Sunday, April 26, 2020

Will this video end the worldwide shutdown?

Dr. Dan Erickson, Urgent Care, Bakersfield, California breaks it down.



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Saturday, April 25, 2020

Hunt Bill Laden Gates, the "Real" Boogieman?

Being anti-racist from age 4, 1968, came from talking with my grandfather, and overhearing my Monsanto father, corporate version speak with Chinese, German, and other worldwide operatives.

My grandmother was recently over from Sicily on a boat to experience the possible biggest California earthquake in modern history 1906. She was much older than my grandfather whose grandparents came from Sweden.

During hard times, my grandfather worked the farms in California, and then ran a business where he had 2 white donkeys and would give rich women scenic rides in his cart. My grandmother, a servant he gave rides for free.

My paternal grandfather proposed to her by letter when he returned to North Dakota to run his own rented farm.

Back then Sicilians were considered Africans and "race mixing" was almost unheard of. 

Swedish and Norwegian farmers in North Dakota of the mid 1800s, thought if they mixed, that they would have one eyed children ... 

My grandfather woke me up to the real world from age 4, taking me for pickup rides around the world telling me things he never told his own 7 children.

direct link to below video:

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keywords: Alex Jones Inforwars UN Agenda 21 David Icke aliens are taking over the world US UK EU UNESCO owns all land in America USSR Soviet Union ugly art pedophilia Mossad Israel Iran COVID-19 Coronavirus hoax Connecticut State Police Misconduct Stafford Springs Peter J. Coukos is a pedophile who helped CIA kidnap children to sell into sex slavery when he traveled internationally according to him. Senator John Kissel is a traitor advocates police have armed drones guns to kill citizens World Government depopulation New York City Manhattan free pizza pandemic subway schedule Boston Rhode Island beach discount motel hotel Africa free housing $1200 check with Donald J. Trump signature Planned Parenthood abortion rights free speech 2nd Amendment Gun Confiscation US National Guard USCG DHS Department of Homeland Security TSA Naked teens surveillance drone attack discount coupon Barack Obama Michelle CIA whore NSA extermination WiFi 5G murder kill smoking gun stadium NFL Tom Brady Florida Massachusetts Maine, Vermont New Hampshire Delaware Joe Biden Bill Hillary Clinton CGI digital currency Bill Gates tattoo shut down Martial Law NDAA Patriot Act 9/11 Oklahoma City Federal building bombing kill grid mass murder magnetic cookers satellite microwave IBM Nazi death camps Japanese germ warfare bio-weapon operation paperclip starving to death Lyme Disease fraudulent testing vaccine Andrew Cuomo is a douchebag nipple rings Bank run depression recession battle 2020 election postponed sunlight kills virus NIH CDC shut down scam Microsoft civil war dead sea scrolls Mississippi New Orleans Louisiana Hurricane Katrina Tornado local weather Vietnam Ukraine Russia Vladimir Putin Lithuania Lietuva Latvia Estonia Poland England British Empire George Soros Kill murder shoot Jeff Bezos child abandonment DCF misconduct Wuhan Flu China Chinese world population starving starvation pigs chickens US Constitution null and void abolished kick UN out of US CNN MSNBC Matt Drudge Report Fox News death ray Alex Jones on Facebook last broadcast got killed last days last freedom ended. Devil Inferno Satan Catholic priest alter boy

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Kicking the UN out of the US?

If the UN is looking to covertly make null, and void, the US Constitution, maybe the UN personnel and the operations of the UN should be evicted to be outside the US. If there was complicity with Bill Gates, there needs to be prosecutions, and prosecution for crimes against humanity.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Lying Scumbags

Andrew Cuomo, Governor of New York [photo found here with Ebola quarantine story]

I talked to the lying scumbag from the right, former New Jersey Chris Christie in New Hampshire in 2016 when he was running for US President. I am so glad Christine showed his true colors as a former prosecutor, just a worthless, lying sack, and was not electable.

