Thursday, September 30, 2021

Angel of Death, Big Pharma, Choking Toddlers. Ángel de la muerte. Operation Paperclip

1946 Operation Paperclip meant that Nazis guilty of Crimes Against Humanity in WWII were fast tracked as management, and chemists for Big Pharma, Monsanto, etc. Take your vaccine. 

En 1946, la Operación Paperclip significó que los nazis culpables de crímenes contra la humanidad en la Segunda Guerra Mundial fueran acelerados como administradores y químicos de las grandes farmacéuticas, Monsanto, etc. Tome su vacuna.  

All contained in my blogs is to the best of my knowledge, unless Satire. 

Todo lo contenido en mis blogs es según mi leal saber y entender, a menos que sea Satire.

My first memories were of my Monsanto father grabbing me by my neck, shaking and choking me. Those with German Accents who were chemists and vaccine makers gave my father advice, and talked about bacteria to be introduced to all White Americans in low income areas to cause depression, lack of initiative/sexual desire, and in some, sterility. 

Mis primeros recuerdos fueron de mi padre Monsanto agarrándome del cuello, sacudiéndome y asfixiándome. Aquellos con acento alemán que eran químicos y fabricantes de vacunas le dieron consejos a mi padre y hablaron sobre las bacterias que se introducirían en todos los estadounidenses blancos en áreas de bajos ingresos para causar depresión, falta de iniciativa / deseo sexual y, en algunos, esterilidad. 

In 1971 I was the only 7 year old in a Springfield Massachusetts Monsanto Chess Tournament and I believed I played chess with someone partially responsible for millions of deaths. I came in 3rd in chess tournament that filled a large cafeteria, and lasted weeks in personal homes. My father dropped out earlier in initial rounds, because at 7 I already had higher intelligence than he did and he is reponsible, with others, for patents on latex paint.

En 1971 yo era el único niño de 7 años en un Torneo de Ajedrez Monsanto de Springfield Massachusetts y creía que jugaba al ajedrez con alguien parcialmente responsable de millones de muertes. Quedé tercero en un torneo de ajedrez que llenó una gran cafetería y duró semanas en hogares personales. Mi padre se retiró antes en las rondas iniciales, porque a los 7 años yo ya tenía más inteligencia que él y él es responsable, junto con otros, de las patentes de la pintura de látex. 

My father got a 18 year old neighbor out of combat in Vietnam in 1969 to help him terrorize and destroy neighbors that he didn't like. Just threatening anyone who he didn't like with the IRS and losing everything in their lives wasn't enough for him. Priests who talked bad about Monsanto and the Vietnam War needed to be beaten everywhere possible under their collars if they either said nothing or supported a political candidate my father didn't want elected.

Mi padre sacó de combate a un vecino de 18 años en Vietnam en 1969 para que lo ayudara a aterrorizar y destruir a los vecinos que no le agradaban. Amenazar con el IRS a cualquiera que no le agradara y perderlo todo en la vida no era suficiente para él. Los sacerdotes que hablaban mal de Monsanto y la guerra de Vietnam debían ser golpeados en todas partes bajo el cuello si no decían nada o apoyaban a un candidato político que mi padre no quería que fuera elegido. 

My sisters and I got different vaccines from everyone else. My father wanted clean vaccines only of a certain lot number and my father threatened doctor's lives and families if they talked about any of this. 

Mis hermanas y yo recibimos vacunas diferentes a las de todos los demás. Mi padre quería vacunas limpias solo de un cierto número y mi padre amenazaba la vida y las familias del médico si hablaban de esto. 

Springfield Swim Club, SSC, had a clubhouse, no pool, and inside there were pentagrams, depictions of Satan, a picture of a Secret Service Agent with an M16 behind JFK directly behind in a car, Dallas, Texas where Kennedy's head explodes from the Secret Service .223 bullet. Children were tortured and raped for entertainment. 

Springfield Swim Club, SSC, tenía una casa club, sin piscina, y adentro había pentagramas, representaciones de Satanás, una imagen de un Agente del Servicio Secreto con un M16 detrás de JFK directamente detrás en un automóvil, Dallas, Texas, donde la cabeza de Kennedy explota desde el Servicio Secreto .223 bala. Los niños fueron torturados y violados para divertirse. 

1970 Wally Henderson, father of my sister Jenn's best friend built me an illegal room in the basement and did not charge my father anything even though Wally was a carpenter. Wally had a hot ginger red head with an amazing body even I noticed age 6. Wally didn't continue to give my father free labor every weekend, so my father retaliated by destroying Wally's life and marriage, shaking his 2 hot very young daughters loose for possible work at Monsanto/Police/Judges private brothel, or being sent to Saudi Arabia as sex slaves to pay for services of Intelligence Operatives that Monsanto needed to kill people, fix court cases, or for pure profit. They weren't kidnapped, but others were.

