Thursday, December 28, 2023

Steven G. Erickson of New Hampshire seeks Political Asylum in Russia. Wants to Live Free or Die, in Russia.

Email sent to: (Russian Embassy in DC) (Governor Sununu's aid) John Christopher Robbins (opposition to Communist Corporate State Structure)

Subject of email:

To whom it may concern: I seek political asylum in Russia.

I offer my services to media, film making, non-fiction book writing, & have been taught the true history of the Americas by Secret Societies fighting the Satanic Gay Pedophile Human Trafficking Money Launderers mainly known now as the UN, WEF, BlackRock, Int'l Police & Teachers Unions, Mossad, Rothschild Opium Cartel, B.A.R. Association, The Pentagon etc. Rothschilds started the Fraternity System for World at the William & Mary College in 1776. I was born into Satanic Child Blood Ritual Sacrifices being forced to eat flesh, drink blood, to watch rape, sodomy, murder & participate in rituals before I was even out of diapers in the 1960s at the Cleveland Ohio Federal Reserve that has a baby farm, animal & human experimentation, & hotel like in the movie "The Shining" under Lake Erie in the Salt Mines.

There is another version of that under Monsanto Westover AFB, & I have been to others all over the world before I was 6. These Satanists are in control of all Int'l Organized Crime, Banking, Corporations, Trade, Government, Law, Media, Travel, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Farming, Ranching, Religion, Wars, Conflicts, Policing, Investigations, & all Public & Private. This is not Satire or Fiction:

Rich Murzin a founder of DHS & my Connecticut News Bureau Chief AJ Fontaine were assassinated within hours of each other trying to warn the world that Israel planned on wiping out all Whites in the World, including in Russia. (click of link in post)

HHS Whistleblowers tell me that the first staging ground for migrants to takeover a state is New Hampshire. Satanic Child Sacrifice Customers of Jeffrey Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell are having migrants train w/ robot dogs & drones to wipe out those labeled "Trump Supporters". So, before Swiss, Israeli, & Chinese Intelligence has the American & South American Continent populations wiped out, I would like to come be safe inside Russia.

Please let me know if we can come to some sort of agreement. Mossad has been ripping me off & harassing me since I called newspapers on them age 5 in 1969. They run the police, courts, government, everything public & private. I want some peace after 6 decades of continuous child abuse. Help.

Steven G. Erickson
215 South Broadway Suite 217
Salem, NH 03079

My US number Smart Phone App that works anywhere in the world that I have WiFi is: 17067409324 (for texts & voicemails. I can only use for calls w/ strong WiFi)

My email can be made from servicespecialist at protonmail dot com

Sent with Proton Mail secure email.

To Whom it May Concern at the Russian Washington DC Embassy, I seek Political Asylum in Russia


Or, if I have to stand & fight in the US, to Constitutionally Resist, I offer 1 to 3 million for help:

* * *

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