Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Removing Lies on a Webpage?


Subject: Lies on your webpage

To Connecticut Attorney General Blumenthal [webpage]:

Open email to you posted on the Internet [here]

I request you take the lies off your official webpage.

This quote in particular, “Welcome, As the Public’s Lawyer, I am here to defend state laws, protect consumers and ensure our children and seniors are safe from abuse and neglect.”

You’re not the public’s lawyer if you will defend official Connecticut against lawsuits brought by Connecticut citizens against the state and not look into complaints [like these, click links in post].

Why did you refuse to investigate [this]?

And, if you are part of the public corruption, corrupt courts, covering up for lawyer abuses of citizens, refusing to investigate citizen complaints by not answering them, and are allegedly part of the conspiracy to send out [Executive Branch Goon Squad operatives] of the Connecticut State Police to seize and destroy evidence, and to prevent information, such as that of one of your current, or past, underlings, Kristine Regaglia, former head of DCF, getting to proper investigating authorities, and if you are involved in harming children by allowing official abuse and confinement of innocent fathers, your whole “mission” is just complete bullshit, and you should take down the requested text. [subject, live on CT-N]

So, since the public doesn’t have a lawyer, we should be out own.

There is a proposed [Private Attorney General Bill] that should be heard in January in DC. A state version should be proposed here in Connecticut. Ordinary citizens should be able to do the job you refuse to, to bring evidence to a Grand Jury and allow them to vote on whether to pursue it, indict, privately investigate, etc.

The State Police can see to it Private Investigators licenses are revoked, and State Police can, at anytime, snoop into Private Investigator records, for any lame excuse, and records must be kept for 6 years. If the Connecticut State Police won’t investigate themselves, it also means they can’t also be privately investigated because they can confiscate and destroy evidence at will. [Evidence of Secret State Police Enemies List]

If you were doing your job, there would be no need for me to have made [this video].

If you gave your friends and former law partners millions in no-bid contracts, talked about [here], shouldn’t you resign?

-Steven G. Erickson


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