Friday, October 08, 2021

1970 Monsanto Sex Trafficking and Mistress and Prostitute Company Expense Accounts? Shake kids loose, break up families.

(Opinion, Commentary, and sometimes Satire)

[My Monsanto Father] and his Springfield Massachusetts Monsnto Marketing building friends took a sudden in eye testing, hearing testing in schools, along with changes in behavior, promiscuity, and academic achievement.

Information about eye color, height, weight, and in later in grades 4 and higher samples of what was written. 

Xerox machines were used to send copies of writing and what was written to China along with a database of magnetic tape drives on everyone in US and any 1st World Countries. 

Children could be groomed to be in Monsanto/Big Pharma Intelligence, for helping with narcotics, child, and sex trafficking going both ways by military and CIA aircraft. 

If a member of Saudi royalty wanted a child, or sex slave of certain specifics, the order could be filled. 

Saudi Intelligence did "wet work" like allegedly putting Plutonium in [Karen Silkwood's] toilet seat to kill her for questioning the energy, chemical, Big Pharma, World Bank, United Nations, Chinese Communist Mafia. 

Israeli intelligence was allegedly help fix all court cases, spy on targets who knew too much, employees of the Energy, Chemical, Drug, Child, Sex trafficking cartel. Children were "Shakin' loose" from parents, breaking up families, getting then single mother to relocate and die of cancer, be used as a prostitute, or made to get hooked on heroin to not be a credible witness if too much was known. 

Africa was a major testing ground on how to slowly kill and infect the most people. Vaccine experiments were done to force the Free World to take for the problems that Big Pharma created. 

I was in 2nd or 3rd grade in Ludlow Masschusetts, when my father called the O'neil sisters, 2 of my teachers to have students go to where there father worked, have their mother bring them, and then do an oral report in front of the class. My father, and his Monsanto friends talked about the private parts, curtains matching the drapes, and the redhead being able to suck a golf ball through a garden house. 

The Monsanto sex and drug party club house was the "Springfield Swim Club" complete with Pentagrams, Satanic Art, and mattresses on the floor near a hookah, bar, and restraint apparatuses. Inside there were 2 lighting bolts for SS-C lettering inside. 5 numbered poles were outside of the pentagram where women or others could be tied up for sex and/or torture. 

My father's boss, Eugene Cartwright, my father's boss, took me out of school without my father's knowledge. He was drunk as a a skunk. Said he wanted to have sex with my mother, and wanted me to help bring me to the Satanic Club house near Springfield College. I was probably some where between 11 and 13. 

Cartwright old me that if I ever said anything he would tie me in a wheelbarrow out back and would pour milk and honey down my throat and all over me so maggots and insects would crawl in my eyes, ears, but my butts and insects would eat my brain and be up in my intestines and it would take me 3 weeks to die if I ever said anything about Monsanto or him. 

I saw Gene weeds later at our Wilbraham Mass house drunk at around Noon at our house during Summer break, as it was Scotch Thursday, or Martini Tuesday or whatever, and they all didn't seem to do much work, and traveled a lot. Cartwright forgot completely about taking me out of school and bringing to the Monsanto sex dungeons. 

Were children on milk cartons part of breeding farms in China, and for doing medical and vaccine experiments. What were the large dog cages in the back of B-52 Bombers flying from inside China, to a base in Japan, to Chicoppee Mass Westover Air Force Base during the Vietnam War transporting back and forth besides heroin, other drugs, sex slaves, and children at US taxpayer expense? 

US judges had a real thing for young Asian boys, and Monsanto and Big Pharma got the immunity from prosecution, and if there were any fines, US Taxpayers footed the bill.  

The oral reports in my 2nd and 3rd grade classes identified women who had men serving in Vietnam War, and then the rare case of divorce and single women. Monsanto Marketing men wanted mistresses and prostitutes to pass around and use their expense accounts to "help a woman out". 

So, how is the data base spying and categorizing every Free World citizen for a Chinese/United Nations database working out for you now?

Monsanto could see how well the additives worked in the Agent Orange to cause cancers, infertility, birth defects, and they were obsessed with what chemicals and genetically modified bacteria, or other organisms to cause behavioral and other problems so that Big Pharma could make trillions in profits the last 6 decades. Additives were put in vaccines, containers, food, medicines, and even sprayed out of jet crop dusting aircraft at high altitudes.

My Monsanto father met with Chinese Intelligence playing poker in the basement outside my bedroom from my age 6, and he has been back and forth to China since, and was "consulting" at the twin towers prior to 9/11.