Average people are now seeing what lying scumbags the mainstream media is, those who are on SNL Saturday Night Live, the news pundits, and talk show hosts are all exposed. If there aren't paper ballots, or those voting from their cellphones where the election can be rigged, the UN and Dema Commie Rat Party are going to be the biggest losers.

There was a world wide coup attempted.

The above photo, if legitimate, shows the lies that can be told. Click on photo to make bigger. I found the above photo here: I read this blog, pretty much everyday: and look at the blog roll as well. Green Crow as the Crow Flies blog is where I found the Aanger Fan blog post.

Mismanagement of the world politic can't be this incompetent.

There has to have been a grand plan for a coup. 2016. Hillary Clinton took the nomination of the Democrat Party away from the true people's choice in 2016, Bernie Sanders. Then comes 2018 there is a worldwide purge of voices on social media, conservative hosts are de-platformed. The bad behavior was rewarded with massive wins of the Democrats in 2018 mid-term elections.

It was obvious that the UN Dema Commie Rats were going to pull the most spectacular worldwide takeover, ever. The suspension of the US Constitution was the final annoying item on their punch list. The American people are just in the way of their agenda. But, with everyone worldwide laying down, staying home, no one in the world deserves any rights, property, a family, or a job.

Just sit and wait for your Bill Gates vaccine and his chipped tattoo so you can ask permission for food, travel, and any generosity he and his people are willing to give you.


Hospitals, dentist offices, lodging, small businesses, and life as we once knew it is tanking all over the world. You have been punked by Chinese Communists after they lost battles in the Trade War. China would have truly lost if the world didn't just lay down to BS spread over smartphones, Ipads, and computers that China corrupted with their Spy Tech. 

Links, video, music in other posts.

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Saturday, April 18, 2020

UN/Chinese dictatorship policies are good for all of us, right? China has shut off water to 4 nations. Is this a sign of what else is also going on?

I have been driving a lot in Massachusetts, Vermont, Maine, and New Hampshire. So, I see a lot, and have made observations.

I am considered "Essential" where I am currently working, for those who are already paying attention to my travels, and not self-quarantining. I am considering the safety of others, but am not worried about catching a virus that I may have already had, and shown no symptom, and then if I get and show little, or no symptoms. For most of the population this is "The Big Nothing" that will end life as we once knew it, soon.

I am seeing that emergency rooms, and parking lots are about empty. No motorcycle accidents, sports accidents, and those are getting treated for what would normally be treated for. Dentists offices are mostly closed. Local emergency rooms, trauma centers in rural communities have almost no on in parking lots as compared to before "this emergency". Will needed services, including doctors, go out of business due to the current mismanagement, or worse planned implosion of society.

If there is massive civil unrest, we all lose. If we do nothing we the people lose. So what should we do?

Restaurants, clinics, dentist offices, shops, farms, food processing plants, and other small and large businesses are closing permanently. 

A close friend of mine went to a membership big box store and noticed that there was zero fresh produce and meats for sale, after the recent news that meat and food processing plants are closing if any workers are infected by the Coronavirus, COVID-19.

I was listening to news reports that anyone who has had the virus, even showing no symptoms, and if they did from complications of something else, they are added to the numbers of COVID dead?

So, cancer, leukemia, alcoholism, drug overdoses, motorcycle and car accidents, and other causes of death are not being accurately counted. So, are they then not occurring? That is what the statistics seems to be showing?

Also, with all the lies, retractions, and the bi-polar mainstream media reporting, there is complete loss of credibility of the "news" agencies owned by Big Pharma and corporations that most profit from war and civil unrest.

Meanwhile China is starving 4 nations of water, damning up the Mekong Delta River:


My video uploads:

I have been aware that the UN and UNESCO has been covertly directing local, state, and national police agencies and court systems to go after those who are against UN policies, Global Warming (now climate change), erasing national borders, unchecked immigration, having citizens pay a Global Tax for breathing, and anyone who is a potential leader to fight for national sovereignty, intact families, small business, self-employment, farming, ranching, and for having representation for our taxation.

