Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Grand Bargain = Grand Larceny, Grand Lie

Text with video:

Published on Nov 13, 2012 by
"First of all, let's establish that no one in Washington actually cares about balancing the budget. If they did, they would love this so-called Fiscal Cliff. It raises taxes and cuts spending, so it would massively reduce the deficit. Isn't that what all of Washington has been pretending to care about all of this time?

Second, understand that this so-called compromise they are talking about in order to avoid this supposed calamity is a trick. In fact, it'll be the greatest robbery in American history. Think about it -- they say they are worried about all those tax increases and spending cuts. But that's not true. The Grand Bargain would dramatically increase spending cuts, not alleviate them. So, in fact, the only thing they care about is paying less taxes, as always."*

Cenk Uygur explains why Obama's grand bargain isn't a bargain at all, leaving one side (the middle class, veterans) without much benefit and another (big corporations, defense contractors) rolling in tax cuts.

*Read more of the article, written by Cenk Uygur, on Huffington Post:


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