Monday, November 30, 2020

Rothschild World Bank Operation 201 to Tax Us to Breathe and Forced Vaccinations?

Rolling text with below video:

The picture is of a Rothschild, one of your owners.

There are 2 classes, Debtors and Creditors. You are Rothschild owned. Proof, you are in lock down aren’t you?

This, due to Operation 201 sent into motion Fall of 2019, to propagandize the population into Forced Vaccinations and World ID with wearing the Banker Mark of the Beast.

A World ID system, a Bill Gates 5G digital array antenna tattoo is for Rothschild World Banker mandatory accounts for all subjects of UN to have bank fees, taxes, fines, and permission charges for all aspects of your living to be debited in real time.

You are renting the air you breathe. It is no longer a right, it is a privilege graciously allowed by a banker.

The Rothschilds took ownership of the US with deal made to end the War of 1812.

Napoleon lost the Battle of Waterloo 1815. Rothschild “journalists” rushed back to London saying Napoleon won.

It then tanked the 1815 European Stock Exchange, and Rothschilds bought the entire British Empire for Pennies on the Dollar, including the US which the Crown had made a secret deal with the Judge Mafia in the US to secretly collect taxes from “the Colonies” as resolution to the War of 1812.

BAR is short for British Accreditation Registry. It is worldwide for all those in the Free World to register for Legal Proceedings and to Interpret Law.

Members of the BAR swear an allegiance, and oath to each other, that supercedes any other oath, including the oath to defend and honor the US Constitution.

So, Members of the BAR should be considered parasites on humanity, or Agent Provocateurs in any Coup to topple legitimate government.

The BAR is directly under the Rothschilds World Bank. We are all Debtors. The BAR acts to protect the Bank, and to punish and make sure all creditors make their payments, pay their UN World Tax, and fees for any privileges such as eating extended to the subjects of the Bank.

Judge Timothy C. Batten, Sr. first ruled that the election fraud preserved on Dominion Storage Devices preserved for investigation. 12 Hours Later, he orders the drives erased. That is as big as Obstruction of Justice as Hillary Clinton having cell phones and hard drives smashed with hammers.

Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Barrack an Michelle Obama are all, or were members of the BAR.

AP, the Associated Press is owned by the Rothschilds. The first declaration that Joe Biden won the election was put out by AP.

The World Bank makes its money by funding both sides of any conflict, or war, and then collecting interest forever from the two opposing parties.

Children are considered commodities. These commodities can be sold off as lots, or individually at auctions to pay debts owed to bankers. Failure to comply with lock downs or banker ordered vaccinations will end up in the largest collection of children, ever.

The Bankers no longer want you to have fossil fueled vehicles, or electric plants. They want you to have no other land or any other basic human rights. You rent your air that you breathe and all privileges that bankers extend to you. You are bank owned.

I expand on this with a Waldo Rants and Australian Crow House video on the Stark Raving Viking blog posted today, the last day of November 2020. My email is erickson_77 at hotmail dot com

Pedophile Judges Rig All Elections? [SvenVonErick direct link to Bitchute video]


[Click Here] for:

Pedophile and Compromised Judges, All Members of B.A.R. Represent Foreign Creditors Against YOU

Have you asked, who, what, why, and what for?

"You own nothing and have no rights," is something that UN run US Police Departments were told to say to anyone one not on the protected class status from 1995. 

The Rothschilds and World Banks after 1812, again used the B.A.R. to ratchet down the financial screws on the Free World, then again in 1995 after OKC Fed Building Bombing, and now with Plan 201 (murder by proxy) initiated after the Pentagon and DoD failed their audit Fall 2019. 

Up to 100s of Trillions of Taxpayer Dollars misappropriated. 

So, all this is a smokescreen. 

[More with Videos]


My email: erickson_77 at hotmail dot com


Image of woman being strangled at top of post was [found here].

Sunday, November 29, 2020

All Democrats in Office May have cheated to "Win" elections due to Rigged Election Voting Machines

How it was done | Michelle Malkin

Affidavit Claims Voter Turnout Exceeded 780% In Michigan, Several Towns Over 100% [Tim Pool, TimCast, Bitchute]

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Obstruction and Contempt of the US Presidency? If you do this to Congress (Or Piss-Ant Judge), you go to PRISON.

"The Media", too many corrupt judges, Social Media, banks, corporations, China, the UN etc., all will allow Joe Bidens and Democrats anything, while barbecuing any opposition. 

