Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Woodstock 1969 Canned Heat Woodstock Boogie-Part 1 HD

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Was the UN, Big Pharma, the World Bank, China, Saudi Arabia, and Israel the real perps of 9/11?

(Opinion, Commentary, and sometimes Satire) If blog post isn't isolated, video(s) may not play. Click on time code below blog post to isolate. Click on top banner, or icon, of most blogs or websites to go home, or to go to newest post

So then why not have multiple wars with Iraq, try to blame Syria and Iran as well? Why not be the heroin supplier of the world by proxy for China? Why not let China digitally, financially, idiotically, and infrastructurally take over the world. Once everything has been stolen digitally, why not kill almost everybody, as it will take some of the stolen loot to govern theft victims?

Michael Chertoff is a lawyer in the International B.A.R. Association.

Chertoff was one of the most powerful prosecutors in the nation when he was in New York City, and allegedly was one of the gatekeepers for the World Bank and Israel.,

Chertoff is a dual Israeli and American citizen, and is allegedly in the highest ranks of Israeli Intelligence the Mossad. China has the digital and data storage market corned with hiding the world’s drug, child, organ harvesting, and sex trafficking market cornered.

Missing Children, pallets of cash/gold sent 1 way. Narcotics and Asian sex slaves sent back? [Direct link to video]

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Missing Children, pallets of cash/gold sent 1 way. Narcotics and Asian sex slaves sent back? [Direct link to video]


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