Sunday, January 31, 2021

Bend Over at Will Whenever Asked for your COVID Test!!!???

A year went by when you said you would only be inconvenienced for 2 weeks ... so here you go, your reward!!!

You own nothing. 

If you aren't happy about it, you will get worse than this COVID test just to go outside your prison dwelling once a week. Take your weekly vaxx, or else.

Above pic was [found here].

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My Videos:

SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]

erickson_77 at 

The Independent Media, blogger, v-logger crowd,

Return to this blog for these links:

[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge] [HighImpactFlix] [Mark Dice][Corbett Report] [Mike Adams aka Health Ranger, Natural News] [The Red Elephants - Vincent James] [Canadian Blogger Green Crow] [Breitbart] [The David Knight Show - Reboot] [X22 Report] [Ritchie from Boston - Bitch Shute Channel] [Project Veritas - Bitchute] [Dr. Steve Turley] [Dollar Vigilanti] [Tim Pool TimCastIRL on Bitchute] [Banned Video] [SGT Report - Bitchute] [News Max] [The Salty Cracker - Bitchute] [Truthstream Media] [TheCrowHouse Awesome Australia with World View] [The SRV II Blog]

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China planned on giving you more than the gift of Communism with their psychological operations, acts of war, and rigged 2020 election, so hear you go a swab right in your *ss, on demand. [Image was taken from this video].

Lin Wood Answers: Put Up Evidence or Shut Up? with Stew Peters on PC Radio 1-31-21 [Direct link to video] @LinWoodSpeaksTruth

If post isn't isolated, click on time code below post so video(s) will play.

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Due to China's, Rothschild's, & UN's behavior, I choose to default on loans, and kick them out. (Video #JovanHuttonPulitzer)

Why should the United Nations UNESCO run, control, and get all the benefits of about 99.9% of US land, resources, water, and energy with their regulations and unseen puppeteers pulling their strings? I didn't agree to borrow any money from China, or Rothschild World Bank. So, if this is my country, and I am a Sovereign Natural Born citizen in the United States of America, and can prove it, I have a hankering to say, "I ain't paying you nothing, get out of my country."

1 ounce silver rounds last week cost about $28 to $33 or so to buy one at a coin shop. They seem to be out of 2020 US minted silver 1 ounce coins and only have 2021 in short supply at some outlets. With Reddit, and average citizens buying silver in quantity, and then refusing to sell it, the price could go up north of $800, according to some 'talkers', and the banks playing the "shorts market", can get screwed over and lose their shirts like over GameStop. 

All contained herein, and in this, or any of my blogs is commentary, and opinion. I don't have a fact-checking staff. Do you own investing, medical, and political by getting 2nd and 3rd opinions, and don't base anything I say, or type on anything you do, or engage in.

Wear your 2 masks tightly (or face arrest/imprisonment), social distance, and just shut the hell up and enjoy you Communist Life owning nothing, having no basic human rights, and being happy about it, COMRADE!!!

Disclaimer: Talking to, liking, reading material, befriending, dating, or hanging out with a conservative thinking person could end up in your confinement, official kidnapping of your children, torture, rape, being starved, and even your being murdered in a Joe Biden/UN/Communist Chinese regime.

Commodities market prices for Gold, Silver etc.:

Fireside Chat #5 1-31-21 SNAFU radio [Direct Link to Video]


[More with video and links

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Lin Wood Answers: What's Going On with Joe Biden's Executive Orders? 1-31-21 Stew Peters [Direct Link to Video]

Rothschild/China/UN/Socialist Democrat Coup is out to ROUNDUP and KILL OPPOSITION???!!!

Click on time code below if post isn't isolated. The Video(s) will then play.

