Friday, March 30, 2018

Vladimir Putin adopts US Constitution because America Dumps it?

I didn't read the article that the above image was lifted from, but it was found [here]. 

Okay, I am being sarcastic. But with GMO Monsanto poison food, and the drug corporations making you sick so they can then heal you, why would you want to raise a family in a country that is anti-family?
Vladimir Putin seems to be pro gun and pro self defense, pro family, pro sovereignty, and pro success of his own country, a swirling cesspool that is the US is less attractive. I do hope that Trump can pull a rabbit out of a hat. A one point in history, immigration into the US almost stopped, and exodus out, actually happened, and Russia was one of the destinations out.

I was in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Poland in the 1990's. I longed to go back to America because the lamps in the rooms might be spying on me. I wish I was back there left alone, unlike the nightmare of being self-employed, politically active, outspoken, and pro US Constitution in the US.

Why would I say any of this?:

[click here] for:

Support the 2nd Amendment because you HATE US Constitution Dismantlers

Image of FBI and Connecticut State Police target for being a Constitutional Extremist, Code Name: "Big Apple to Big Easy,", picture of Steven G. Erickson, having gone from New York City to the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in the aftermath to help out. Picture taken on Bourbon St.



Monday, March 26, 2018

Police Breaking into Houses to steal legal guns, cash, and valuables?

Scroll down in post for videos. Please forward this post to Donald J. Trump, the Atty General, or appropriate authorities not helping operate the Deep State. 

What happened in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina? Police and military was going door to door kicking in doors beating up grandmothers, wanting to shoot citizens in their own homes, arresting citizens, taking guns and other valuables. It was a dry run, tactics are in place for when gun confiscation happens.

I was told by a US DHS Homeland Security insider that State Police who get Homeland Security overtime allegedly carry street date rape drugs. They're for date raping. If a suspect is set up for an arrest, is beaten up, tortured, or made a patsy, the police then have a victim who can't remember what happened. 

Police were listening to all my phone calls, trolling my internet use, and tracking me using my cellphone. Them giving me no privacy didn't work out well for me. They utilized information to cause major havoc in my life. The International Police Union wants the self-employed, small business owners, farmers, contractors, concealed carry permit holders, and gun owners targeted for being processed, ripped off, and to be unable to have firearms, a covert program paid for with federal tax dollars in the aftermath of the Oklahoma City Federal Building Bombing

In the mid-1990's, police were getting federal tax dollars to go after gun owners, concealed carry gun permit holders, the self-employed, independent journalists, and the politically inconvenient.

Police would use thieves on probation to break into houses to steal legal guns, cash, and valuables. Police would split the booty with criminals after the police stood as lookouts. Police would watch as vandals on probation smashed windows in homes of targeted individuals.

 I wanted to become a police officer in Stafford Springs, Connecticut, and LT. Trapp walked me through the process of becoming a police officer. Police were targeting gun owners and self-employed to give criminal records and to get business for lawyers and and business in the courts. States get federal dollars for prison inmates. The more inmates the more a state gets in federal funds.

Organized crime gets your tax money to run, build, and supply prisons and other facilities.

Police are encouraged to use honey traps to arrest their dupes. Drunk driving, buying drugs, or just getting beat up by cops and then getting charged with assaulting a police officer.

Call the FBI to report the above corruption, and the FBI will go after the whistleblower and/or the police will go after you even harder.

It was thought that I had $30,000 cash in my home. Police wanted my guns that I no longer have, and the cash that they thought I had. Connecticut State Police, Troop C, were looking outs when "JT" Turner broke into my garage, lodging himself part way in, cutting his abdomen on broken glass. The fire department got him out, and he was taken away by ambulance.

The State Trooper didn't arrest JT but suggested that he sue me and/or file charges against me for his injuries having attempted to break in my house! Stevie Carver was smashing my windows and Connecticut State Troop C officers were in their cruisers laughing.

Former CIA Asset, Peter Coukos, who claims he helped get 4 to 8 year old boys, and girls, his preferred sex partners, as sex slaves for pedophiles and use by CIA.

Coukos paid Selectman John Julian $5000 cash to have police terrorize me out of my rental properties so Coukos could buy them like it was a fire sale. 

