Saturday, December 05, 2020

China through Biden, to Install Officials to Best Dismantle US/Kill Population?

Click on image above to make larger. CNN seems to be a direct supplier of UN and Chinese Propaganda to most harm the US. 

None of the "major" news sources have reported on Hunter Biden's laptop with evidence of China blackmailing, and rewarding the Bidens with 100s of millions of dollars to sell out the US. There is also allegedly plenty of footage on the Hunter laptop that shows Hunter raping and torturing Chinese children. 

Were these children for pedophilia and torture supplied to the Bidens by Xi Ping himself, or by Chinese Intelligence who launched the COVID Psy-Op out of Wuhan China. 

The FBI may have had the laptop since Fall of 2019 and hasn't arrested the Bidens for anything as far as we know. Is the FBI colluding with the UN and China to most wreck the US? Why would they do that and what would be the glue to do this? 

[Answer, it is the lawyers, judges, and prosecutors and 2/3 of all US legislators who belong to a foreign club out to most destroy the Free World to most benefit their club]. 


Tucker Carlson Tonight 2020-12-04 [Direct link to video]

Situation Update, Dec. 5th - The CCP gambit: Mass vaccinations of U.S. military to weaken national security [Direct Link to video]

Nick Fuentes: What We're Doing is Working [Direct Link to Video]

"Kill All the Lawyers" - William Shakespeare [direct link to SvenVonErick Bitchute video upload]

My email: erickson_77 at hotmail dot com


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