The opposition to winner, Donald J. Trump, want you tracked down, tortured, put in a camp, then killed for supporting opposition to their coup. Their being paid billions in bribes from Communist Run United Nations UNESCO and China doesn't mean these organized criminals should win. 

Trump should not leave rope and firing squads off the table for the insurrection, the treason, the coup ...


Breaking GA / PA Confirm Election Fraud - Move To Overturn Biden HOAX Victory [Direct Link to video]

Veritas Whistleblower And Army Veteran Calls Out Democrat’s Election Theft [Direct Link to Video] (Facebook, Twitter, and Social Media can do anything they get bribed to do by China and the puppeteers of the UN, no consequences. Be a Nationalist, Religious, a Family Farmer, an Independent Journalist, be a Conservative, and/or a Trump Supporter and the Judges, Courts, Alphabet agency, Main Media, and all the Kings Horseman, and ALL the King's Men, will be out after you.)

The photo up top was [found here].

Reported COVID-19 Deaths 'Almost Exactly Equal To’ Total Decrease In Deaths By All Other Causes [Last American Vagabond video] (Video is dead air for about first 20 to 30 seconds, FYI)


Friday, November 27, 2020

Prohibition in US, 1920 to 1933, 13 years. Suspension of Liberty, Indefinite?

Alcoholism is bad. The reaction to it, the "solution", was worse than the problem. Government and Organized Crime made money hand over fist. So, is history repeating itself?

Police were carrying illegal booze in their trunks, collecting protection money, beating up citizens, terrorizing neighborhoods, obstructing justice, manufacturing and destroying evidence, helping rig elections, racketeering, killing those who knew too much, and bumping money up to corrupt judges. 

What has changed? 

[Picture above and story of Prohibition on Wikipedia, click here]

Prohibition in the United States: National Ban of Alcohol

The United States Goes Dry - Alcohol Prohibition I THE GREAT WAR (Those who don't want vaccines might not be here after the "correction" of all the current craziness.)

Sunday, November 22, 2020

A Biological Detachable Penis is as Real as the COVID PANDEMIC? SARS 80% similar 17 years ago!

King Missile - Detachable Penis

Pfizer Vice President Mike Yeadon on Covid-19 [Direct Link to Video]

Censored pic above was found [here].


The Aftermath of Obama's 2012 NDAA, making public corruption, judicial misconconduct, and police brutality "legal" ...

You own nothing, reasons why

Saturday, November 21, 2020

911 and the Anthrax Hoax/Scam 2001

Anthrax To COVID: The Ongoing Anthrax Deception That Created The BioSecurity State & COVID-19 [The Last American Vagabond, BitChute video upload] (If the USDOJ and FBI were involved they can't investigate themselves! The SRV was tipped off by cop on where to find a PDF on where Connecticut US Attorney John A. Danaher III let Tomas Foral a UConn grad student off with no record of Crimes Against Humanity for allegedly having enough Anthrax in September and October 2001 to kill the majority of people in New England. Anthrax was one ploy to force vaccinate the whole world. How did Big Pharma, Pfizer, and UBS Bank have to do in this conspiracy?)

UN/China declare no Private Property in US, to start charging US Rent? [SvenVonErick bitchute upload]

Pfizer fail on forced vaccine for Lyme Disease? FDA nixed fraudulent test, deadly vaccine [Direct Link to Video]

Text with video:

Kathleen Dickson formerly of of Connecticut, was a Pharmaceutical Chemist and worked for the company. She got Lyme found out there was fraud in testing, and related companies who synthesized Lyme Disease as a Bio-weapon then later worked on a vaccine. Dickson testified in front of the FDA, knew the patent numbers.

Kathleen Dickson caused Pzizer to lose over a billion dollars and saved the world from a very harmful, possibly deadly vaccine. More:

Lisa Masterson in the UK had similar credentials and testified against Baxter Pharmaceutical about the fraud in testing and treatment, and the dangerous vaccine the state was bribed to force on the public.

Watch this video and make a copy before it is deleted:



Stinchfield 11/20/2020 [Direct Link to Video] (Robert Hunter Biden admits taking money from Communist China to harm US interests in behalf of his father, Joe Biden. How come there haven't been any arrests? Would Joe Biden pass a background check to become a McDonalds restaurant location manager?)

Is Trump like the "Big Vagina" character on HBO Sopranos? [Direct Link to Video]

Text with video:

More info: I posted this video in a larger file size on LiveLeak: and surprisingly enough it actually posted with the real slang name of "Big Vagina".