Peter Coukos was sexually harassing my then 14 year old daughter, and her friend Leanne, leaving death threats for her on my answering machine. Peter Coukos told me that I would have to pay him $30,000 cash, or he'd make a false claim and I'd be arrested, go to prison, lose everything, and be permanently estranged from my daughter.

Coukos told me I could avoid prison if I gave him $30,000. Coukos was allegedly to split the money with Stafford Springs Resident State Trooper Mulcahey and Stafford Officer Fat Frank Prochaska, the pair who had told me that I was kicked out of Connecticut, and if not, I would go to prison.

Even if you don't have guns, how do you think you will deal with having thugs in your homes looking for guns and valuables. If you're a woman, and good looking, imagine these dirty thugs with their hands all over you, beating on you before you are raped.

Steve Spellman, Rep for International. Police Union, legislative liaison to legislators told legislators to ignore what I was reporting on police misconduct to Senator Anthony Guglielmo, John Kissel, and Rep. Mordasky, telling them I would be taught a lesson, lose everything, lose contact with my daughter, get beaten and go to prison.

I proposed Civilian Oversight of Police. Those who do this, get their information sent to the Commissioner of State Police, and your picture and information is passed to area departments to distribute at roll call to beat, kill, and/or set up target for prison. Ritt Goldstein also proposed Civilian Oversight of Police and was so terrorized and abused by police, he fled to Sweden seeking political asylum.

I have dialed 911 and police either didn't show up, or showed up hours later to bang on my door singing, "Oh Stevie Boy, Oh Stevie Boy," over and over, chanting and laughing. Around the same time police would drink in former Mayor of Norwalk, Bill Collins' driveway, throw their empty beer bottles on his porch, putting police union bumper stickers on his porch. Police were telling the mayor, that they were in charge, not him.

Think police will protect you when needed?

Think again.

With the NDAA and Patriot Act being passed, all of the above is "legal". Court cases are decided by insiders before the case is even held. It is a puppet show. That is if you can even get a court case, with the legislation you can be jailed without charges, tortured, and murdered. You have no rights. 


For Lawyers, Judges, Police, Prosecutors, police informants, operatives, assets, and their Organized Crime Friends, it just one big party at our expense.


A former prosecutor was charged early Sunday with driving under the influence and possessing marijuana and a handgun after leaving a birthday party at the Essex home of Chief State's Attorney Christopher L. Morano.

"I made a damn stupid mistake," Peter W. Soulsby of Marlborough said Thursday. [more]



More information:

Alex Jones Infowars videos are [found here]

SEIU goon Union, Big Banks, Drug Money Laundering & You [Direct link to video]

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Friday, March 23, 2018

Foreign Money coming in for PSYOPS to end Gun Ownership in America?

Foreign Money coming in for PSYOPS to end Gun Ownership in America?

Scroll down in post for video

Above image [found here]

Billionaires, international bankers, and owners of major corporations can seize vast land, resources, energy, and control if they can use the UN and international police union as their tools.

If you are American, you've already given up your privacy, because you might be a terrorist if you want a private conversation and your finances and assets out of view of the insiders who want to steal all from you.

Removing the 2nd Amendment, means you shouldn't have property rights, Free Speech, or anything else in the US Constitution. If outside agitators are funding the anti-gun movement, then the push is a stealth invasion to undermine Americans to be enslaved in the system like the EU in Europe. In Europe, violent migrants from the war torn 3rd World are being brought in to destroy borders, bankrupt local government, and enslave populations dismantling human rights for former citizens who became mere residents, without representation for their taxation.

If a gun ban can be secured in the US, the International Police Union can make more money hand over fist for union dues. The UN could then become an armed occupying force in the US, erasing the US Constitution eliminating Free Speech and any real representation for our taxation. There will be a worldwide erasure of basic human rights.

A retired police officer friend of mine who was on the ground floor when US DHS Homeland Security was being built, told me that a large percentage of police officers and officers who are being paid Homeland Security overtime are carrying date rape drugs. One reason is to rape, another is so police who beat up, torture, or set up for false arrest, citizens have no idea the abuse that they have suffered, and who is to blame.


AMC's "TURN: Washington's Spies," can be found on Netflix. Spoiler alert: citizens in a town loyal to the crown are stripped of their guns, their property can be confiscated at will, and are mistreated after they become disarmed. Women can be raped, and you can be robbed of your life and property by those armed troops occupying your town. In modern America, that can be Armed Police and Troops and a disarmed Modern America.