Tucker: The American government is at war with its own people [Direct Link to Video]

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My Videos:

SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]

erickson_77 at 

The Independent Media, blogger, v-logger crowd,

Return to this blog for these links:

[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge] [HighImpactFlix] [Mark Dice][Corbett Report] [Mike Adams aka Health Ranger, Natural News] [The Red Elephants - Vincent James] [Canadian Blogger Green Crow] [Breitbart] [The David Knight Show - Reboot] [X22 Report] [Ritchie from Boston - Bitch Shute Channel] [Project Veritas - Bitchute] [Dr. Steve Turley] [Dollar Vigilanti] [Tim Pool TimCastIRL on Bitchute] [Banned Video] [SGT Report - Bitchute] [News Max] [The Salty Cracker - Bitchute] [Truthstream Media] [TheCrowHouse Awesome Australia with World View] [The SRV II Blog]

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How Can They Say This With a Straight Face? [Direct link to video] (Officials, their corrupt friends, and insiders are not going to stick their necks out for you. There is nothing in it for them. That is what this vlogger is saying about Qanon, Hopium at its best.)

How to Survive Antiwhite America [Direct link to video]

Trump Surprise! She Knows Now Her Plan Is Toast! [Direct Link to Video] (Corrupt, blackmailed, and bribed judges absolutely won't act for the US Constitution or for the will of the people. This is obvious. Judges need to be investigated and jailed if found to be part of the Central Bank/China Coup.)

The Covid Response: A Slow Boil of Civil Rights - Viva Frei Vlawg [Direct link to video] (How is the 2 week only, temporary 'Shut Down' working out for you? Have the most Basic Human Rights been suspended after one year of BS, and you now are okay with all of it???!!!)

Suspending Central Bank/Corporate Charter Propping Up Joe Biden a Possible ALL CITIZEN PROPOSITION? (Video)

If this post isn't isolated by clicking on time code below post, the video won't play. 

I can't verify anything as of this posting. But I am investigating the process in [this link, the American States Assembly]. 

Another video that is bombshell, is embedded [in this post with lots of links and my contact information]. 

When was the last time a traitor, official, banker, thief, propagandist, and/or takeover the world psychopath was tarred and feathered? 

Disclaimer: I am not advocating violence. I am just stimulating imaginations for dramatic purposes. All of my posts are opinion and editorial comment. Check all sources and get second opinions on everything. Such as, trees breathe in carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen is bad. As trees create a dependence on carbon dioxide, a gas claimed to cause Global Warming, allegedly responsible for this new Ice Age.

The United States Was Stolen a Long Time Ago, How We Have Been Kept Ignorant, Anna von Reitz (2of2) [Sarah Westal, Bitchute video upload direct link]

Text with video: 

Anna von Reitz rejoins the program to discuss how we can reclaim our proper sovereign place and start exercising our rights. She explains how the United States has been coopted and bankrupted by a greedy corporation acting against our interests. You can learn more about Anna von Reitz on her website at or at is now LIVE again!!!

Censorship is very serious. Please sign up for those platforms that do not censor. Go to to sign up for my newsletter, Odysee, Bitchute, Rumble, Gab, Parler, podcast platforms and more!

Censored Documentary "Planet Lockdown" Airs In Full (Video Embedded), Helter Skelter 2.0 OPERATION FULL FORCE INITIATIVE

The new global currency is explained. Central Banks needed to come up with some sort of plan to distract the "Idiocracy of Citizens", too stupid to see that national borders are being erased, basic human rights are being suspended, and that national currency are being eliminated. 

China, the UN, the Rothschild World Bank, Corporate Organized Crime, and the Bad Boys Billionaire's Club will control all the slaves left after culling with a mostly Chinese Communist World Reserve Digital Currency. 

Will everyone be put on Universal Basic Income disbursed by the Military Industrial Complex Internet Cloud? 

Is the Banking Policies of the Slave Trade now being applied to all of us enslaved in the Digital World?

The major obstacle is Americans possessing guns, the 2nd Amendment. For all intents and purposes, Free Speech, the 1st Amendment has been suspended by the Central Banks. Wear your face diaper and just shut your mouth!

