Sunday, September 27, 2020

Joe Biden a Puppet like Walter?

Top picture was [found here]. The one below that [found here].

Jeff Dunham puppeteers Walter in below video. So, if you are a Democrat, you should write in “Jeff Dunham” when you vote for US President. At least you know who the puppeteer is. If you vote for Joe Biden, the UN and Chinese Communists are the puppeteers, and they want to kill you. 

Why “vote” for your own death? Unless you are a crazy suicide bomber please think before voting. 

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Singapore Smartphone Contact Tracing to Come to You Until You are Chipped for Automatic Criminal Investigation?

When you are under surveillance, you are constantly being criminally investigated, so that you can be detained, and punished the fastest. 

I have not complied with wearing a mask, and only social distance when someone requests it, as I don't believe even 1% of the COVID-19 BS. If there is a 1 in 1000 that I might get the sniffles it is a fake pandemic. I am not allowing my US Constitution to be suspended because of some lame UN UNESCO Communist Chinese BLM Antifa Marxist coup of the world.

This is the obvious roll-out of UN UNESCO Agenda 21 and 2030. 

I boycott contact tracing [video].  

The below video explains the "Big Reset", and who contact tracing will work with smartphones for now, and then with a digital tattoo, which might just kill you with one keystroke by someone more important that you to use 5G to tell your tattoo to knock you out, or kill you, for collection.

This is Happening in Singapore! Is America Next? [Direct Link to Video]


The Weiner Laptop Emerges Again: FBI Agent Speaks [Click here for direct link to tracybeanz bitchute upload] (The Clinton emails should have already put the Clintons, Obamas, and the coup, stay behind bagmen, and pedophile profiteering network Clinton Global Initiative CGI and their associates would all be in jail waiting to be prosecuted. The COVID-19 Worldwide smokescreen needs to come down)

#MalkinLive: Follow the money. Find the truth. [Direct link to Michelle Malkin bitchute video] (the scandal of Fox News blocking Newth Gingrinch from outing George Soros for funding BLM Antifa arsonists, rioters, and agent provacateurs is a major relevation/scandal)

There is an awesome 1973 Club of Rome video of why 2020 is an important year to initiate a worldwide lock down to reduce population. Also in this below full post, Dr. Tony Fauci and Surgeon General Redfield say masks aren't needed, and then show they are lying scumbags in another video embedded:  [Click Here] for:

Pelosi, Clintons, Obamas, Soros, Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg orders Trump and all Supporters tracked, traced, EXECUTED?


Could things get any stranger? 

Substitute, for the real guy, Joe Biden, isn't even prepping for debates. Most likely they won't happen. 

Fox News isn't allowed to have politicians expose George Soros. 

It is war. 

If Trump doesn't strike first, the UN UNESCO Communist Chinese will make sure their puppets act accordingly, and then take out Trump and the US will be Assimilated. 

Resistance isn't futile. 

[More and embedded videos with my contact information]


GREEN ONIONS BOOKER T & THE MGS-Blues Brothers Bassist Dies at 70-WEB-GIFTS.COM


Steve Cropper - The AMAZING Story Behind "Green Onions"



"Climate Change" Arsonists, Agent Provacateurs, Drug Addicted Homeless Rioters Bused in PAID FOR BY GEORGE SOROS?

Circumstancial Evidence Video at bottom of post, scroll down, may prove that China planned, and then executed a world coup with UN UNESCO, Clintons, Obamas, and their Billionaire Super Friends.








Green Peace operated with all sorts of money committing terrorism, murder, arson, riots, and sank ships out in the Arctic giving no aid to sailors they murdered. The UN UNESCO, run by Communists, is behind sending as much of the 3rd World military age men to the EU, and more recently the US, to destabilize all town, state, and federal court, law enforcement, government, medical, and support services. 

Trump sent bombs to an alleged Iranian terrorist. George Soros has done maybe 1,000,000 more times actual damage, carnage, and death than the Iranian allegedly did. Why doesn't George Soros get Drone Bombed, huh, Trump? 

