Monday, October 11, 2021

The Vaccine Passport is the Trojan Horse to Implement the Chinese Social Credit System (Conspiracy Theory Fiction/Fake News)

Disclaimer: The below is complete fiction. It is an example of what is a conspiracy theory and is unacceptable to state as fact. The nutcase who posted this claims his Big Pharma father got away with poisoning Western Massachusetts neighbors where one was found frozen to death 3 months after having Vodka his father left out for him and he then poured out half a bottle when his father was so cheap his shoes squeaked.

Another lost his leg due to blood clots, ALLEGEDLY. 

This post wouldn't possibly be offered up to legitimate law enforcement authorities to go after an allegedly serial killer ...

Another neighbor who was very likeable by neighborhood woman making a pychopath chemist jealous and that neighbor allegedly went crazy and went to a mental hospital.

This nutcase claims his father was part of the United Nations Think tank to use Africa for medicial experiments to use vaccines for sterilization, cancer, tumors, and to create new diseases that Big Pharma could make vaccines, and drugs to solve the problems they caused with the solutions they offer to make trillions in tax dollars when released in the US being the cause of ADD, Autism, ADHD, Chronic Diseases, and to spread new diseases where Big Pharma would have an expensive solution to the problems they created.

This nutcase must have used some of his father's legal psych meds, or too much of the heroin flown in on B-52s from China to Japan and then to Chicopee Massachusetts during the Vietnam War that the nutcase also claims.

Shouldn't this nutcase have to confess his lies to the US Senate Judiciary Committee over what Connecticut Congressman Chris Shays was allegedly threatened to not talk about in about 2007 or 2008?

A dumbed down, de-masculated population is more apt to be easier to take over and vastly reduce population. 

Allegedly when this crazy science fiction author claimed to tell his 5th and 6th grade Memorial School Principal about the physical, and psychological abuse to keep mass murder quiet, came to school beaten severely everywhere except in the face, then quickly died of cancer? 

Don't let what that crazy person posts on his 2 video upload channels to also infect your brain:

Even though this nutcase claims all that he posts is to his best belief and knowledge, or is satire, shouldn't he face indefinite detention, torture, and starvation at Gitmo?

[Direct link to video below]

PROOF: Jab Is Killing MILLIONS! - INDISPUTABLE EVIDENCE Worldwide! [Direct link to World Alternative Media Bitchute video upload] 96% of COVID PCR positive tests are false positives?

Sex Slavery, Vietnam War, COVID Hoax, Saudi, Chinese, Israeli Intelligence, 9/11, UN/Monsanto [Direct link to video]

This blogger's videos:


[Click here for videos and more from Excerpt below]

300,000 plus Fraudulent votes just in Arizona? When is the Farce that is the Joe B. Admin going to be jailed?

(Opinionm, Commentary, and sometimes Satire) If blog post isn't isolated, video(s) may not play. Click on time code below blog post to isolate. Click on top banner, or icon, of most blogs or websites to go home, or to go to newest post

How can a seemingly completely illegitimate farce, part of a Communist Chinese/United Nations plot incrementally getting more traction from the 1960s be allowed to wreck all the freedoms fought for since the Magna Carta in the 13th Century? 

The most popular US President in the history of the world with 81 millions votes who was the obvious loser even with all the mail fraud election day 2020, suddenly only gets votes for him when windows are taped over, a leaking pipe excuse is made, and all election monitors and cameras are turned off? 

It doesn't pass the smell test. 

Immediately China, the UN, and the World Bank get all that they want in signing statements that an alleged incestuous pedophile rapist, a Chinese asset, paid to implode the Free World, implodes the Free World.

Everyone needs to wear masks, get mandated nano tech poisons, tracker apps, all their property and cash stolen digitally, rights revoked, tested, prodded, censored, bankrupted, and illegal aliens are shipped in potentially by the millions where Democrats need votes if it is a legitimate election this time. 

We need a People's Grand Jury and a firing squad, and gallows out back. 

Was my father a Monsanto Chinese asset meeting narcotics and child sex slave shipments  on B-52 Bombers during Vietnam War coming in from China via Japan to US Airbases? 

More in [next post here], and videos here:


Ariz. audit results released Friday [direct link to Rumble video]


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