1970 Wally Henderson, padre del mejor amigo de mi hermana Jenn me construyó una habitación ilegal en el sótano y no le cobró nada a mi padre a pesar de que Wally era carpintero. Wally tenía una pelirroja pelirroja con un cuerpo increíble, incluso yo me di cuenta de que tenía 6 años. Wally no continuó dándole a mi padre trabajo gratis todos los fines de semana, por lo que mi padre tomó represalias destruyendo la vida y el matrimonio de Wally, sacudiendo a sus 2 hijas muy jóvenes y calientes. para un posible trabajo en un burdel privado de Monsanto / Policía / Jueces, o para ser enviados a Arabia Saudita como esclavas sexuales para pagar los servicios de los agentes de inteligencia que Monsanto necesitaba para matar personas, arreglar casos judiciales o con fines de lucro. No fueron secuestrados, pero otros sí. 

My father met Chinese Intelligence 1972 to 1974 asking that the Chinese database on all Americans be more searchable for those likely to oppose Monsanto and enter into small business or be leaders when the US Constitution was suspended. What became Secular Humanism, where scientist merge with machines to live forever, wanted to first kill 95% of the population with vaccines, as these scientists didn't want average people clogging their roads, breathing their air, and enjoying their mountains, lakes, and beaches.

Mi padre se reunió con la inteligencia china de 1972 a 1974 y pidió que la base de datos china sobre todos los estadounidenses sea más fácil de buscar para aquellos que probablemente se opongan a Monsanto y entren en pequeñas empresas o sean líderes cuando se suspendió la Constitución de los Estados Unidos. Lo que se convirtió en Humanismo Secular, donde los científicos se fusionaron con las máquinas para vivir para siempre, quería matar primero al 95% de la población con vacunas, ya que estos científicos no querían que la gente promedio obstruyera sus caminos, respirara su aire y disfrutara de sus montañas, lagos, y playas. 

World Banks and Corporations want to become the world government of all nations and erase national identity and borders with United Nations as the beard. These elites envy Communist China for their method of ruling, and no private property and basic human rights. Monsanto wanted to own its employees. Word search Smedley Butler to learn how banks and corporations attempted to take over the world in the 1930.

Los bancos y corporaciones mundiales quieren convertirse en el gobierno mundial de todas las naciones y borrar la identidad nacional y las fronteras con las Naciones Unidas como la barba. Estas élites envidian a la China comunista por su método de gobierno y no tienen propiedad privada ni derechos humanos básicos. Monsanto quería ser dueño de sus empleados. Busca palabras en Smedley Butler para descubrir cómo los bancos y las corporaciones intentaron apoderarse del mundo en la década de 1930. 

Be a good citizen, take your vaccine. If you are still alive in 2025, you can get a free ride from the Chinese Troops that kicked your door in at 3 AM to bring you to a Hillary Clinton Fun Camp. 

Sea un buen ciudadano, vacúnese. Si todavía está vivo en 2025, puede obtener un viaje gratis de las tropas chinas que patearon su puerta a las 3 a.m. para llevarlo a un campamento de diversión de Hillary Clinton. 

Link to my father's book about his invisible friends and Secular Humanism:

6 people died of "natural causes" and "accidents, including my brother-in-law Phil after I told them the story above:

Angel of Death Josef Mengele Image up top was [found here

My email is and I can give you my more secure address. But give me an indication of why I should give it to you. 


Male Offspring too short to reproduce? CIA, Big Pharma Intelligence, Monsanto wants to create wind up toy?

(Opinion, Commentary, and sometimes ... extreme Satire ... all that is reported is to my best belief and knowledge. Do your own research.)

Those in the intelligence business, many of them wanted to improve the White Race. So, they didn't want to have sons who were too short for their liking living off their wealth, banging chicks, and enjoying life, they could be used as wind up toys and/or test the system of sending data to China and crippling their school and learning experience from the 1st grade. [Video]

I grew up with a Springfield Massachusetts Monsanto father. I was 3 or so, and he shot a rabbit in our garden, Ludlow Massachusetts, 29 Main Blvd. The lots are postage stamp size. The Cloughs were against our backyard. Jeffrey was my age. 

Police show up and ask me if I saw my father shoot a rabbit in the backyard. I said no, and knew my father did. The Police Officer said that liars got to hell and burn forever, and that it didn't matter he couldn't arrest my father anyway, he had a security clearance. 

The Cloughs put up a 6' high wood stockade fence to not have to look at my father. I was 3, turning 4, and my father got me, and my younger sister rabbits as pets not long after he shot a wild rabbit in the garden. It was the Monsanto thing to do is to rub everyone's nose in a Narcissist's arrogance.

My father, a Monsanto Marketing executive meeting with Chinese Intelligence operatives in the same house where he shot a rabbit, to take out the US Constitution, have cocaine and heroin processed in Chinese labs, send sex slaves of all ages out of the Westover Chicopee Massachusetts Air Force Base, and launder money sent back and forth on B-52 bombers paid for with taxpayer dollars during the Vietnam War. 

I saw too much, my mother is 5' 1" ... and I never believed in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, or the Tooth Fairy.  