This blogger has his own ideas. I hung out with Charles Manson prosecutor, Vincent Bugliosi. He talked to me about the Deep State's Spy Program, and "Helter Skelter". 

It was where Blacks were encouraged to overthrow the White Establishment, and then would be financially disenfranchised, and then their populations were to be culled by mass murder and/or a virus that took out only those of minority genetics. 

Helter Skelter was the result of Deep State Think Tank spooks taking lots of LSD in the 1960s. Looks like they are getting away with their wildest trip of how to the the biggest world psychopaths.

Alex Jones, [Catherine Austin Fitts], and others break it down in below video [Direct Link]. Catherine Austin Fitts documentary airs in full about a half hour in, or so. Find out for yourself.

Click on Time Code below this post if post isn't isolated, so video will play. 

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thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com



SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]

The Independent Media, blogger, v-logger crowd,

Return to this blog for these links:

[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge] [HighImpactFlix] [Mark Dice][Corbett Report] [Mike Adams aka Health Ranger, Natural News] [The Red Elephants - Vincent James] [Canadian Blogger Green Crow] [Breitbart] [The David Knight Show - Reboot] [X22 Report] [Ritchie from Boston - Bitch Shute Channel] [Project Veritas - Bitchute] [Dr. Steve Turley] [Dollar Vigilanti] [Tim Pool TimCastIRL on Bitchute] [Banned Video] [SGT Report - Bitchute] [News Max] [The Salty Cracker - Bitchute] [Truthstream Media] [TheCrowHouse Awesome Australia with World View] [The SRV II Blog]

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[click here] for:

Complicity in Pedophilia and Child Trafficking, What Amazon doesn't want you to know?

Are all major banks and corporations involved in child sex trafficking? Watch video while it is up. 

The below video will not play unless this post is isolated. Click on time code below video to isolate this post.

Producer Of The Hunger Games Exposes Paedophiles Gates, Epstein & The Royal Family [direct link to video]


[more with video

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Friday, January 29, 2021

Biden Illegitimate! Election Fraud Evidence, Why won't ANY COURT hear the evidence? (Video)

How can Joe Biden be considered a "Legitimate Leader", if the voter fraud evidence isn't even heard in US Courts?

Are Judges so compromised by pedophilia, and take so many bribes, that there is no longer any justice, rule of law, and basic human rights in the United States of America?

Are the few Democrats who voted for Joe Biden, screaming that Donald J. Trump is the legitimately elected US President, and should be allowed to preside over the United States of America and the Free World for his 2nd Term. 

This is the will of possibly over 80,000,000 US Voters due to so many Trump votes being shredded. 

Despite 4 years of Corporate, Rothschild, and other Banker owned Mainstream Media and Social Media blasting Trump and Conservatives, while running cover for Crimes Against Humanity Purveyors of the Deep State, Donald J. Trump still won in the biggest landslide in US History.  

[Click Here] for The Clinton Body Count Documentary - 2021 - The Syndicate Serial Killers (Video Embedded)

If this post isn't stand alone, click on time code below blog post. Otherwise video(s) won't play. Disclaimer: What is in this post is commentary and opinion, not a statement of fact.

HANNITY 01/28/2021 [Direct link to video] (Game Stop, Wall Street, Robinhood, Parlor, and more discussed.)

TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT 01/28/2021 [Direct Link to Video]

Sen. Rand Paul Calls For Mask Rebellion [Direct Link to Video] "You should fight back figuratively." 

AUSTRALIA SEEKING URGENT ADVICE FROM NORWAY AFTER PFIZER VACCINE DEATHS [Direct Link to Video] Vaccines are awesome for finishing off the elderly in nursing homes!

RED ALERT: IT'S SO DIABOLICAL EVEN MERCK WANTS OUT. [MIRRORED] [Direct Link to Video] "You should let yourself get COVID and recover naturally. The vaccine is too dangerous." Are COVID Vaccines actually "Gene Therapy", not vaccines, designed to kill undesirables, elderly, and to sterilize populations and part of UN Agenda 21 and 2030 Mass Murder Program? Is Pharmacology actually "Spellcraft, Enchantment, Magical Arts, and Sorcery" Is there a connection between 5G and Coronavirus?


