Saturday, June 21, 2014

The International Corporate/Banker Occupation funds wars with our taxes

Click on below images to make bigger.

The above picture was shot by Steven G. Erickson in the outback of New Hampshire. All pictures in this post were shot by Steven G. Erickson. stevengerickson at

The below pictures were shot in Lawrence, Massachusetts, USA.

The below pictures were shot in Winchester, MA

Iraq War: We Were Sold A Bill Of Goods

67% Federal Gas Tax Increase Coming

US and other national borders have been, or are, being erased.


[Steven G. Erickson's favorite videos and video uploads]

Monday, June 02, 2014

A Third Of America's 18- To 34-Years-Olds Live With Their Parents

It is a pretty sad fact if 1/3 of 18 to 34 year olds live with their parents. It show really how bad the US economy is. International bankers and corporate organized crime have imploded the US economy to take control and sell us for pennies on the dollar. The elite sell what they don't own and then charge interest on loans on money they print up out of thin air.

The story to go with the title is [found here].


Steven G. Erickson video uploads are [found here]

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