Thursday, December 17, 2020

China Declares War on the United States of America!

China was preparing its people for war on the Free World 2019. 

Foreigners were being demonized, and thrown out of China. Demonizing someone you are going to steal from, or harm, is classic human nature. 

Chinese Intelligence paying off the Clintons from billions from 1995, or so, and Joe Biden, possibly way before that even, and more CIA Communist Faction, puppets of China, the Obamas, including their 2 daughters have profited maybe even more than Chelsea Clinton has from Chinese money stolen from US taxpayers. 

Big Pharma, the Pentagon, and the DoD failed their audit, and then 9/11 happened. They failed in 2019, so bad no heist in the history of the world was as big. Then comes COVID, just in time to keep the Clintons, Obamas, Bidens, Rothschild World Bank and UN collaborators,  and all the profiteers in Big Pharma, Corporate Organized Crime, Chinese Communist collaborators, DoD, Pentagon, CIA, DiD, NSA, IRS, FBI, brass and profiteers, and all their pedophilia and drug trafficking cohorts all were to face the music. 

Are they too big, corrupt, proactive and arrogant to fail, to then be jailed? That seems to be the case. 

How much worse can it get. Well, you doing nothing, you may not see the end of 2021 if you are part of the 95% of those of us they want to give vaccines to, and then watch us painfully whither, starve, and die.

HIGHLIGHTS - Hunter Biden To Host Solo Art Show To Take His Mind Off The DOJ Investigation [Direct Link to Video]


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