Anything that is critical of Democrats, the UN, China, EU, or is any way nationalistic, conservative, or pro Trump is usually blocked from being posted, throttled, and sometimes accounts are even deleted on LiveLeak as if they were Facebook or Twitter censoring anyone who is contrarian. I even put a survey asking viewers of the video to rate Donald J. Trump on whether he was really working for the other side, was the slang meaning of Vagina, or if he was going to go Rambo on the Coup. Check it out, and guests can vote.

If you have a way of getting this message to Trump, please do. Cops who were military, and any veteran of any war who lost a friend in war who fought for freedom, don't want soldiers who have fought to protect the US Constitution to have died for centuries all for nothing. Some have survivors' guilt.

I am not going to take up arms myself, nor will I join militias getting ready all over the US if the UN installs Kamala Harris and US President to put the real power of the US in a President of the World, Hillary Clinton, with her new title US Ambassador the UN which will be the real power over the US when the Biden/China/UN coup of the US succeeds, if it succeeds.

They want Trump to know that Pfizer is a main traitor, and the whole lock down might be part of the 1946 Operation Paperclip inspired way to continue "the work" started in a defeated WWII country (or countries). to link will tell the Supreme Court Justice story of replacing lefty justice with the 4 Conservative Justices to give Trump the win of the election if possible.

If you are reading before, please be like me, and plan to pick a day every month on the calendar, write it or type it in, and make a $5, $10, or $20 per month to help keep this Free Speech platform, BitChute, up and running. Thank you.


Thursday, November 19, 2020

The United Nations To The Rescue - YAY

The United Nations To The Rescue - YAY [Direct to Waldo Rants video on BitChute]

The Health Ranger THANKS AMERICAN PATRIOTS [Mike Adams Natural News on BitChute, Direct Link]

[The SRV Bitchute video channel]



Saturday, November 14, 2020

1970s FDA $0.12 per pill cure for COVID, 100% Effective with 1 Course

1970s FDA $0.12 per pill cure for COVID, 100% Effective with 1 Course

OAN reports new findings for FDA approved drug - Ivermectin (Wonder Drug, Considered on of the Essential World Drugs like Penicillin) [Direct link to video]

Text with video: 

From Wikipedia -

Ivermectin was discovered in 1975 and came into medical use in 1981.[8][9] It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines.[10]

Ivermectin is a medication used to treat many types of parasite infestations.[2] This includes head lice, scabies, river blindness (onchocerciasis), strongyloidiasis, trichuriasis, ascariasis, and lymphatic filariasis.[2][3][4][5] It can be taken by mouth or applied to the skin for external infestations.[2][6] Use in the eyes should be avoided.[2]

Common side effects include red eyes, dry skin, and burning skin.[2] It is unclear if it is safe for use during pregnancy, but is probably acceptable for use during breastfeeding.[7] It belongs to the avermectin family of medications.[2] It works by causing the parasite's cell membrane to increase in permeability, resulting in paralysis and death.[2]


Governors in Blue cities are allegedly stocking up on ventilators. These "patients" to get numbers can have the ventilators turned up to double the needed pressure, and speed, and those who were perfectly health, needing nothing can be killed deader than a hammer to get numbers. 

Massachusetts Republican (in name only, RINO) Charlie Baker has curfew, social distancing, mandatory mask rule. Maybe no one under 19 in Massachusetts has died of COVID. Should Baker be arrested for every child there is in Massachusetts, and charged with Risk of Injury to a Minor, for every count? Should Baker be charged with violating everyone in Massachusetts civil rights, every count. 

If so, Baker gets infinity in prison. Other judges should feel lucky with this, as they should be told, not offered, "Rope or Firing Squad?"

Conspiracy Theorist Goes off on Mass Governor over Curfew, Contact Tracing, and Masks [Direct Link to Video] [My LiveLeak Channel uploads]

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Has Hunter Biden been arrested for alleged pedophilia on a laptop? If no, why not?


I placed the below in an upload on my [Bitchute SvenVonErick] video channel:

More info:

The UN and China can't get their aim of having door to door gun confiscation and inoculations with Hunter being arrested. The coup would then fall apart. There would be no social distancing. There would be no need for masks. All this BS worldwide will be exposed as hoax if Robert Hunter Biden is arrested. All mainstream media and social media have squashed this story. This is suppressing an election at minimum, but if it looks like a coup, smells like a coup, and tastes like a coup, it is a coup.

CBS Executive Michael Nowacki may have manipulated the 2000 Election result. Nowacki allegedly was the only one manning the poll results to report to all other networks so they had the same numbers and the real numbers would be made to match the polls. Allegedly if you know which Offshore or UBS of a friend or relative of the right important person, you can fix ANY court case or election.