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Bombshell Ice Age Farmer Video Embedded in below post, click on link to view

[Click Here] for:

Free World Famine is Communist Ordered. Biden, Trudeau, Johnson and others are on Board.

Private property is being eliminated. Land and game management goons can place "game cameras" on your property to spy on you to see if you are growing food. That isn't "Zero Carbon Emissions", and you are violating new Communist Rules. Our owners want to eliminate any self-sufficiency, those feeding themselves, and especially go after any meat production for us, not for them.

You are dirty and dangerous to Communism. Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Jack Dorsey, George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg, Michael Bloomberg, Xi Jinping, others in the Billionaire Bad Boys Club, and Rothschilds all say that you should be ashamed of yourself.

Turn in your neighbor, or so you have more food as a reward for being a good Green. 95% of the useless eaters who emit carbon need to be eliminated for a better planet. Elites will be even less disgusted with you as you rot into the ground, infecting their planet. 

Communists in 2019 in China realized that they would break up like the former USSR, and their populations would rebel, attack government due to famines caused by poor crop production, and their protein supply of chickens, and pigs, mostly died off due to virus experimentation in Chinese Bio-Weapons labs.   

If you get too "uppity", Biden, Trudeau, Johnson, Morrison, and others infected with the UN, Rothschild, Elites, and Chinese Communist Agendas can shut off your electricity and internet. 

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We're all Victims of the US Government on 9-11

Jump or burn to death alive ...

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

China literally wants to Stick it in our *ss???!!! Anal Probing???!!!

Click time code below this post if this post isn't isolated. The video(s) will then play.

Is Joe Biden involved in De-facto Repeal of the US Constitution? Is there an end to private property and basic human rights all over the "Free World" as a result of China and the World Bank installing an alleged career criminal pedophile into White House?

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Saturday, January 23, 2021

MSNBC wants Twitter, Facebook and Everything Electronic Purged of Radicals,Trumpers, Conservatives ...

If this post isn't stand alone, click on time code below blog post. Otherwise video(s) won't play. Disclaimer: What is in this post is commentary and opinion, not a statement of fact.

WHOA! MSNBC Host Warns of Future Revolts if Joe Biden REFUSES to Address this one Thing [Next News Network, Bitchute]

Sometime in from 2012 to 2014, I sold a contracting job to a gentleman in Concord, New Hampshire area, who claimed to work for the defense industry down in Boston area, and claimed to be an insider. He broke down what was to happen.

The UN, World Bank, and Communist China want about 1 in 25 people to be from the 3rd World as operatives to bring down the country, and prevent voting from ever allowing the country to get out of NWO slavery. It could then bring on programs, and operations, to reduce the populations down to Medieval Time levels for population.

The gentleman told me that New Hampshire was one of the main targets of "voter transition of ideas", an UN program. It was to bring in as many darker skinned people from the 3rd World to change the dynamics of the State, and other areas of the country to fix the upcoming elections to have forced inoculations at the same time as gun, property, and asset confiscation with all basic human rights being repealed in all of Free World at same time after a leader was installed. I believe he meant Hillary Clinton.

The UN sent as much of the 3rd World as possible into countries of the EU to keep them in line, factions in countries fighting with each other, so there was no borders, national sovereignty, nationalism, no financial independence from World Bank, and there was no ability of the people to fight back and regain their countries.

Muslim rape gangs that target small businesses, kidnapping young White girls and boys for pedophilia, sex trafficking, and for Satanic Rituals for Judges, High Ranking Politicians, and Bankers to cement their deals in harming the general population of the Free World.

X22 Report is a Q-Anon person, so everything in below video should be taken with a grain of salt.

