Saturday, December 05, 2020

It's Over! Good News! Bad News for China, Biden, and Pfizer!

All Democrats "voted in" the last 2 decades will have their legitimacy questioned. This may end the Democrat Party forever!

Donald Trump in Georgia: 'We're Winning this Election' [Direct link to video]

The End of the Hoax? Too much Good News for US. Epic Bad News for China, Biden, UN, and Pfizer. [Direct Link to SvenVonErick Bitchute video upload]

It is now time to arrest Joe Biden, Robert Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, the Obama daughters for receiving money to bribe their father, Jeff Bezos for spying and election rigging, the same for Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey twitter bastard, George Soros, any UN operative in the US, the top brass of Pfizer, Glaxo Smith Kline GSK, and any traitors who are members of the BAR aka, allegedly, the British Accredidation Registry, and all the perps in the coup.

[Links and more video to go with the above video, click here]


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