John Hinkley Jr., had an infatuation with Jodie Foster and the movie, Taxi Driver starring Robert Dinero (aka Bob Money ... bad joke) as well. Long story short, Hinkley wanted to impress Jodie Foster and get a date with her. 

How does a wart with hair on it, of short stature, get a date with Jodie. His answer was to assassinate a sitting US President, Ronald Reagan. 

As it happens, CIA man George H.W. Bush who has a missing time experience, unsure of where he was during the JFK assassination, was a heartbeat away from stealing the US Presidency and launching what is being launched now.

Well, if a father was so into reducing the entire population using vaccines, war, or other means setting up a World Police State to benefit banks and corporations, why not offer up a son who was too short, and weird to give you offspring, to rake in the most amount of World Bank cash? 

Communist China and the Communist run United Nations were also useful tools. But who runs whom?

If you don't know any of what I am talking about, use duckduckgo or something other than the Communist CIA World Bank Democrat Party search engine. 

John Hinkley is in the middle of the back seat in above picture [found here] with interesting story after he gets out of a mental hospital after being in decades. 




NY Times CONFIRMS the FBI Staged the January 6th Riot [The Red Elephants - Vincent James, direct link to Bitchute video upload]

FULL SHOW: Biden Threatens To Bankrupt Companies That Don’t Mandate Vaccines [Direct link to video]

This blogger's email is and you can request my more secure email.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Alex Jones' Legendary 9/11 Prediction (and more Videos Embedded)

[Direct link to Alex Jones Classic Video]

Sex Trade Saudi Intelligence Monsanto United Nations Agenda 21 and 2030 (Expose) [direct link to video]

If THIS Doesn't Wake People Up - NOTHING WILL! [Direct link to video]

Arizona AG Launches Official Election Fraud Investigation [direct link to video]


Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Hey Joe Biden, suck brown chunks out of my arse, You ain't the US President!

Standby for angry rant, bad grammar, misspelling, massive run on sentences, and text you may not be able to wrap your head around.

I don't remember exactly, but I recall 2006 to 2010, or so, if you ever wore an Insane Posse Clown shirt, attended one of their concerts, or ever had a Ron Paul for President Bumper Sticker, you could immediately be put on the harassed on sight list so police, TSA, DHS, maybe lose your driver's license, have lifetime problems with IRS, TSA, and maybe never fly, get a loan, utilities in your name, an apartment, or be allowed unrestricted use of the internet ever again. Police will show up to any potential employers and correct their wrong for even considering hiring you. 

Your rights revoked because you might want to vote for a candidate that the United Nations, World Bank, Police and Teacher's Unions, B.A.R. Association, Communist China/United Nations, Corporate Organized Crime, Big Pharma, their owned Mainstream Media, and Billionaire Bad Boys Club don't like and no guns, no job, no dating, and maybe a quick trip to a Hillary Clinton re-educations "Fun Camp" is in your future!!!???

I was 4 and didn't believe in Santa Claus. [This is why].

Insane Clown Posse photo above [found here].

Rumors Flying Around Possible Action Coming Soon [direct link to video]

Insane Clown Posse - Tilt-A-Whirl

Monday, September 27, 2021

My father's invisible friends ... Jesus and God ...

Excerpt [link]:

I have an invisible friend. However, I am not crazy or delusional, as some might expect. As a matter of fact, you, the nonbelievers in my imaginary friend, may well be the ones who are crazy.

My friend tells me to love my neighbor as myself. He also tells me to stone people to death for minor offenses such as working on the Sabbath. My friend, or at least one third of him, died on the cross for the sins of Adam and Eve, but he also tells us the child is not responsible for the sins of the father. No mixed message there.

My friend claims to be kind, merciful, and forgiving. However, he supposedly flooded Earth, causing the death of all living things except for one family and two or so of each species. Throughout the Old Testament, he killed or murdered tens of thousands of innocent men, women, children, and animals.

My friend made two powerful lights: the brighter one to rule the day and the other to rule the night. He also made the stars to help light the night sky, about three hundred sextillion of them. (That’s a three followed by twenty-one zeros, or three trillion times one hundred billion.) So evidently he is not keen on conservation of energy. Our sun is an average-size star, so picture trillions and trillions of suns lighting Earth. Creating the Moon to light the night sky might possibly have been redundant.

My friend created the mountains, rivers, oceans, and all that lives; however, more than 98 percent of all living things that have ever lived are now extinct. His grand design had a few other flaws, including human embryos producing tails, gill sacs, and a full coat of apelike hair; urinary tracts in men that run directly through the prostate gland; and obstetric fistula rupture in women—but let’s not be picayune.

The book of love, the New Testament, says that my friend lived on this planet for about thirty-three years. His more notable accomplishments during this period were walking on water, multiplying fish, turning water into wine, curing a leper or two, bringing a few dead people back to life, dying on the cross (as did thousands of others), preaching love and forgiveness, and demanding decency and charity toward the poor and disabled.