Lior Gantz - The [CB] Believe They Have The Green Light For The Reset, Trap Set [X22 Report, Bitchute]

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[Click Here] for:

"Pandemic Over" and "We Lost the Culture" - Commentary and Opinion - (Dollar Vigilante, Don Bongino, videos)

The Pandemic was needed from 2019 to install leadership conducive to the World Bank, United Nations UNESCO, and Communist China.

The Soft Coup and now The US Communist/Corporatist/Banker Revolution is Complete.

If Google, Blogger, YouTube, or any sort of forum censors, blocks, throttles, shadow bans, messes with the hit counter etc., isn't that just a continuation of the coup/election fraud debacle, if opinions and commentary are no longer allowed in the "Free World"? Would the Great Reset, real agenda then be self-evident?

Those who feared prison and being executed for child trafficking, pedophilia, sedition, insurrection, treason, conducting a coup, racketeering, obstruction of justice, witness tampering, jury rigging, judge shopping and compromising, blackmail, extortion, mass murder, war crimes, crimes against humanity, money laundering, bribery, robbery, and bringing down the Free World for profit and 95% population reduction, are the ones who sit in judgement of the wronged population, and leaders for mass detention, punishment, and executions. (Sorry for run on sentence ... )

So, in this respect, it is a typical Communist Revolution, like in Russia 1917, complete with the "Trust" Psy-Op, getting all the potential opposition to identify themselves for most effective, and comprehensive, round-up.

[more with videos

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Monkey Werx - Overwatch SITREP 22-Jan-21 - Where's Trump? (Very Interesting Video)

Commentary and Opinion:

Is Trump still using Military Aircraft? Are there no fly zones over Trump wherever he is, like he is still the active President of US? Was Joe Biden, a supposed incoming US President denied Military Aircraft, or similar to Air Force 1, as were all modern incoming US Presidents?

US Troops were turned out of Capitol and made to sleep in cold parking garages. Trump invited Troops to use his DC Hotel so Troops have bathrooms, showers, warmth, amenities and internet. 

Does the Joe Biden Fraudulent Regime seem illegitimate on its face?

[More with Video]

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My Videos:

SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]

erickson_77 at 

The Independent Media, blogger, v-logger crowd,

Return to this blog for these links:

[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge] [HighImpactFlix] [Mark Dice][Corbett Report] [Mike Adams aka Health Ranger, Natural News] [The Red Elephants - Vincent James] [Canadian Blogger Green Crow] [Breitbart] [The David Knight Show - Reboot] [X22 Report] [Ritchie from Boston - Bitch Shute Channel] [Project Veritas - Bitchute] [Dr. Steve Turley] [Dollar Vigilanti] [Tim Pool TimCastIRL on Bitchute] [Banned Video] [SGT Report - Bitchute] [News Max] [The Salty Cracker - Bitchute] [Truthstream Media] [TheCrowHouse Awesome Australia with World View] [The SRV II Blog]

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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

John The Revelator by Depeche Mode (Flashback)

[Direct link to below video]

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[Click Here] for:

Military/Police, Active and Retired, to be Purged of Trump Supporters? First to be detained/disarmed?

[Brighteon Mike Adams Health Ranger Natural News Video Direct Link - Situation Update, Jan. 18, 2021 - Game-changing Intel grants Trump new pathways to VICTORY - Not Q-ANON, Mike has been accurate with direct from the military information in the past]

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris might be safe if a single donator or supporter of Donald J. Trump is left out on the street, or alive. 

If 80% of them believe the election was fraudulent and involves China, the administration isn't safe, especially if their are armed police officers and military who voted for, support, and/or donated to Trump. 

Biden and Harris need to prevent a nationwide celebration of all Trump has done for the US financially and making a viable Democratic Republic in a new era, postponing the nightmare we are all now experiencing for about 4 years.

Maybe 80% of the opinion of those who voted for Trump, that if Hillary Clinton was able to steal the election in 2016, most of us would already have starved in detention camps, or put to death for resisting UN Chinese Communism.