If you mention Pfizer or UBS in just about any courtroom, or legislative hearing and if you try to say anything about pay to play, bribes, income tax evasion, or public corruption you can be immediately be arrested, face up to 5 years, get beaten up, or even killed police can be sent out to your New Canaan, Connecticut, mansion as allegedly happened to Michael Nowacki after having been arrested for bringing up his wife's UBS account after a bitter divorce in a Connecticut courtroom and live at a legislative hearing.

So, Mike why did your wife have so much money in her UBS offshore bank account? Mike was it supposed to be your money for rigging the 2000 election Gore Vs. Bush?:

The information on Michael Wiener's laptop was allegedly shows what offshore bank accounts were funded to bribe Hillary Clinton. 

Is Hunter's and Wiener's laptop not being investigated and prosecuted the reason Biden has to be installed for all the perps to avoid prosecution, and is the whole reason for the world to be locked down is because  Hillary didn't want to go to trial in March, or April in New York City Court to face the music for her lifetime of organized crime?

[My LiveLeak SvenVonErick video upload channel] watch and copy what you can before all gets deleted if UN and China do their final censoring of the internet.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Godfather Movie Learning Experience: 1st one who comes to you with a deal is the traitor

Lots of interesting references to judges and lawyers ... just sayin'

The Godfather Part 1 - The Meeting

The one who comes to you with the deal is the traitor.

Don Vito and Michael Corleone talk

For Old Times' Sake (Tessio came to Michael Corleone for a "a deal", Tessio is the traitor like Pfizer is to the world.)

Pfizer tries to screw the world with a Lyme-Rx Vaccine that causes all sorts of harm showing they are a Big Pharma Mafia. They now come one day after the "election" offering a "deal" to end COVID.

Pfzer had a fraudulent testing for Lyme Disease. They put a dangerous vaccine for Lyme Disease to patients who had Lyme. The vaccine gave patients a severe case of Lyme. Pfzer wanted to force the vaccine on entire world. Kathleen Dickson who I interviewed in link went to FDA and had Lyme-Rx removed from market:

US Immunization Scam (This video should end masks and the lock down, make a copy for you. Does Lyme Disease get passed on to mother to baby? Can you get Lyme Disease like a sexually transmitted disease? What else aren't the CDC, FDA, NIH, WHO etc not telling you?)

I went to a 2008 International Whistle blowers convention in Washington DC. I was camera number 3 for a documentary. The World Bank and Big Pharma were intentionally infecting the 3rd World Blood Supply with HIV/AIDs to get as many deaths as possible. Africa was to be a human experiment laboratory to test for an AIDs vaccine that they wanted to lock the world down to take at $6000 a pop, but the AIDs vaccine was even more dangerous than the Lyme vaccine that the CDC and NIH allegedly wanted the world to take.

Doctors mainly from India risked their lives just coming to the convention. I had numerous computers have the fan turn off, the hard drive would go haywire, the laptop would overheat and no more laptop. That happened to me over 8 times just in 2 years. had numerous power surges and their site kept going down and Del Simmons was threatened with having his family killed if he posted my stories on this subject back in about 2005.


Sunday, November 08, 2020

STFU about COVID. I will comply with NOTHING!!!

[Direct Link to below video]

Text with video:

re-instate the US Constitution. Eject the UN out of US.

Shut up about the SNIFFLES.

I will not comply with anything.

Contact tracing is to track down those who will protect and defend the US Constitution, and to eradicate private ranching, family farming, independent journalists, self-employment, political conversations not monitored by United Nations UNESCO, resistance to a World Chinese Digital Currency as reserve currency, going cashless, private owning of property, and to keep the general population out of resort, nature, resource, lakes, mountains, beaches, and elite playgrounds, and those who will resist a population reduction program, vaccinations, and child harvesting program for rituals, slavery, and abuse.

More info:

If you are here and know how to contact New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu please make him aware of this video. If you know, or have access to Donald J. Trump, please make him aware of this video.

The Obama 2012 NDAA basically gave the DoD US Department of Defense and unlimited amount of US tax dollars to propagandize all media, track and trace conservatives to set us up for police, alphabet agency, judicial abuse, for confinement, beatings, harassment, being railroaded to prison, and even being covertly murdered.

I have suffered under the Clinton/Obama/Biden/UN/Communist China coup of the Free World. So has Roger Stone, Alex Jones, anyone blowing the whistle and anyone who wants national sovereignty for their nation, is against illegal immigration, who can't be bought off, and anyone who stands in the way of CIA, UN, FBI, US DHS Homeland Security, DoD drug trafficking, child, and sex trafficking.