During his time on Earth, he traveled in about a three-hundred-mile radius through the Middle East, missing other populations, including in the Americas, China, Europe, India, Japan, and Africa. Camels and mules can carry even an all-powerful, all-knowing friend only so far. My friend created all animals and then made their primary diet each other; however, he knows when even a sparrow poops—or poopeths.

My friend may perhaps be a trifle on the jealous side, as he tends to become upset if you have other invisible friends—“upset” in the sense that the punishment is death by stoning, followed by spending all eternity in hellfire and brimstone. Others to be stoned to death include adulterers, homosexuals, blasphemers, and people who work on the Sabbath. He commands us to cast into exile those who eat blood, those who have skin diseases, and those who have sex with their wives when they are menstruating. These seem to be only possible minor character flaws, but who am I to judge?

My friend created Adam and Eve who immediately sinned. They begot Cain and Abel, Cain slew Abel, and shortly thereafter, 99.9999 percent of all life on Earth was drowned because of sin or something or other. Yet my friend is considered perfect. Given how his creations turned out, one might ask: Perfect in what sense?

Then there is my friend’s friend, Moses, who received the Ten (or so) Commandments directly from my friend, twice!! (The first set reportedly broke, possibly due to shoddy workmanship. The second set is missing in action, nowhere to be found.) Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and killed or had killed tens of thousands of innocent men, women, children, and animals and condoned the rape of young virgins as booty of war and plunder.

My friend instructs us on how to keep slaves, sacrifice animals, and deal with mildew. He tells us the penalties for having false gods, but he does not instruct us on how to deal with arguably more important topics, such as how to cure or eliminate cancer. Perhaps this is merely an oversight.

Nevertheless, my invisible friend gives me inner peace and comfort, answers my prayers, and gives meaning to my life. I believe without evidence because I have faith.


I have another invisible friend who helps increase the yield of crops to help feed the world’s hungry; who designs land, water, and air machines to move us quickly to any place on the planet; who warns us of approaching disasters such as tsunamis, tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, and volcanic eruptions; who makes medicines to cure illnesses and relieve pain; makes artificial limbs for amputees (miracles don’t work on amputees, even to help beatify a pope); performs heart and liver transplants that save many lives; makes devices to instantly communicate worldwide; increases the quality and longevity of life; designs climate-controlled buildings; and invents and makes machines for practically every use imaginable to help enhance the quality of our lives.

Without my friend, we would still be living in caves with life expectancies of thirty-five years of misery. We would still believe that Earth is flat and the center of the universe; that the Sun revolves around it; that Earth is about six thousand years old; that the elements are earth, air, fire, and water; that stars are points of light in the dome of the sky; and that the Sun is not a star. We would still have walking and riding animals as the only modes of transportation; beliefs in sun-, moon-, rain-, lightning- and on and on gods; and no books or magazines. We would still believe that bad weather is the result of mankind’s sins; that sacrificing humans or animals to the gods is acceptable and helps to obtain desired results such as rain, a successful hunt, or a good harvest; that a proper ceremony with appropriate garb (sometimes including a tall pointy hat and a staff), with official rants and gyrations and pomp and ceremony, can change a future event; that witches exist, cause such things as disease and thunder, and must be put to death—after confiscating their property and wealth, of course.

My other invisible friend does not insist that you be­lieve in him based on faith; does not condemn you to an eternity in hell if you have other friends; has found ways to deal with mildew without employing two birds, a stick of cedar wood, a piece of red yarn, and a branch from a hyssop plant; and believes that you can be good for goodness’s sake, not because of the reward of heaven or the fear of hellfire and brimstone.

This friend is the same in all countries of the world because he represents provable and proven truths in mathematics, engineering, medicine, and in the sciences—with no room for myths, fairy tales, goblins, witches, devils, and demons—and, in most cases, no room for personal gods who tuck you into bed at night.

Dennis E. Erickson

Dennis Erickson had a career in the chemical industry before he retired. Among other pursuits, he now enjoys creative writing—particularly satirizing religion and the Bible. He is the author of God, Man, and Moses (Amazon, 2013).

 [more from source]


The Mamas & The Papas - California Dreamin'

Christopher Walken Dance Now [Official Version]

Tucker Carlson Tonight 09/27/2021 Opening Monologue [Direct link to video] Are there too many litte boy F'ing judges ... males that are mommy hating mostly Jewish [C-word snipped] ninnies who should never judge anything ... ?

CIA plot (Pompeo/Trump) to assassinate Assange [David Knight bitchute video upload direct link]

United Nations wants prison for private owners of Restaurants? (Opinion)

9 Connecticut State Police Cruisers showed up and parked on my lawn in Stafford Springs when I talked over the phone about 2 hours earlier. I had told a friend that I intended on opening up "American Values Breakfast and Lunch Diner", talking about subjects found in [this post]

It was the bizarest thing. The Troop C Tolland Connecticut State Troopers were just staring at me on the from the porch, and I heard over their police radios all at the same time from the dispatcher, "You can't hang around with Mr. Erickson, there are accidents, domestic assaults etc that you all need to go out on."