An elected official can just bring up George Soros' name on Fox News and the feed is cut. 

Soros seems to pay for, and control the mainstream media in the US. Soros has spent 100s of millions of dollars to get prosecutors in key cities who won't prosecute rioters, and UN Marxist Agent Provocateurs.

If 95% plus of illegal acts by BLM, Antifa,  and covert UN UNESCO Socialist Democrats in a coup, isnt't that insurrection,  sedition, and treason?

These Leftists are responsible for arson, riots, shooting cops, targeting small business no matter the ethnicity, or political leanings of owners. 

All this mayhem, a coup, isn't punished, isn't Trump begging to be dragged through the streets naked, to have unspeakable acts performed on him, live for the world to see, with Interim Presidents Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton cackling like jackals in the Oval Office, having spurred this on? 

If the UN UNESCO has declared Communist Jihad, which is war, why aren't we fighting back? 

If you leave a standing army on the field that says it will burn everything down, drag Trump out of the White House like they are exterminating roaches, and they are already responsible for 95% of all the crime in the US, shouldn't their threats be taken seriously?

Did UN UNESCO, George Soros, Jeff Bezos, Michael Bloomberg, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, the Clintons, the Obamas, and a stay behind shadow government plot, plan, fund, and execute a coup to assassinate Donald J. Trump to have a permanent worldwide lock down, mass genocide, human experiments, and theft of the global everything?

Shouldn't their be a Nuremberg type trial for all of them without the use of compromised judges?    

This post continued with videos, and music, [Here].

SvenVonErick video uploads on [LiveLeak] on [BitChute]. 



The lock downs are for the inserting of Communism, universal income, and routine vaccines into the US. It is to make the US an open air prison system. The UN is run by a communist. The whole thing is lies out of China to spread Communism. Is China printing up fake Biden ballots to mail out to Americans, inside the US, so that it looks like Biden wins? Is China trying to engineer a coup of the US, rigging the US election?

This is why the "mainstream media", the UN UNESCO, and Communist China is heavily censoring the internet, social media, and what can be put out as "news" and videos.

Will the Deep State resort to nuclear war to reduce the populations around the world, if their vaccine program fails?

Is the Federal Reserve out to create a crisis to repossess property all over the world that they never owned in the first place, to become the biggest landlord in the history of the world? Has the UN UNESCO been out to wipe out the US Constitution, property rights, and small business worldwide as a matter of policy for many decades? Is the UN UNESCO the real virus, a disease, that needs to be eradicated?


[Click here for rest of post and videos]

Saturday, September 19, 2020

The Terrorist Deep State Censoring Knowledge out of Existence?

The Library of Alexandria is on Fire [Direct Link to Video]


Show Notes for Video:

Justice Rising conference

9/11 Trillions: Follow the Money

Why Aren’t Insurers 9/11 Truthers? – Questions For Corbett #067

9/11: Decade of Deception

Operation Northwoods

Press For Truth BANNED On YouTube!

The Library of Babel – FLNWO #27

Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve

YouTube Blacklists Federal Reserve Information. It’s Up To YOU To Spread It!

Continuing our work to improve recommendations on YouTube

Twitter shadowbans content

Former Twitter software engineer Abhinav Vadrevu explains shadowbanning

Who Will Fact Check the Fact Checkers?

Gordon Crovitz Newsguard co-founder

Newsguard advisors

Agamben book burning quotation

Fahrenheit 451

Aeschylus Meets the Mummy: 2,500-Year-Old, Lost Greek Trilogy Found Under Wraps

Filed in: Podcasts
Tagged with:



[click here] for:

Starve the World. Add Vaccines to Food?

If there is one mass riot for the righteous, I would start it off with the bottom video as my music soundtrack on the way to the fight, Offsping, "She's Gone Away". The music videos below are all headphones worthy.

I have no idea why the douchebag Dr. Tony Fauci isn't hanging from a meat hook or in prison somewhere. 