What has Happened During the U.S. Election?; Using Proper Names; What Trump Should do – NWG. [direct link to video]



[click here] for Excerpt:

The Man Who Sold the World, The Biggest Treason in the History of the World?

Barack Obama signed the 2012 NDAA into law. It allegedly gave the DoD billions of dollars to bring about UN Agenda 21 and 2030. 

This where insiders like Obamas, Clinton, Big Tech, DARPA, Big Pharma, intelligence agencies involved in child, sex, drug trafficking and helped in city, state, country, and worldwide Psy-Ops. 

So, the DoD could completely propagandize the mainstream and social media, oppress votes for financial and national stability, remove Constitutional Extremists and Nationalists with contract tracing for re-training torture, indefinite detention, and/or elimination. 

I tried to leave a hint of this on [Green Crow as the Crow Flies blog] in [this post]. The comment isn't there, it was deleted for being too over the top, or something.

Read the comment, and editorialized on [my BitChute video upload channel] and on [LiveLeak] both as SvenVonErick. Let's see if this blog, Green Crow even though she or UN Google Censors took it down. 

When I am passionate, angry,or in my head about the PTSD of my father from age 3 hearing my W. Mass Monsanto father brag drunk that he poisoned my cat me age 2 or 3 (1966 or 1967), coming into my bedroom at night lurking out of the shadows and then pouncing on me when I woke up when a real Boogie Man came out of the shadows, and would choke me out. 

The only time I saw fear in his eyes is when he saw the whites of my eyes turn blood red, he saw me, and after he started beating me for no reason when someone wasn't looking, I stood up out of the chair where I was eating breakfast cereal, and grabbed him by his shirt and said at 16, "right now asshole, we are having a fight out in the middle of the street right now!"   

My father wrote one very small, and insignificant Globalist and Secular Humanism handbook, [seen here].  What he wrote is called, "My Invisible Friends," and is meant to be a handbook to eradicate religion, track, trace, silence, and eliminate them (us) for being mush brains. 

So, from age 3, I didn't believe in Santa Claus, the Eater Bunny, or the Tooth Fairy. I was wide awake. My grandfather's best friend possibly the retired police chief of a town near Fargo, North Dakota both started taking to me from 1968, as either, both, or another friend was a member of the John Birch Society, and the Police Chief had CIA adult children, operatives in the UN, and knew about the Continuity of Government Program and a time when the population was to be reduced by over 90%, and said it was for the year 2000. 

Obviously their time line was off. So, as soon as I could travel, I did. I told my father at age 16, after challenging him to a fight where he such a pussy-assed bully, he declined. He will only beat my mother, me, or anyone else when the victim won't fight back, "I will undo all over the world all the evil you have done, or die trying you pathetic piece of shit!" 

My father met with Chinese agents and maybe even those in the UN, right in our Ludlow, and Wilbraham, Massachusetts. A girl about 14 asked me to sleep with her when I was around the same age, I hadn't yet lost my virginity, or neither had she, but her father wanted her to sleep with me so that her father wouldn't get prison, they would lose their home, and have my father call the judge to fix the case. 

I told the girl, that my father never wanted me, had to marry my mother in a high school gym in shame in Fargo, North Dakota, and have me in shame in Cleveland, Ohio. So, I didn't want to loose my virginity then, and I couldn't deliver what she asked for. 

Okay, with no more typing diaherea, and with all the grammar and spelling mistakes, this is the deleted comment in the Green Crow as the Crow Flies blog, plus my apologies to her if she thinks I am batshit crazy:

I need your help. Your readers as well. Before I left Wales, Massachusetts to go be an insurance adjuster in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, I was interviewing a Boston area biker who claimed he ran for political office in Canada, because he is a Canadian. He knew about Clinton secret meetings in Canada and was talking about some of what is actually happening now.

I know the guy had dirt on the Trudeaus AND Clintons.

That guy, knows where all the bodies are buried. He tried to blow the whistle about what was going on in Canada and in Boston, and then was railroaded to prison in US to shut him up and his life was threatened. DoD and those who would develop contact tracing software, and defense contractors in Boston area, BAE, and one near where Guislaine Maxwell got bagged, Bedford, New Hampshire, one of the hubs to all of what is going on now.

At the time I was exposing Pfizer for their wanting to go worldwide with Lyme-Rx and their bogus tests to show you don't have Lyme, a Bio-Weapon resulting after Operation Paperclip on Plum Island Germ Warfare lab, prevailing wind and seabird route to Lyme Connecticut north of where biologic agents were made, run through sheep, dried and sprayed on Iraq Desserts during wars. They were working on vaccines to give to troops who contracted the illnesses caused by the aerial spraying.