I believe it was then Sargeant Sam Izzerelli that told me that I could end up dead, or in prison for life if I dared try to open up a diner and talk about politics and public corruption. Sam allegedly later became sex crimes detective to mostly find 14 to 16 year old girlfriends for White Male Officers, or to work for profit and free sex for the Connecticut State Police.

I looked into becoming a part time police officer in Connecticut shortly after the Oklahoma City Federal Building Bombing, and found out that laws had to be broken to become a police officers. 

They wanted me to break into targets of the International Police Union and United Nations for having a small business, interfering with police profiteering and drug trafficking, were conservatives, concealed carry pistol permit holders, and or paid mostly in cash to steal the cash, and valuables, that citizens had in their homes as police would keep track of when a target wasn't home to use police recruits or taxpayer funded Confidential Police Informants known as "CIs".

The United Nations wanted those who would be leaders after guns were confiscated from all Americans and the US Constitution was suspended. The United Nations and International Police Union would put citizens on lists to get barbecued in Civil and Criminal Courts. Small business owners, family farmers, rental property owners, and especially ranchers would most resist the suspension of the US Constitution and going cashless for complete control of everyone by World Government. 

I believe the United Nations, Monsanto, Big Pharma, Police and Teacher's Unions, the World Bank, and Corporate Organized Crime, B.A.R. Association and billionaires involved in child, sex, and narcotics trafficking. 

My Hartford Narcotics Detective friend that Judges, other officials, and DHS, DCF, and Mafia got money in the UBS Bank offshore accounts for fixing elections, getting children for auctions, and payment for killing or silencing those who get in the way.

George Soros would personally pay judges, prosecutors, attorneys, politicians, other officials, and others to help destroy the sovereignty of the United States by obstructing justice and installing those who would carry out United Nations Agendas 21 and 2030, population reduction, and using Chinese Communism as the basis for World Government. 

My email is and will give you my secure email if requested. 

Picture up top was [found here]. 

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Rising of the Phoenix, Donald J. Trump takes back the reigns, and China may be NUKED!!!??? (Opinion)


"In ancient Greek and Egyptian mythology, the phoenix is a mythical bird associated with the Egyptian sun god Ra and the Greek god Phoibos Apollo (Apollyon or Abaddon in Hebrew). It is a symbol of death and resurrection.

Lately, the rising of the Phoenix ritual is being displayed all around us from ceremonies to TV shows, music albums and even some strange incidents around the globe. The question: Why?

According to Manly P. Hall (°33 Freemason) the Phoenix will rise again"

[more from source]

* * * *


Trump Gets Audit In Four Texas Counties & Lefty Heads Explode [Direct link to video]

Save America Rally POTUS 45 Perry GA 09/25/2021 [Direct link to video]

George Soros Gives $600,000 to elect District Attorney who gives light sentences to Child Rapists [Direct link to video]



Image up top was [found here].

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Bank of America closing ATMs and Branches in anticipation of Lock Down and going Climate Cashless?


I drive a lot around New England. Bank of America ATMs and Branches are closing like it is a fire sale. 

I know that Bank of America is not even close to going out of business. 

On Banned dot Video (make your own link), AJ talks about how the United Nations and World Bank want the World to go cashless. Chinese Communist treatment, and rule, of their people is the model for the globe. Check out AJ’s full video from the 24th. 

What MasterCard and the United Nations are already proposing is that your account will shut off when you reach a certain carbon or exceed a Chinese Social Score of what you are allowed to say, or post, online if it is not approved by the United Nations talking points. 

A global carbon tax can then be assessed. If you don’t have the right attitude when the COVID lock down becomes the Climate Lock Down, you won’t be allowed to date, and maybe will get little, to nothing to eat in the United Nations Re-education camps being set up all over the world. Australia is the model after the guns are confiscated in the US. 

Check out more posts on this blog for more stories, links, and video. 

No cash, ATMs, or bank branches will be needed if all of your currency becomes digital and is connected to your Vaccine Travel Pass which will be embedded in your arm with Bill Gates technology and patent. 

All contained in my blogs is my opinion, the best of my belief and knowledge unless obvious satire. 

6 Dead after I told them full story about Monsanto, Drug and Sex Trafficking, China getting all our data

All is my opinion, to my best belief and knowledge. 

My father met with Chinese Intelligence as part of his Monsanto Marketing job 1972 to 1974, Ludlow Massachusetts. They talked about how to best manage populations after there was no more 2nd Amendment, Free Speech, Private Property Ownership or even the US Constitution itself in tact. 

Lots of Agent Orange, a defoliant, millions of tons, paid for by taxpayers. The genetic altering of humans was known and all future generations were to be affected. The Veterans Administration was to document, and hide the findings. Different chemicals were added to see what could be accomplished. A massive human medical experiment, the Vietnam War, or as the Vietnamese called it, "The War with America."

My father was back and forth to China almost to present day. 