When I was 6, I heard plans where the UN would go door to door and confiscate guns, give forced vaccines tailored to whomever was given one for slow kill, behavior modification, and to burn religion and resistance to being an inmate. Inmates in prisons have been part of human experiments from the mid 1800s in the US, especially Native Americans and Blacks. 

My father talked about the end of travel for average people, being forced to live in prison cities, sterilized, having no property or other rights, having travel restrictions, being told what is there occupation, and then terminated when no longer of use. Average people were not even to be in vacation, recreation, nature, beach other or other areas reserved for elites. 

90% of the population was going to be extinguished using vaccines by the year 2000. Their timeline is off. All is to my best belief and knowledge in all my blogs, unless satire.

The Real Event is About to Begin [direct link to Max Igan TheCrowHouse Bitchut video upload]


This blogger's email: More videos:

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Brain Eating Medical Experiment Victims being thrown in pits in Israel and Vermont? - Mike Adams

Are there a massive spike in deaths after an experiment was launched? A booster experiment should work out for a global entity that wants at least 95% effectiveness. The World Bank and environmentally aware Communist leaning banking group based in New York City, where J. P. Morgan donated the land, have the solution it wants for the problems it caused. Those who almost had a solution, or had a one year hiccup to continue their plan in the US, and from making legal and Illegal drugs, our of China ... and this is my opinion ... and is obvious satire ... right???!!!

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Excerpt [click of direct link with embedded videos]:

I used to have perfect spelling, and grammar in high school not needing a dictionary. As bad as my grammar and spelling is now, I get help with words being spelled wrong after posting, the cursor jumping all over the place, and windows popping up on all devices that if I don't click right on what popped up, the SIM card, hard drive, or whatever will be permanently damaged. I guess I really pissed off Chinese or Israeli Intelligence, and maybe Saudi Intelligence will now be physically after me ... my father Dennis E. Erickson was consulting on site, at the twin towers, and allegedly at Building 7 consulting prior to 9/11. His answer was to have me railroaded to prison. I was told by him in prison if I said anything about his activity the pedophilia, or the activities of a Judge zip code 06066 that I had spent 2 years trying to put in prison, sentenced me to prison.

Sympathy for the Devil, and Monsanto/Big Pharma Crop Dusting Us?


There was a major shift of thinking going from World War II into the Korean, then the Vietnam War era. Chemical companies that made insect poisons to crop dust, also made the same ingredients for bombs, biological weapons, genetic engineering, and medicines. How is that working out for you now?

“Without chemistry, life itself would not be possible.” - Dennis E. Erickson, Secular Humanist author of, “My invisible friends”. Use a search engine other than Google, such as to word search “Dennis E. Erickson my invisible friends” to find it.

My father was in ROTC at sometime NDSU while in for chemical engineering graduating in 1964. My maternal grandfather was a chemist who was 5'3" during the Depression. Some of his pretty amazy findings for his lifetime were in his lab. My maternal grandfather ended up as a meat cutter in the Great Depression. My maternal grandfather’s mind was way beyond my father’s. My paternal grandfather, maternal grandfather, and myself were all born with a soul.

Rumors at the time where that certain North Dakota Universities had fraternities that were mostly for recruiting for CIA. In order to be trusted with top secret materials, you also had to be blackmailed about something and fear all with your same DNA and/or spouses, and even friends and colleagues, would be harmed if you broke from “The Order”.

There was “Eyes Wide Shut” version of things going on, but involved ropes, chains, and sodomy usually somewhere secluded, such as a machine shed out on a farm, or Masonic-like basement.

From my earliest memories I would check the Preparation-H suppository box in the bathroom, and knew I was going to wake up with my father, coming to choke me out of the dark, throw me down the stores, throw me into walls, and give me the most horrific psychological beat downs possible for a 3 or 4 year old.

My mother, although only graduated high school, and not a mad scientist out to reduce the population by at least 90%, had even higher intelligence, a soul, and started teaching me to read age 3 or 4.

By age 5 or 6, my father had my mother reduced to a woman who would lie naked in the bathroom for 2 to 6 hours on the floor sobbing, in the fetal position. I don’t know if it was the foreplay, the punches she took in the face before he forced her to perform oral sex on him, or not.