All of our rights, including Free Speech. Meanwhile, policing like that below wants more power, and more of your tax money to fund this:


I was asked, "when did most of these problems start?"

Well, when was it not okay to spank your own children?

When was the dictator of the world considered more important than the head of the family?

Men, now, not just the White ones, are bad, especially the heterosexual ones.

The global elite want you to obey one world dictator.

Let's see how that works out. Leadership should go from one family leader of a unit, up, then to the community, then the district, then the state, then the nation. Right now, the push is to be backwards.

Children used to be spanked. I am not talking about abusing children. Daughter would test their fathers, even if they weren't spanked for being bad, if there was an expectation that they would be spanked if bad, would make the eventual woman more in touch with her own sexuality produce more natural hormones desire sex, family, happiness and success.

I am not advocating sexualizing or harming children.

Boys, who become men, need to see their fathers as masculine, caring, and fostering respect, not just fear of a beating.

That being said, I had a father who would hold me up by my neck as small infant and shake me while choking me. I was bowled down the cellar stairs age 3 because my father had a bad day in the Chemical Labs of Monsanto, Springfield, Massachusetts.

I believe to this day that because I was hugging on my male cat, age 3, that he poisoned it (Agent Orange or Monsanto Weed Killer, Round Up?), so its fur would fall out and die horrifically in front of me. Even so, I recovered from what is described in below link. I never believed in the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, and that a government not watched, and controlled, acts in our collective best interests:

My father is #6 out of 7 children growing up on a farm near Fargo, North Dakota. It was as cold and desolate as the arctic in Winter. There was no electricity or indoor plumbing in the micro small farmhouse. The 4 boys in the family were born after 3 daughters, 3 in a row. The boys were all placed in a windowless closet.

As a toddler, or when I first became aware, if I was in the bathroom and a Preparation H suppository was missing from the package, the beatings I would get when my father came home would be more severe. 

My father growing up, witnessed the oldest boy abusing all the others, in ways I will never know. It poisoned my father's head on the oldest boy, farming, religion, and everything core American. That is why he became the CIA version of a Corporate KGB for Monsanto, enlisting corporate operatives from China, Germany, S. Korea, and other nations to organize together for one corporate world government.

My grandfather gave me pickup rides around his rented farm ages 4 to 8 and he broke down from 1968 on what would occur to today. He was right. I was awake, 4 years old, 1968, and allegedly saw my father and local police chiefs getting contraband, narcotics, cash, or other shipments coming in on a B-52 in Chicopee Massachusetts Westover Air Force Base. The Pilot was Ray O'Mara.

The Ludlow, Massachusetts, Police Chief took me aside age 6, took me aside during a school tour of the fire and police departments as a school field trip, asking me if I remember seeing him at Westover. I did. He told me that I needed to shut up about what my father and he were doing. I was told if I behaved myself I could be a spy like James Bond, too ...

If you don't see me post again, it just might be because of this post ...

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Saturday, April 11, 2020

W.H.O. threatens Trump. Trump threatens WHO back. Defund and kick out UN and WHO!

Tony Soprano's Greatest Quotes

My video uploads are found here:

My beef with the NWO:

My main blog where I expound:


I have various microphones, and video cameras, tripods, cables, lights, and more than basic knowledge. Hire me to go anywhere in the world and interview absolutely anyone. thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com

Sunday, April 05, 2020

How to make grandma fly?

You can’t help grandma fly as you can’t currently buy an airplane ticket.

This whole global false flag thing is really getting to a lot of people. Most can’t even imagine what all this means. Well, if you were let in on the plan early enough, you would know [this] and then have an idea you are just waiting at home for your “hotshot”. [link]

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