Monday, October 11, 2021

Did My Monsanto Father poison my Wilbraham Massachusetts Neighbor? Has he been a paid Chinese Operative since 1968?

(Opinion, Commentary, and sometimes Satire) If blog post isn't isolated, video(s) may not play. Click on time code below blog post to isolate. Click on top banner, or icon, of most blogs or websites to go home, or to go to newest post.

When I was 3 in 1967. I had a stuffed lion that I was hugging on. My father threw it out as soon as he coiuld get away with it. A pattern was emerging. Joy, and the smiles of being a child were beaten out of me.

My father threw it in the trash as he never had stuffed animals in North Dakota where on the farm there was no electricity, no indoor plumbing, the nearest neighbor was 7 miles away. 3 girls were born to my paternal grandparents. Then there were four boys. My father was the 6th child out of 7. 4 boys lived in a windowless closet on the 2nd floor of the farmhouse where it got as cold as the artic with wind chills down to negative 60 degrees farenhieit.

My father was 8th in line to take a bath on a Saturday. By that time the water was most likely contained a percentage of sweat, black North Dakota dirt, urine, piecs of turds, and was cold. My father had one pair of pants, one or two shirts, one or two pairs of underwear, jacket socks, shoes ect. Whatever my father had was repaired multiple times, had holes in it, and most likely there was a strong smell to him when he went to church and in school. There was no end to the ridicule that he specifically feels that only he received.

My father and his younger brother both have the traits of boys who were continuously beaten and raped from behind, and probably had to perform oral sex on dominant males. My thinking is that it was an uncle, a powerful politician, homosexual sheriff, someone that was in a secret society, or even the 2 older brothers, I do not know.

I asked my father about his life as a child. His reply was that it was too shameful and he has done to many unspeakable things that he will never talk about it. The only other time in the almost 58 years of my life that he has talked to me human to human, not interogating me or screaming at the top of his lungs at me, was tell me that the pull out method of birth control didn't work. He told me that you then have a kid you hate and life is ruined ...

My cat died shortly after my sister Jenn wanted a cat. Goliath a grey tabby was shaking like Parkinsons and then all his fur fell out, his eyes discolored before he died. My sister then got a Calico cat and I wasn't allowed to pet it, or go near it. It was also a female cat. My father had a problem with any male dogs or cats that went near him. He would kick them and yell at him as he said you are a homosexual if you touch another male, even a male animal.

My father was getting drunk with his Monsanto friends that he poisoned my cat. So, from my first memories I never believed in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and Easter Bunny. I wasn't allowed to watch cartoons with my younger sister Jenn as soon as my father woke up on a Saturday moring.

I watched from behind is easy chair so I would not be kicked in the ribs with the wind knocked out of me for laying on the floor watching televison as my sister did. I was 3 in 1967. I started listening to whatever my father said, and investigated things like how many Preparation H suppositories were in the box in the bathroom cabinet.

One missing meant a week of extra hard beatings, like be grabbed, and bowled down stairs, slammed into walls, any ball or object in his hand to break my nose because he had a broken nose as a kid, and he wanted to crack my ribs, choke me out, and break my fingers and/or hand as he suffered this as a child, and wanted me to have a worse childhood than he did, not better. Anything he didn't have he also wanted me to have a worse version.

From about 1968 after my father brought me out to a B-52 Bomber parked on a runway where he and the Ludlow Mass and a gaggle of police and others frantically threw duffel bags into trunks of cars, there were 2 Asian girls maybe 12 year olds that only had blankets for clothes and took the trip from China in the B-52 to Japan, then to Chicoppee during the Vietnam War!!! There was pallets of cash waiting to take the ride back to China through Japan, one of the pallets also had metal bricks that may have been gold for trip back to China.

My father threatened neighbors with going to prison or mental hospitals for the rest of their lives, lose the house and/or have probelms with the IRS, courts, police, and so would everyone else they knew if he let them live if they crossed him. He toned down his manner of threating others from his age 26.

Fred Hurter (sp?) would come over on Saturday from my age 3 or 4. Fred worked with my father at Monsanto. The fishing boat sometimes didn't have the gas tank needed to make outboard would run, and my father would sometimes forget his real tackle box hidden behind the furnace in the basement. The one he would bring fishing contained a ski mask, tape, gloves, rope, clothes and vaarious bottles of pills, and small clear bottles with hand written codes and dates on white labels.