Kathleen Dickson testified on the how dangerous Lyme-Rx was and gave you Lyme, and the bogus test would show you are cured. The Pfizer plan was to collect DNA worldwide, and to give those on a list "hot shots". Lisa Masterson blew the whistle on Baxter in the UK. The same thing happened to both Scientist whistle blowers who had the science, they were arrested by police on opposite sides of the pond. Their kids were taken away. Each was placed in mental hospitals and heavily drugged.

I was trying to blog this all out on a Horse Farm in Wales, Massachusetts. Chris Kennedy of Ellington Connecticut and Del Simmons owner of of Atlanta Georgia and who may was trying to expose globalist stuff out of Wilmington, Delaware, Biden's stomping ground. All of us had multiple power surges at our houses all at the same time taking out our computers, microwave ovens, furnace electronics, televisions, stereos, etc.

Rich Murzin, another police officer, or retired FBI agency the CT State Police were sending their vandals out to harass, would tip me off whenever the Connecticut FBI or Connecticut State Police sent one of their informants out to kill me. I wasn't safe on the Farm, so I went to hide and only pay cash in New York City, no cellphone. I used Skype to communicate. I was tip a State Police Officer's 14 year old girlfriend on probation was going to wear an grey haired wig, cheater glasses to read menus to make me think she was not 14, and pick me up in NYC bar I was hanging out in, and if they couldn't get me for statutory rape, to serve my life out as a sex offender, or they would just straight up murder me in a mugging that went bad. So, I left New York City, and left to go to New Orleans known as the Big Easy. Rich Murzin said the FBI then referred to me as "Big Apple to the Big Easy" when coded messages from CT State Police or FBI sent someone out to attack me. My current tipster says if Donald Trump calls for a re-election on one day, in person, declares the US opened up due the numbers meaning nothing for lack of death. And that Pfizer tried this total BS with Lyme Disease and everything from, up until something they threw against the wall that finally stuck. The contact tracing is to target individuals like me who are the biggest pains the a$$ to the UN and/or the Clintons.

Since Biden only got 1/10 to 1/3 max of the vote, Biden won't get in. The worldwide lock down would end, there would be no contact tracing. The Clintons, Bidens, Obamas, and their whole spider web of World Bank, UN, and Chinese Intelligence spooks would all be exposed for this whole hoax on humanity.

If you have the name of the Canadian former politician, or guy who ran for office. I want to apologize for not believing him and posting his stuff on Stark Raving Viking. Kathleen Dickson's youtube video exposing PFizer won't be up long.

Any tips, can be emailed to thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com


[More from source]


Saturday, November 07, 2020

The UN shows up anywhere, it then becomes a Communist Sh*thole.

AOC Declares Conservatives Will Be PURGED by Democrats For Supporting Trump [Direct Link to video]

Text with video:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls for Democrats and woke Leftists to create LISTS so they can PURGE Trump supporters after the elections. Many Leftists on Twitter are talking about 'punishing' conservatives regardless of whether Joe Biden wins or loses the election. #TrumpvsBiden #ElectionResults #USElection



Darren Beattie // color revolution // [Direct link to video]

Screw kids, take 100s of millions of dollars to sell your country out to China. Your name is Biden, Clinton, or Obama and all of that is okay. You collect evidence or complain, it will be you who goes to prison, is tortured, and is killed.

Thursday, November 05, 2020

Every Democrat in US is Illegitimate and Needs to be Removed Immediately, Illegal NDAA 2012!

Barrack Obama passed the 2012 NDAA. It was to turn the US and the Internet over to the UN for Agenda 21 and 2030. It was for the DoD to propagandized the Mainstream and Social Media putting out 100s of millions to elect Democrats, completely nullify the US Constitution, put us in permanent lock down, and to rig all court cases and prosecutions so Democrats and their operatives can do whatever they wanted and their opposition can be maliciously prosecuted, kidnapped, tortured, beaten, and even railroaded to prison for life. 

Ask Roger Stone, or anyone who was, or is, a key supporter of Donald J. Trump. 

I wish to sue in the Supreme Court, or any Court in any US State or Territory to hear my case. Consider this post my petition to sue. 

I wish to sue to remove ALL Democrats from office based on their ties to a foreign enemies of the people of the United States of America. Their seats, 100% of them are through election rigging using the Social Media and Mainstream media. 

