Thursday, September 03, 2020

1968 Ramp up to what we have now?

The below was a comment type in the comments section of [this Green Crow and the Crow Flies blog] post:

In 1968, the UN and the Leftists took note of how useful civil unrest could be. So, why not ramp it up with the UN Leftist narrative when the time came?

1968 was the mandated push to have CIA and FBI intelligence infiltrate fire department. Fire trucks were to also be set up as the first urban assault vehicles. Positive air pressure means that biological agents could be released on a massive scale. Water cannons could be used to subdue crowds. The vehicles can block key roadways during quarantines or lock downs.

Highways were be designed with walls too high to climb at squeeze points. So, highway near major exits can be used to make huge concentration camps. Just fence in two ends.

Those who are detained are kept in an open air prison. The UN occupying army can just have a route around cities as the UN police and army would be the only ones armed and allowed to travel.

The pesky opposition will be punished for their "lust for freedom," something China and the UN will fix, permanently.

There is no need to provide shelter, or feed those deemed useless eaters.

No masks, social distancing, or will be needed as the UN and Chinese armed occupation knows it is all BS anyway. UN monkey dances leading to mass submission before the UN Chinese takeover of everything are just no longer necessary.

If we aren't already dead, or in a prison camp, we are in an electronic gulag, not far from automatically forced on us, semi or lethal doses of whatever the UN and China want distributed. By not giving proper nutrition and calories to resist, most of us won't have the will to. We will just whither and die, sterilized.

UN Agenda 21 and 2030 accomplished in record time. Look at the Australian cities that took the most Chinese "humanitarian" money. What is happening in Australia is showing us all what is in store for us when the UN and China is in full control. The lock down will be eternal. Chinese consider us all roaches, inferior to their Communist elite.

In US there is an absolute rush to get this "roadwork" accomplished.

[click here] for:

Joe Biden to get COG (Chinese Overreach Governance) Sept. 22, So that pesky annoyance, "Lust for Freedom" can be wiped out?

Have Batsh*t Lawless Marxists, Anarchist BLM Agent Provocateurs, inspired and funded through the UN, International Police Union Confidential Police Informant taxpayer funds, and Communist China jumped the shark? Videos at bottom.



[click here] for:

1968 Chemical Company Drunken Celebration of Harming Humanity ... Spraying Vietnam with Agent Orange ...



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