Q-Anon has completely been discredited as being a Deep State Psy-Op to get limited intelligence patriots to be wind-up toys and useful idiots.

Censorship, the lock down, 2019 China worrying about starving and country breaking up without using US farms, pig and chicken farms getting rid of Americans wasn't necessary, the riots, fires, looting, hiring BLM and Antifa as agent provocateurs, and compromising all judges and alphabet agencies is all going to be revealed January 21, 2021, and it is too late you can't do a thing about it.

Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and other billionaires already own the farmland that China needs to feed itself. Private Property and basic human rights have already been ended, but do officially for the Free World, January 20, 2021.

Chinese elites hate Americans, and want all dead. After the patriots are wiped out, those who know how to take a country down will no longer be of use and will be exterminated as well. 

China will only want children and select Americans chosen by their Facebook profiles and pictures for the Chinese Online version of human trafficking, importing people into China for brothels and torture porn.

Bringing up Hunter Biden's Laptop, or Pedophilia being bad, might end up in your torture and execution after January 20, 2021.


[More with Video and links]

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[click here] for:

Heterosexual White Males will NOT be allowed to Guard a Pedophile Run Nation

Heterosexual White Men are the new subversives out to topple the Pedophile New World Order?

In that case, more than 70% of the Military and Police would need to be disarmed, detained, and processed. If re-education doesn't work in camp, then indefinite detention, gender reassignment, and/or execution could also be considered.

Will there ever be an actual reason, and ability, to Celebrate July 4th, Independence Day?

All basic human rights have been de-facto stripped from all citizens all over the formerly Free World. Privileges won't be extended to anyone considered not Cooperative with the Pedophile Run Regime. 

B.A.R. Association and lawyers, prosecutors, and judges are only allowed to barbecue you, strip you of your assets cash, breaking up families, and sending anyone supportive of the US Constitution and traditional American values to prison and/or to torture, starvation, and death. 

[Trump Supporters' Angst with Trump? (Video) Click Here]

Above picture of Jimmy Savile, pedophile, was [found here]. 

Mike Adams aka the Health Ranger on Natural News [January 20, 2021, Update



SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]

The Independent Media, blogger, v-logger crowd,

Return to this blog for these links:

[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge] [HighImpactFlix] [Mark Dice][Corbett Report] [Mike Adams aka Health Ranger, Natural News] [The Red Elephants - Vincent James] [Canadian Blogger Green Crow] [Breitbart] [The David Knight Show - Reboot] [X22 Report] [Ritchie from Boston - Bitch Shute Channel] [Project Veritas - Bitchute] [Dr. Steve Turley] [Dollar Vigilanti] [Tim Pool TimCastIRL on Bitchute] [Banned Video] [SGT Report - Bitchute] [News Max] [The Salty Cracker - Bitchute] [Truthstream Media] [TheCrowHouse Awesome Australia with World View] [The SRV II Blog]

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Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The Clinton Body Count Documentary - 2021 - The Syndicate Serial Killers

[Direct Link to Video] If post isn't isolated, video won't play. In this case, click time code below this post.

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thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com



SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]

The Independent Media, blogger, v-logger crowd,

Return to this blog for these links:

[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge] [HighImpactFlix] [Mark Dice][Corbett Report] [Mike Adams aka Health Ranger, Natural News] [The Red Elephants - Vincent James] [Canadian Blogger Green Crow] [Breitbart] [The David Knight Show - Reboot] [X22 Report] [Ritchie from Boston - Bitch Shute Channel] [Project Veritas - Bitchute] [Dr. Steve Turley] [Dollar Vigilanti] [Tim Pool TimCastIRL on Bitchute] [Banned Video] [SGT Report - Bitchute] [News Max] [The Salty Cracker - Bitchute] [Truthstream Media] [TheCrowHouse Awesome Australia with World View] [The SRV II Blog]

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