
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Imagine if 4 out 5 family members contract Lyme Disease and are too sick to function. Imagine 30 out of 50 homes in your neighborhood are infected with Lyme. Plum Island between Connecticut and Long Island is a Bio-weapons research laboratory. Soft body ticks from Africa were used to transfer the disease to hard body ticks and the disease is released from Connecticut and is now all over the US and out into the world. [more on the story]
What does Yale University have to do with the outbreak? Is Big Pharma about maximum profit and population control? Is the real Lyme Disease story being suppressed? What does that say about international corporate and bankster control of the mainstream media?
Is the US about "Democide"? [story]
Are people who know too much being murdered? [videos and post]
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