Fred Hurter (sp?) allegedly was raping his son repeatedly. His Monsanto wife has more influence with police, to fix court cases to get people prosecuted, or let off, than did Fred. So Fred is now a registered sex offender just like I believe Joe Biden should be for what he did to his son Hunter. And therapy records can't be legally used to prosecute anyone. Joe Biden and my father are paid Chinese spies, so no B.A.R. Association lawyer, or 2/3 of all elected officials are B.A.R. lawyers and all staff and gate keepers in all 3 branches are part of the teachers and police unions also controled by the World Bank, United Nations, and China.

So, someone who is B.A.R., Monsanto, Big Pharma, teachers or police international union, UN, Communist China, or World Bank to even get investigated, nevermind prosecuted. I believe my father has been involved in more abductions and murders than any of the famous serial killers.

My mother was passed out somewhere in the house whenever my father met with Chinese, Isreli, Saudi Intelligence, or very old men with German Accents of what to add to Industrial waste radioactive Flouride to make it go into "targets" better by being steam breathed in during hot showers.

I saw my father use an eyedropper to put something on toilet paper using glasses and gloves to take out of small glass jar for whatever he put on my toilet paper. Not long before he had bust in on me just after I was wiping myself and using 5 Kleenex to blow my nose. He started punching me in face repeatedly, kicking me in the shins and slamming me into the wall. I had not finished wiping my butt. He said I was wasting valuable money and I was only allowed to use 10 pieces, wipe once and then no more than that and could only use one Kleenex if I had to blow my nose.

I began using washclothes to wipe my butt. I would hide them and then wash them myself in sink. If I have an apartment I do not eat any open items in the refrigerator, leftovers if I leave the house, and a roll of toilet paper will last me if I am alone for years. If my father was home, up until about age 15, I would take craps outside in the bushes or woods. In my first apartment, I would take any personal items with me, and then bring them back in when I returned.

My father would tell the Saudis who should be hit with a car walking or on a bicycle. So hearing an engine roar behind me and getting behind a telephone pole or turning off the road quickly as saved my life more times than I can remember, including 2 men in a pickup truck trying to hit me from behind in the isolated corner of Bob's Furniture Mini Mall Building, Salem New Hampshire.

I had to take the computer off line as the cursor was jumping around, text was highlighting in blue and dispappearing on its own, and the size of the window and text was changing. I put in airplane mode, and then unpugged the internet from the source and then the computer is now behaving. So all that is posted here will have grammar, spelling, and other mistakes. I can type quite fast so there will be words missing, or repeated as thoughts pour out of my head.

I saw and heard my father having sex with neighbors in the backseats of cars, of family friends, with other Monsanto wives, neighbor girls hard up for cash, and my mother was usually asleep somewhere in the house, and couldn't remember anything like where she got a black, eyes, bruises, and wondered why she was unsteady on her feet. She even would forget to unlock the door or be home when I came home for school when I was in the 1st grade, 1970.

There was so much sexual harassments, threats to women, sexual assaults, and rapes at the Springfield, Massachusetts marketing building, that the Marketing building had to be moved across the river to the main plant were to get to it there were 2 military type checkpoints. The new office building had glass for an immense 1st floor with only the bathrooms. Court case can't be won against Monsanto or Big Pharma even for just about any crime, including Crimes against Humanity for what they added to Agent Orange sprayed mostly on Blacks to see what data could be gotten through VA for tumors, cancers, buring religion out of the brain, sterility, birth defects, and changing genetics of all future generations, etc.

Taxpayers pay the legal expenses, fines, for hush money, and for Saudi, Israeli, and Chinese Intelligence to shut up any complainer up with coersion, violence, honey traps, and/or having a judge sign off on life in prison or mental hospital on something concocted.

My father was jealous of how liked Dixie Walker was on Stirling Dr., Wilbraham, Massachusetts, and my father would have him over to drink and to listen to anything Dixie said to be covertly used against him. I saw my father put something in a bottle of vodka that Dixie Walker drank, Dixie came over, drank the Vodka, and I hear Dixie was found frozen to death in a ditch 300 yards from our house.

