Sunday, December 06, 2020

More reasons why not to watch "Screw You" Tube

Dr Lyons-Weilor on COVID-19 [TheCrowhouse] (Are you more likely to become sterile, get sick, and die with vaccinations? Are you just a blood cow, a human experiment for the Rothschild World Bank, UN, and Big Pharma? Is Pfizer, ModeRNA, Glaxo Smith Kline GSK, Monsanto etc. fraud factories for being overcharged up to 1000s of times for heavy metal and other chemical contaminated "cheap medicines" and rigged disease "tests" from China? Do they want to make us sick, to treat us over time for more profits?)

Nick Fuentes on the ALL IMPORTANT SENATE RUNOFF [Direct Link to video below]

Are average Americans disenfranchised in our own country? 

If you are stupid enough to take the vaccine you deserve to die. We need to thin and herd and you deserve to die, right? [This post says it]

"Screw You" Tube, Google, and mainstream media will melt your brain. Watch if you want to be a useful tool for the Communist run United Nations UNESCO and China. 

Too many Governors probably watch, and think that is the game plan they are supposed to have. Maybe few have actually read the US Constitution. 

The Democrats want all of us to have nothing and be happy with that, while having no basic human rights. So do most Republicans. So who really represents us when we "vote" for them? 

There is no longer ANY Faith in the "voting system". Candidates can take bribes from China, promise the Central Banks, the UN, and Big Pharma anything they want. 

They get paydays, we get to be sterilized and die horrifically with the Zyklon B Flu shots ... When hasn't Pfizer, Glaxo Smith Kline GSK, Monstanto, 

Big Pharma, the Rothschilds World Bank not overcharged us, not wanted to kill us and make us sterile? 

They profit in the Trillions for this, and it is the path of least resistance just giving in for the bribe money for politicians, too many time put in UBS Bank offshore accounts of cut-outs. 

The B.A.R. aka the British Accreditation Registry, is neither British, or legitimate. It is a Rothschild World Bank shill, a parasite, it is why the US Constitution isn't honored and defended. 

Pedophile Judges might be the biggest problems in election rigging and injustice in the World. 2/3 of legislators, all branches are infected, and up to all judges, prosecutors, and attorneys are too. 

Mitt Romney, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, both Clintons, both Obamas, and too many crooks are members of the BAR that have sold us out to China, the Communist UN Puppeteers, Chemical/Big Pharma Companies, and the Rothschild World Bank. [video]

I believe the reason the FBI are racketeering criminals out to bring down the US, are also because judges are corrupted to help rig elections from outside UN and China bribes.

It is easier to have adoption auctions, and to sell children on secret online pedophile supply sites for Satanic Rituals, and to have a kid chained in your closet if you are an elite globalist. 

Making kids wear masks and see no one, including their own family will help stolen and kidnapped children to better bond with their abusers. 

Wear a mask and support pedophilia, sex slavery, killing 95% of the population and sterilizing as many average people as is possible. 

"Own Nothing, and Be Happy About It."

My videos:

[The SRV SvenVonErick Bitchute uploads] [on


#CNNRAW 9-10-20 Project Veritas [Direct Link to Video]

Biden Transition Team Blocked from Pentagon Meetings [Styxhexenhammer666] (Is Joe Biden and team not allowed in Pentagon meetings because they are a security threat, and that the Pentagon might not side with frauds who have committed treason and insurrection?)

Will You Think I'm Loony For Pointing Out the Obvious? [HighImpactFlix] (There are patents for controlling the weather. So, those who spout "Climate Change" is the fault of people when War Profiteering Corporations and Banks are real problem, not us, and why should we pay them a UN global tax to breathe? If you repeat what the government says why should be banned and called a tinfoil hatter nut crazy conspiracy theorist?)

Image up top was from an hour plus internet radio blog post on Bitchute [that channel]. The video shows the perps in the election fraud live streaming. You cannot un-see this treason. Will ANY of these perps be arrested? If they are, will a corrupt judge even punish them?


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