A Look at the Series: TURN: Washington's Spies [Direct link to video]


Alex Jones, Infowars videos can be found here: 


[Direct link] to below video.


IRS taking 100% of your pay, How to Survive [Direct link to video]

Thursday, March 22, 2018


Scroll down in post for video. Suggest that you make it full size. 

A police officer who was part of the program to illegally seize guns and was paid federal tax dollars to covertly help end the 2nd Amendment, Free Speech, and nullify the US Constitution, decided he should have my wife, not me. I was threatened with having problems with the IRS, with police, and the courts and for the rest of my life if I did not comply with him telling me that I was kicked out of the state of Connecticut, had to abandon my wife, or else.

100% of whatever I earn, if I can get a job, is at risk. I can't get assistance. The courts are rigged. I contacted the FBI and USDOJ. I contacted anyone willing to listen. Getting word back from high authorities, the US Constitution does not apply to me, and I have no rights unless I am a member of a protected group, like minorities, transsexuals, homosexuals, etc.

I'm a White Male, and I am not going to sleep with another guy, nor have my junk cut off to be a tranny just to have rights in the USA!

[Direct link to video on youtube]


More information:

Sunday, March 18, 2018

600+ page views abandoned, 2 page views per day after posting again.

600+ page views abandoned, 2 page views per day after posting again. Is Google, YouTube, and Blogger, the host of this blog about censorship?

I haven't been blogging here for over a year. But still checking the stats. 

So, abandoning this blog, I got over 600 page views per day, and then posting, only 2 plus? 

What gives?

Posting free, isn't free. 

If actual costs were charged, then there would be competition. 

If we pay taxes to spy on ourselves, I can see why Blogger, YouTube, and Google services are "free". 

Those who want the US Constitution honored, are under attack. We are being put on lists.


On another note, I would like to congradulate Vladimir Putin on his continued success in leading Russia. I admire his dedication to national sovereignty, and his dedication to the Russian family, traditions, and his caring, period.

Absolutely disgusting Police Misconduct is not Uncommon in the State of Connecticut, and in Most States

Click on top banner of most blogs to go to newest posts. Scroll down to bottom for video. 

Connecticut State Police and other police in other states are getting their instructions from their International Police Union, and the UN. I consider this treason. For decades the police union wants to dismantle the US Constitution. Police are getting federal tax dollars to break laws and go after citizens who are considered "Constitutional Extremists," totally violating the US Constitution with their current behavior.

There is no holds barred as far a police misconduct, and brutality, since 9/11, the Patriot Act, and the NDAA.

Once you are a target, on the secret police enemies list, you may never get justice, may end up dead of "natural causes", in prison, broke, and/or go crazy after all of the abuse.


Excerpt [link to more]:

Connecticut Cops, Guns, drugs, money, "suicide", and Police Misconduct?

From Bad Cop News:

NORWALK, CONNECTICUT - Criminal charges will not be filed against two police officers drawn into the investigation of former Lt. Thomas Cummings, who was charged with sexual molestation, police and Judicial Branch sources said.

But an internal police investigation is under way, and Lt. Michael King and Sgt. Stephen Couture could face disciplinary action, said William Curwen, president of the police union.
The criminal investigation into the officers has ended without charges filed against them, Senior Assistant State’s Attorney Richard Colangelo said last week.

King, a 24-year veteran, was investigated for downloading pornographic material on his department computer and the police computer assigned to Cummings, Colangelo said.

Couture, who has 23 years on the force, last month was stripped of his command of the Youth Bureau. He was investigated for speaking to Cummings at the start of the probe into sexual abuse allegations against Cummings, Colangelo said.

Sources with knowledge of the investigation said Couture told Cummings immediately that he was under investigation by Colangelo, but withheld that information from his superiors for three days.
Reached on Friday, King and Couture declined to comment.

The officers’ conduct came under criminal review during the investigation of Cummings, which began in October.

The investigation began after a 15-year-old Weston boy told one of his high school teachers about his sexual relationship with Cummings, a source close to the investigation said.

[click here] for more.

Alex Jones and Infowars programs can be found here:


Jimi Hendrix On An Acoustic Guitar(Only known 2 videos RARE) [Direct link to video]


Green As the Crow Flies [link] is a cool blog. I cut and pasted the below blog roll from there. 

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