Monday, December 07, 2020

Goal of the Vaxxer Maximus is to Kill Over 6 Billion People. UN Communists have been bragging, not empty words ...

There is no question that Donald J. Trump won the US 2020 Presidential Election in a landslide. 

The Communist are in your face with the lies, law breaking, and censor all mainstream news. 

The fires, the riots, the BS, it isn't going to stop. Judges, lawyers, prosecutors are all members of the BAR. So are 2/3 of ALL elected officials. 

They have sworn allegiance to each other, the Rothschild World Bank, and to the Pedophile Elites. The only thing these pychopaths in understand is their own deaths and pain they experience. 

Let them get a hold, no one will ever get out of Concentration Camp Earth alive. 6 Billion plus is what they are out to kill. 

Should the medical field, courts, policing, governments, and United Nations UNESCO ever be trusted again? 

Why hasn't Mark Zuckerberg been put up against a wall and shot for being a traitor? Why hasn't Jack Dorsey?

Email: erickson_77 at hotmail dot com

The "second wave" is actually a wave of MEDIA BULLSH#T! [direct link to below video]

Blame Obamas, Clinton, Bidens, Pfizer for lock downs, masks, and coup! [Direct Link to SvenVonErick Bitchute upload]

Ep. 2347b - The Case Has Been Made, Big Things About To Happen, The Tide Is Turning [X22Report]

[SvenVonErick LiveLeak video upload channel]



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