The 2012 NDAA is a coup of the United States of America by Barack Obama. Barack Obama used 100s of millions of your tax dollars, possibly up to trillions, to rig all elections. 

I wish to have the TSA and DHS abolished and have all legislation rolled back pre 9/11/2001. I wish all future legislation be standard US English language, not Lawyer-Speak which is another language to rip us all off, and enslave us. All legislation, laws, rules, and all government papers need to have a plain English translation. 

Please donate to the legal fund:

Steven G. Erickson

PO Box Eight Seventy-Four

Brattleboro, VT 05302 USA

stevengerickson at yahoo dot com

[My BitChute video channel] [my LiveLeak video channel might still be up]

[More information, videos, links

DoD, “Drugs on Demand”, Behind the Coup? [Direct link to video]

Canadian blogger Green Crow as the Crow Flies blog is awesome in calling BS on "the virus" and has awesome blog roll in right side panel:

Wednesday, November 04, 2020

Willow Osborne - Foggy Mountain Breakdown


Deliverance • Dueling Banjos • Arthur Smith

Alleged Biden Ballot Box Stuffing in New Hampshire

The below was emailed 2:50 PM November 4, 2020 from erickson_77 at hotmail dot com

[New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu's aid's name snipped],

please tell the Governor congratulations on win. There are voter inconsistencies all over the nation. Alex Jones of infowars claims there are videos of postal workers having boxes of Biden only mail-in ballots. Judges who have let Antifa and BLM activists back out on the street need to be investigated for ties to the United Nations pedophilia profits fund, and the Communist influence of the international police union.

Contact tracing has allegedly been used by the UN and/or the international police union and/or judiciary to target me, harass and threaten me, destroy my life, and railroad me to prison to be held as a political prisoner.

I have done my own polls on who is supporting whom. I have personally defended you, Governor Chris Sununu over requiring masks for groups of 100 or more, and the shutting down restaurants and bars and then only allowing only partial capacity with social distancing, and the training of college students, and others, having contract tracing restrictions to be trained to live in a state without the US Constitution applying, even though I do not support ANY restrictions or testing for the BS in severity, and almost no death, COVID.

Please look into voter fraud where Biden got such a huge percentage of New Hampshire vote, and so many NH residents know that Biden want to eliminate gasoline and diesel vehicles having the ban by 2025, eliminating non-green electric plants shutting off most electricity, the fossil fuel industry shut down, the US Constitution officially repealed, going cashless possible with a UN Chinese Communist controlled digital currency, wearing masks forever, having children taken away on any excuse possibly by official pedophiles for child auctions, and don't want travel and the ability to have a small business and have a decent life to pursue happiness, cancelled forever.

Please look into irregularities where postal workers or any UN operatives are involved if fixing elections, and please set up a way to prosecuted these international criminals. Please looking into judges who have pandered to BLM, Antifa, the United Nations by letting rioters and other agent provocateurs and those supplying hard drugs to them right back out on the streets. Look into those judges finances and put those who have sold the result of court cases to benefit UN Communist takeover of the world and their drug trafficking and child sex trafficking pursuits.

I tried to remove "Judge 666", Jonathan J. Kaplan for alleged pedophilia and colluding with the international police union and the United Nations to eradicate small business, family farming and ranching, Christian Religion, to set up the US for gun confiscation and the US Constitution being nullified for years before he put me in prison, tried to have me put permanently in a mental hospital, and wanted me to lose everything and mocked me before sentencing me about being permanently being estranged from my only daughter, Sarah, in retaliation for my trying to have him removed and prosecuted through Rep Mordasky, and Connecticut State Senators Guglielmo and Kissel for years.

I even wrote George W. Bush about the UN and international police union throttling small business and targeting citizens, 9-15-2001, and received a response. This year I had 3 Salem, NH, police officers serve me with a lifetime restraining order out of the Palmer MA Superior Court, permanently banning me from having firearms, and to keep me from ever having a job again, to limit my free speech, and have an excuse to put me in prison for criticizing Methuen Mass for their political appointment of police captains $350,000 or so each, to then have to cut the school budget, and for Mass State Police making over a million dollars a year is real reason for restraining order. I said that my father's wife was almost as big a [C-Word snipped] as Hillary Clinton in a one time letter to my father's wife in 2016 with no other contact in decades to then get a lifetime restraining order put against me in 2020 and I was told I can't contest it and was never informed of a court date.