Sex, Organ, Narcotics, Child Trafficking, Money Laundering, Crimes Against Humanity involve Monsanto, the United Nations, China, Big Pharma, the World Bank, and Corporate Organize Crime. The Teachers and Police Unions and the B.A.R. Association is the glue. 


Genocide China Monsanto United Nations World Bank Medical Tyranny - How is Zero Privacy Working Out For You? [Direct link to video]

Monsanto and Big Pharma has been transferring all data, for the databases that exist in China today on everyone who has electricity and phone lines to their schools, grades 1 to 12 and into college to be followed through life. 

The databases that China can use against the Free World dates back to the 1960s as China processed the World's Cocaine and Heroin Trade. Monsanto might be partially responsible for young, and underage women being trafficked to Saudi Arabia. Prostitutes and narcotics flew into US on bombers and cargo planes. 

What I saw on a B-52, age 4 with my Monsanto father has caused me a lifetime of harm, and harrasment.

The World has been harmed. 



Friday, September 24, 2021

Ice Age Farmer Financially Ruined, Fearing Death over Telling the Truth? (Opinion)

"No Soul, No Free Will." - The End of Humanity? [Direct link to Bitchute Ice Age Farmer Video upload]


[Click Here] for:

4th Day in Mass National Guard and We are out of bullets (Fiction)

(Fiction/Creative Writing/Excerpt of a Screen Writing Project)

I was regular Army when they experimented using the 3rd Boosters on us.

90% of us were dead inside of 5 days.

Day 2 many were shatting out their clogged intestines right out their arses.

Guys were lying naked in the hallways with 2 to 3 feet of intestines hanging out.

Many committed suicide well before dehydration took our lives.

There is a magic substance, for 12 cents a paper up dose,

Life comes back in a matter of minutes to an hour.

We call it the “Big C”. Big C has been available, and was the main cure for even the Flu since the 1960s. It was standard care, a therapeutic.

Our Massachusetts Guard Building is near a swamp.

We purposely left sections of fence and our gates open in the back.

The reason I am even here as I thought I could get my Chevrolet Volt fixed.

It is one of the few with an actual gasoline motor. At about 40k miles I find out from the factory they put in wrong size pistons and other parts didn’t match up.

How does that happen?

I was then working on a 1978 Chevy Impala. There is a conversion kit for it, for after the Chinese start launching their EMPs my car will run if there is any fuel to be had and if they let me live as promised.

It sucks, but we are to get Chinese and United Nations Patches for our uniforms supplied directly from the World Bank.

I have been without sleep now maybe 2 days.

I shot 2 young teen girls as they waded in the water towards me.

One was beyond cute.

We had to take our M16s of 3 shot bursts to single shot, and I plugged both at about 20 yards out. We don’t even identify them, we are just stacking them up in the back lot and we aren’t even bothering to cover them with tarps.

No one isn’t even sick yet in the general public.

It is T minus 10 days according to some crazy conspiracist radio jock with initials AJ.

The Chinese could have just used their military satellites and just vaporized him at any time.

So, I don’t know why they had us use an ancient Apache Helicopter to put the fire of hell and some other bomb after it goes off sucks up all the oxygen in some sort of chain reaction.

They said that guy would never shut up unless he was dead.

I have 5 bullets left in my clip, and we are going to have to use large rocks to start bashing heads in soon.

Again, there is no sickness yet, but that bleephole let the public know that the only cure, the one being withheld from the public, is right here.

Maybe that nut's last rant is the reason I am still here ...




[My Bitchute SvenVonErick Bitchute Video Upload Channel]

thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com and you can request my private, secure email.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Prefect Biden to Rule Electronically 2000 years the NU North American Union Amerika Section?

(Mostly Satire/Opinion)

The Headroom Collection on Letterman, 1986-1990 [Direct link to youtube video]

In 1946 there was Operation Paperclip. 

Those who were pharmacists, chemists, ran prison torture detention concentration camps, were secret police, and those who kept records of human experiments, torture, and biological warfare were all given immunity for crimes against humanity to work at Monsanto and in all facets official, government, corporate, banking, and media. 

How is that working out for you? 

[more with video and story] and check old posts here, and there.

The Gateway Pundit latest can be [found here].

The above image in this blog post of pop tart incestuous child molester poster boy lawyer for the B.A.R. Association, Joe Biden, [found here].



Get ready for this - Missing Children - The numbers [click here for direct link to video]

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Does Joe Biden Have Competency to Run 1 McDonald's location? Would he be the last choice?

The most popular US President in the history of the world based on number of votes? Well, I have to call BS on this. I was watching the election in 2020 live on television after midnight in New Hampshire. All of a sudden, the host was saying that all was too "stressful", so then there was a cooking shoe. Trump was winning by a landslide at the time.

So, as soon as the poll watchers and the cameras were not on the election as it went forward, Biden's votes shot straight up above Trumps with absolutely no votes for Trump for as long as it took for Biden to look like he was the "winner".

SNL Saturday Night Live on NBC could not come up with worse ridiculous "comedy".