My basement bedroom was in the basement, right beside my father’s poker room, cigar smoking, and whiskey drinking room where he met with German Accent retired Monsanto Mentors, Saudi Intelligence, and separately with Chinese Intelligence and Israeli Intelligence. When there were other women around, I don’t know what my father put in whatever my mother was drinking, she was asleep in the master bedroom, or my little sister’s room upstairs.

This was 1970, to 1972. My youngest sister was born October 27, 1970. I was born mid February 1964. My father got married in a Fargo North Dakota gym in August of 1963, and John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas Texas while I was in my mother’s womb.

Most likely the real “Policy” meetings my father held were immediately father another Chinese asset, allegedly recruited after her lesbian affairs at Welseley College in Massachusetts, got on the Impeachment Committee of Richard Nixon, coercing him to allow all data on all Americans to go to secret databases on Communist Chinese Soil.

So, most likely the clandestine meetings were from the time US President Nixon was compromised, most likely by CIA, FBI, and Secret Service assets directly involved in JFK murder, as well as young Hillary Clinton.

My father would openly talk that private property rights, Free Speech, and the US Constitution would be suspended, and there would be no vacations and travel for average people.

The World Bank, Big Pharma, Corporate Organized Crime, heads of the teachers and police unions, and World Bank Collectors in the B.A.R. Association that were 2/3 of all elected officials, and the staff that ran everything else insured that the continuation of “The Final Solution” would continue.

When Monsanto split off into a separate company, into a separate company 2nd company, the name is “Solutia”. Additives to Agent Orange, the Round-Up weed killer, sprayed on mostly African American troops in the Vietnam War. VA Hospital records were sent to China to analyze if religion was burned out of the brains, whether was genetic defects, cancers, tumors, and whether all future generations would be genetically altered.

The German Accent Mentors of my father talked about putting Plutonium in toilet seats, car seats, and into items just the target of covert assassinations who stood in the way of planned one world government of corporations, banks, and Communist China.

These possible mass murder genocide 1946 Operation Paperclip Mentors, responsible, in part, for 10 of millions of deaths, talked about what to add to radioactive industrial waste put in water supplies in mostly cities to target minorities and get rid of waste that would be too expensive when regulations were put in to get rid of such waste to eliminate competition for everything in the future.

Nuclear Plant waste was tested to get rid of in small amounts with Monsanto additives so that it would be best inhaled as steam in showers and baths. A self tapping screw anywhere into the inboard side a sink used for shaving, a water heater could contain enough material to slowly kill any target.

Genetically altered bacteria added to plastics had another beneficial effect, it lowered testosterone, and if enough quantities were added to plastic, and coatings inside toxic aluminum cans, then sterility, mental health and to certain lots of vaccines, the behavior problems in children, and all the cancers, and tumors, and other health problems could rake in trillions for Big Pharma, cause eventual total sterility and get the desired 90 to 95% population reduction.

Aspartame and other artificial sweeteners have the same properties as embalming fluid and these sweeteners only have the nerve damaging embalming fluid properties at temperatures around 87 degrees Fahrenheit, or above. The Diet Coke left in containers at military bases for either of the Iraq Wars, and the additives to vaccines, could be the cocktail needed for Gulf War Syndrome.

Aluminum is material that is put into coffee pots marketed to mostly Spanish speaking in all countries, including the US. Stainless Steel and glass is what most of the elites will use to touch any of their food. Genetically modified animals, plants, and plastic is meant to slowly kill you, make you sterile, and complacent to sit like a frog in a pot in water on a stove slowly heating up until you are dead.

The Final Solution, United Nations Agendas 21 and 2030, will soon complete. Having alleged incestuous pedophile puppet dictator in charge of the US is icing on the cake.

I learned in about 1974, that Chinese Communist factions of the FBI, CIA, and World Bank, if they were foreign agents got a Connecticut Social Security Number. Doesn’t Barack Obama, aka Barry Sotoro (sp?), who was self-described as Kenyon born is what he wrote in college somehow has a Connecticut Social Security Number.

Wasn’t Barack Obama’s mother a CIA/World Bank Asset who posed naked for compromised Communist Black leaders of movements, and doesn’t Barry look like one of those, not his alleged father?

Nothing to see here. Sit back, eat popcorn, Enjoy!

My name is Steven G. Erickson, by email and cell phone number found in a couple recent previous posts and or in

“I am going to get my kicks before the whole sh*thouse explodes!” - Jim Morrison lead singer of The Doors. Jim died in Paris having overdosed on heroin allegedly flown out of China on US military aircraft, or that made at Monsanto, Springfield, Massachusetts Chemical Plant behind military like security gates. 

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