I upset the international police union over 2 high ranking members. Mass Police Officer Keith Winfield who raped his 23 month old niece with a hot curling iron, and Martha Coakley reluctance in prosecuting. I also upset the Black Robed Mafia even more when I complained that Judge John M. Walker (George H. W. Bush's cousin) for running down and killing New Haven Police Officer Picagli and not being arrested, detained, punished, or even being drug or alcohol tested. The Judge was allowed to leave the scene of vehicular homicide with the officer's blood and allegedly minute parts of officer on his car. I was told I was not allowed to tell others about this or complain that the slain officer was blamed for not being orange enough and got no big cop funeral like other slain officers.

I ask that you write a letter for me to get a pardon from Donald J. Trump, or any other person, or agency to get the judicial abuse retaliation of me undone for my outing the UN and the Black Robed Mafia both benefiting from pedophilia and public corruption.

I will be posting a link to the text of this letter on the Stark Raving Viking blog. Please let me know if you can help me and also look into the alleged ballot box stuffing. I believe that Biden's votes have been inflated 10x based on my own personal polling since Biden was a candidate who I believe received 100's of millions of dollars in bribes through his son Hunter and other family to sell the US out to the UN and China. Please forward this letter to the New Hampshire Attorney General to look into all of the above allegations. Should a judge be allowed to blacklist a citizen to never get a fair shake in court and where lawyers can be sanctioned, or lose their law licenses, for actually serving? Should up to all court cases be rigged by compromised judges?

Steven G. Erickson [Address and cell phone number snipped] 

Relevant links: 


Excerpt [from here]:

Are all judges corrupted from profiting from, or engaging in pedophilia. Do cops, lawyers, and judges split the money in divorce cases, child custody cases, estate cases and especially like taking away white children for child auctions? [Blog Post, click on link for Judge 666

Trump Wins? Have UN Pedophile Pushing for Blackmailing Judges Communists Playing Their LAST Card? Patriots Arise if Freedom Cancelled?

Trump Wins? Have UN Pedophile Pushing for Blackmailing Judges Communists Playing Their LAST Card? Patriots Arise if Freedom Cancelled?

[more of post]

Monday, November 02, 2020

COVID Anal Projectile, MA Gov Baker. UN/Commie Turd Nugget Kisser?

Does the US Constitution actually apply in Massachusetts? Charlie, do you plan on colluding with the Obamas, Clintons, and Bidens to keep the country shutdown until 2025 so the Communist Chinese and UN can completely takeover? 

Maybe 99.999 percent of healthy people under 65 have about zero chance of dying from a lame Flu, called Coronavirus or COVID 19. So, why even more stringent lock downs, Charlie? 

If the "numbers" say that there isn't enough death to call what there is, a pandemic, why wreck America and pander to the United Nations UNESCO, the Communist Chinese, and the World Bank RINO [C-Word Snipped] Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker.  

The Courts in Mass are crap, [read this]. 

Hey Charlie, is Massachusetts so corrupt that UN and International Police Union connected officers can make over a million dollars a year? Is it true that if you are politically connected in Methuen that Police Captains can be paid $350,000 to over $500,000 not have to show up, and the number of politically connected Police Captains is so high the school budget had to be slashed? 

Is that why 9 out of 10 residents in Methuen allegedly are accused of having contracted COVID? 

If a police officer is okay to rape 2 year olds with a hot curling iron? Police Officer Keith Winfield, high up in the International Police Union raped his 23 month old niece with a hot curling iron. What was he thinking. Also High up in the International Police Union, and the UN, DA Martha Coakley didn't want to prosecute Winfield:

I have read for years of Judges sexually abusing their staff, fixing cases, etc. A clerk of courts can hit his neighbor's cow, drive his wrecked car, there is a trail of blood down the street to behind his barn, and the case is never "solved"? [Link]

Can lifetime restraining orders be issued out of that same Palmer Mass Court, even if the C-Word about Hillary Clinton, and a Wilbraham step mother back in 2016 and there has been no contact, or any reason that there should be a lifetime restraining order? [Link]

Is Massachusetts all about Communism, a lifetime lock down, kissing UN Marxist butts, and wrecking the entire world so Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and all their cronies profit? 

Hey Charlie, if forcing everyone to where masks causes 94% more death, than without, from Pneumonia and bacterial infections caused by allowing what is a very dirty human mouth reproduce like mad inside a mask, being pulled into the lungs putting a patient way more likely to die according to a Dr. Tony Fauci medical paper filed with the NIH in 2008? [Link]

For every child that isn't in school, for even a day, you should be arrested and felony charged for risk of injury for all the children in Massachusetts you have harmed with your intentional idiocy.

How bad can you suck, Charlie?


thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com


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