[My Bitchute SvenVonErick videos, click here] [Image up top was found here


Under Fauci The U.S. Has Funded HUNDREDS Of Chinese Virus Studies Under CCP Military

[Direct link to below video] Is it cool that the top US Military General "works" for the Chinese Communists and the Commies in the UN and World Bank?


[Click Here] for:

Monday, January 27, 2020

Gun Permit can mean false arrests, family break up, property confiscation in US

Added 11:16 AM EST, a link to a video narrating this post, about the Ex-Parte Lifetime Restraining issued against me from the State of Massachusetts that can't have any legitimate evidence of my ever being a threat, or wanting to contact, or interact, with the plaintiff in the "case":

Click on any of the above photos for a larger view.

I applied for a pistol permit and received one in 1995. I wanted to become a reserve Police Officer in Stafford Springs, Connecticut, because vandals and drug dealers seemed to rule the downtown. I co-founded the Crime Watch in town, and walked streets trying to identify vandals, drug dealers, and members of, unknown to me at time a youth gang created by police to harass citizens, "The Diaper Gang", so called because of their youth. What I didn't know, was after the 1994 Oklahoma City Bombing, the Clintons in cooperation with the UN were paying law enforcement to falsely arrest, railroad to prison, financial ruin, break up families of gun owners, conservatives, farmers, ranchers, independent media reporters, the outspoken, and those who opposed globalism, socialized medicine, nationalists, and those who were outspoken in support of the US Constitution were all perceived as enemies of the Clintons, and needed to be disarmed and eradicated.

I went to LT Trapp and Stafford Constable Frank Prochaska about becoming a police officer. In order to do so, I had to help them go after pistol permit holders, gun owners, conservatives, small business owners, and landlords who were not affiliated with police officer rackets, police sponsored drug dealing, and prostitution. The pair didn't go right out and say all that they, and Troop C Connecticut State Police were involved in, but said to start, I should go to gun shows with LT Trapp and talk to whomever I recognized from Stafford, strike up a conversation, and find out what kind of guns they had. Trapp gave me a list of guns he personally wanted, and I would get paid to break into houses, he would be a lookout, and other officers would make sure that the target of robbery was out somewhere else, and if the target of the thefts had cash, gold, precious gems in a safe, I was to bring my carpentry tools and remove the safe!

I tried to let the cat out of the bag to State Senators Tony Guglielmo (sp?) of Stafford and State Senator Kissel of Enfield, and didn't know they were part of the corruption, and had some sort of ties to the Connecticut FBI, and there are pictures of Guglielmo with top CIA people in his office!

Bruce Brown, an alleged FBI undercover agent, also a Stafford Springs, Connecticut, firefighter who lived at 11 Church St, next to my 3 and 4 family houses that I owned at the time, and I talked. I told them that Mafia figures paid Selectman John Julian $100,000 cash, confirmed by my tenant at the time, Mark Gordon. The bribe was so that the Mafia could get state, and possibly federal tax dollars to build, and run a trash transfer station.

Brown told me to shut up about what I knew, or I would be arrested, spend my life in prison, or I was going to get my last ride in handcuffs in a State Police cruiser trunk with my teeth kicked out. Brown further told me that if I talked about the surveillance cameras and microphones police were attaching to telephone poles, I would regret having born. The phone tapping and blanket surveillance was illegal at time. When I asked for footage from the cameras from police after I was attacked on my property by one of their police informants, the police told me that the cameras were for police protection only, and that it was illegal for me to talk about the cameras.

The tax bill for about $140k was for a 3 month period where if I worked in Connecticut, alone, wallpapering and painting, I would have had to have made I would have to have made about $2,333,333 in 3 months painting rooms by myself having had to charge 6% Connecticut sales tax! I worked zero in Connecticut at the time as at least 2 State Police cruisers would follow me to and from wherever I was working, and would be pounding on my door, asking neighbors about me, when they knew where I was to make me look like a criminal. It is ironic, I had about $140,000 in equity in my Connecticut properties at the time. The notice was sent to an address I didn't have, and I believe it was a way for my property to be confiscated, an official scam.

The conduit to the abuse is the UN, Connecticut Department of Administrative Services, and the international police union that decides who is targeted, and decides the outcomes of court cases before they are held!

The tax bill for my 1978 Corvette, in Seymour is where I never lived. I had to pay 2 and 3 towns for the same vehicle. I once went to the DMV, an African American woman behind counter said she had never seen someone having to pay multiple towns for a vehicle and I had 4 or 5 vehicles at the time, and was overcharged 1000s of dollars to not have my drivers license and tags on my vehicles revoked. The African American woman at the Enfield DMV left me at the counter 45 minutes while she took a 45 minute lunch break. 2 Connecticut State Police Officer stood behind me, I believe to see if I lost my cool, so I could be arrested and beaten up for losing my cool.