When I was 6 the Ludlow Police Chief to me I would be taken somewhere the biggest Blackest N*gger would rape my arse in front of everyone, and I would have a very long painful accident, or I would be tortured dailing in a mental hospital if I ever said anything about my father and him going to B-52 when I was 4, or talking about their involvement in missing children and teens.

Just the murders that I think I know about haunt me everyday. I have stood silent, and every time I report anything to police or FBI they threaten me with the worst possible consequences if I don't shut up, and includes DHS.

Because my father told me out of his mouth that he consulted for months before 9/11 about painting being done on the towers and possibly Building 7, he either wanted me to turn him in, so he could put me in a mental hospital, or that he is actually involved in over 3000 deaths and wanted to gloat to me about it because I have shut up about everything else suffering almost 58 years of child abuse to date, including getting a lifetime restraing order issued by the Wilbraham Police and my father's personal court of abuse, the Palmer Mass Court.

So when I came back to Boston August 22 of this year to live happily ever after in the Dominican Republic without he and his 2nd wife calling police wherever I work, whenever I date, get something else to drive, contacting and threatening my friends or whomever employs me with all alpahbet agencies, rigging any civil or criminal cases against me, including an alleged pedophile child trafficking judge in zip code 06066.

My father from age 4 told me that I would end up in prison for life, never have friends, a college education, a wife, children, and when I died no one would care or come to my funeral. Well I still have hope for a Crimes against Humanity with a People's grand jury to judge and dole out punishment. Private Investigators not tainted by the NWO would be needed.

At least 8 people who I have told about a little of the above have died of natural causes or in accidents, including my 5th grade Memorial School Wilbraham Principal, my bus driver last 2 years of high school, my brother-in-law, Todd Tucker Winchester New Hampshire, AJ Fontaine (sp?) AM radio and internet host of "Eyes on American", and one of the USCG lates 1980s to mid 1990s founders of Department of Homeland Security, and Hartford Narcotics Detection Rich Murzin who connected the dots for me, and me for him.

Rich Murzin also had dirt on Hillary Clinton for her Chinese as a first language schools in Connecticut to have minions embedded in all private and public sectors to have the fun we are having now. Also Rich talked about Obama having a Connecticut Social Security Number that might be consecutive with other World Bank, UN, Communist China operatives.

Did my Monsanto Father Use Chemicals to Poison a Neighbor for Fun, or Jealousy [direct link to video] My cell 706 740 9324, make email from servicespecialist at

* * * *

A TIME TO SAY GOODBYE? Dinesh D’Souza Podcast Ep 191 [Direct link to video]

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300,000 plus Fraudulent votes just in Arizona? When is the Farce that is the Joe B. Admin going to be jailed?

(Opinion, Commentary, and sometimes Satire) If blog post isn't isolated, video(s) may not play. Click on time code below blog post to isolate. Click on top banner, or icon, of most blogs or websites to go home, or to go to newest post

How can a seemingly completely illegitimate farce, part of a Communist Chinese/United Nations plot incrementally getting more traction from the 1960s be allowed to wreck all the freedoms fought for since the Magna Carta in the 13th Century? 

The most popular US President in the history of the world with 81 millions votes who was the obvious loser even with all the mail fraud election day 2020, suddenly only gets votes for him when windows are taped over, a leaking pipe excuse is made, and all election monitors and cameras are turned off? 

It doesn't pass the smell test. 

Immediately China, the UN, and the World Bank get all that they want in signing statements that an alleged incestuous pedophile rapist, a Chinese asset, paid to implode the Free World, implodes the Free World.

Everyone needs to wear masks, get mandated nano tech poisons, tracker apps, all their property and cash stolen digitally, rights revoked, tested, prodded, censored, bankrupted, and illegal aliens are shipped in potentially by the millions where Democrats need votes if it is a legitimate election this time. 

We need a People's Grand Jury and a firing squad, and gallows out back. 

Was my father a Monsanto Chinese asset meeting narcotics and child sex slave shipments  on B-52 Bombers during Vietnam War coming in from China via Japan to US Airbases? 

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Ariz. audit results released Friday [direct link to Rumble video]

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