The police in Connecticut told me that I was allowed to be married to my then wife because she was too pretty for me, that I wasn't allowed to live in Connecticut, and if I didn't leave I would have legal and police problems for the rest of my life and police would oust me from wherever I lived, and I wouldn't be allowed to date, and after police caused my divorce, and permanent estrangement from my only daughter, whatever state I went to after having been railroaded to prison for overreacting to being mugged by a police informant, using pepperspray, I have been harassed in any state I have gone to by police, and am automatically ruled against, or treated most harshly if a judge will even sit on a case I bring.

All of you citizens are going to get a taste of what I got. Stafford Springs, Connecticut, was a test city for what is being rolled out for all of you now.

More of my story:

My contact email can be found within in [this post]


Sunday, September 19, 2021

Scared Vagina Citizens Australia and Canada take most official abuse in the history of the world? (1st World Country in Modern Times)

(Opinion, Commentary, Satire)

Will Canada Fall & Become Australia? w/ David Freiheit, PPC Candidate against Trudeau [Direct link to video]

[my videos]

Saturday, September 18, 2021

China/UN/Monsanto harming young independent minds from before 1970 using US Taxpayer Dollars?


I was age 6 in 1970 and believe I was in 1st grade in Ludlow, Massachusetts. I saw then what half of the population of the world now sees. 

My father would dress me down in front of his Monsanto friends. I was some sort of operation, similar to a chemist doing experiments to get desired results. 

Since Operation Paperclip where Bio-Warfare pharmacists/chemists and prison camp operators were given immunity for crimes against humanity in 1946 to work in US chemical and Big Pharma company to have a second job of spying on the American Public. 

Agent Orange being sprayed on Vietnam was an experiment on American Soldiers making them sterile, causing birth defects, and causing early deaths with tumors, cancers, and other diseases. 

Monsanto was responsible for millions of tons of dangers chemicals being sprayed all over Vietnam and other countries. US taxpayer dollars were going to international criminals, United Nations handlers, and World Bank to further crimes against humanity. 

I was aware of my father having clandestine meeting with Chinese Intelligence inside the US. Monsanto had its own private KGB type organization to spy on those speaking at religious institution meetings and church services for being discredited, beaten up, removed, or entered into the rigged law investigations and courts. 

Monsanto was allegedly involved in human, child, narcotic trafficking, money laundering, racketeering, and treason operating with China to bring down the US Constitution and end US Sovereignty to allow corporations, banks, and Communist China to share ruling the world. 

Of course Monsanto Globalists wanted to have spies in schools to keep track of their children, what they saw, know, and may tell others. I was no exception. 

My 1st grade teacher brought me to my principal saying she wanted me out of her class because she was sick of my Monsanto father threatening every aspect of her life to continue his child abuse of me in the 1st grade to make sure I was befriending other children and their parent to maybe talk about my father's treason. 

[My father is an author of the Secular Humanism bibles to end religion], reduce the population by at least 95%, and then merge important people like him with machines. 

At 4, I saw and heard a lot. So, I never believed in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, or Easter Bunny. I have lived the BS from being first aware that you all are now experiencing the last year and a half.

[more information and video]

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Put Dangerous Computer Chip in your vehicle because Joe Biden, UN, and World Bank tell you to?


A chip is needed to make the World go Green. Of course this chip will cause problems and cause catastrophic engine failure, but you are a, or siding with, White Racist Conservative Homophobes if you do not comply and should be immediately sent to a re-education prison camp. 

Go Green, or else, accept any BS lies and just accept going Green and that you are obsolete and need to be dealt with.

If the above computer chip does not work, booster computer chips may be needed.

Grenade image above was [found here]. 


[click here] for:

Good Ole Days, 1995, Insiders couldn't even blow up a building correctly? (Opinion)


Would the Clintons have ended up in federal prison in 1996, if there was no OKC Federal Building Bombing in 1995? Image above was [found here].

Pound for pound, the most effective political tool is a smokescreen to turn a prosecution looming disaster into wiping out, hunting the opposition, taking over a huge tax increase to eliminate enemies of political corruption. Talk of prosecuting co-Governors of Arkansas, the Clinton, for their CIA cocaine trafficking, murder-for-hire, real estate scams, and increasing the pedophile compromising and grooming of future judges.

Show a bunch of toddlers and babies, burned and partially blown up ... US Constitution suspended.

Ingraham Angle 09/10/2021 [Direct link to video] Fox is shameless "opposition". Rand Paul is a Vaxx supporter. Fox is blah, blah, blah, and seems on surface to be opposition to all the Big Pharma profiteering and political corruption. But if they are run by those who profit most, or who are the global elite wiping out humanity, what can they say to be critical of themselves. Another BS account of 9/11


[More with videos]

Friday, September 03, 2021

CDC Test Change Reveals They Were NEVER Testing for COVID-19 - David Knight (Opinion)

[Direct link to below video] This is bombshell. They (UN and World Government) don't know what they are testing for, and shut down the Free World for about a year and a half anyway ...

My SvenVonErick bitchute videos are [found here].

Alex Jones and the Infowars reporters on the Ron Gibson bitchute channel [found here].

Tucker Carlson Tonight 09/03/2021 [Direct link to video]

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