A lying criminal vaccine lobbyist for Big Pharma should not be in charge of any policies. It is a conflict of interest. Fauci talks out of his ass. 

Speaking of asses, if Tony Fauci had a butt plug company, we would all have to wear one. 

Pedophiles could set up checkpoints to check to see if children inserted them properly. 

Unlike the lame Flu, COVID-19, diarrhea is an actual problem and kills millions. 

Unlike masks, or dirty rag over face wearing, there is probably a stronger argument for having to wear a butt plug on an airplane than a dirty rag over your face. 

Yes, please cover your face, we can't have you showing it in public. 

UN UNESCO is run by Communists to destroy the Free World. 

Fauci is pissing on you and telling you it's raining. 

You aren't allowed to gather, interact, and you are being censored more, and more, electronically. 

We are cattle in line just waiting to be slaughtered, complying with moronic rules declared by idiots. 

Wear a mask, and then forever wear a mask. Freedom isn't free.


[more, and lots of music videos]

Roy Clark - Foggy Mountain Breakdown 1970

Friday, September 18, 2020

"Sniffles", 1 in 1000, excuse to Repeal Human Rights valid since Medieval Times?

Biden is a Dumpster Fire ... a poor excuse for a Presidential Candidate. Anderson Cooper interviews Biden September 18, 2020, for a Town Hall meeting ... Oh my ... 

Hey Donald J. Trump, your base wants no restrictions on travel, working, living, no masks, no vaccines, and no tests, it is all BS!!!
The SRV Video uploads on BitChute are [found here].


[click here] for: 


Nature Music Video to go with Joe Biden's Presidential Campaign?



Biden Campaign Experiments with ‘Drive In’ Town Hall While Trump Delivers Speech to Record Crowd in Wisconsin [Direct Link to Video]

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

An Act of War: Top Scientists/Whistleblowers Confirm China Purposely Released Covid-19 - FULL SHOW 9/16/20

[Direct Link to Below Video]


Communist China and there contact tracing, means any individual American can be targeted, but using their cellphone. Excessive cellphone radiation can kill you in a matter of hours. You can be hit by concentrated beams or radiation from a Chinese satellite. Operatives on the ground can come get you. So, why should China be able to jack all electronic devices, and be in control the transmission of everything we do, every financial transaction, and all our medical and every aspect of our lives are now controlled by psychopaths in the  UN UNESCO and Chinese Communist Party.

Circumstantial Evidence of Chinese Master Plan to Stealth Attack World for Submission to Communism?

Pro China YouTuber goes to China, gets married, and posts videos on how awesome China is to live. Things soured before the time of the posting of this embedded video, September 18, 2019. So, without any apparent reason, China Government starts massive crackdown on foreigners, and has massive media campaign inside China on how bad foreigners are. It is classic human nature, an opponent who is going to be completely screwed over needs to be demonized to justify the over the top abuse.

Chinese Communists probably felt they had no choice, in an all, or nothing, roll of the dice.

So China planned this ...

The UN in New York City is headed by a Communist. How is that working out for the world? A drill being announced in September 2019 that took years to produce, detailed all that was going to happen in 2020. How could they predict so well, if it wasn't all just a plan to get the results now seen?

Xi Ping, the head of the Chinese Communists had to worry about massive civil unrest and be ousted, unless he could pull a rabbit out of his hat. There are pig and chicken viruses that have wiped out the main source of protein in China the last ten years, or so. There are 100 million plus surplus military age men who don't have romantic partners because of the one child policy. This is a total recipe for disaster. So, Xi Ping doubled down in his stealth game of poker, and put out the biggest bluff in the history of the world.

The video found on called Pandemic 2 is bombshell. If widely viewed, it could change everything.

Why I Changed my Opinion on China (The post date is September 18, 2019. That is bombshell)

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Bill Gates Baby Head Smashing Hammers For Sale?

The truth of what is going on might be much worse:

Pedophilia, Netflix "Cuties", and the truth about the COVID Hoax, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Michelle and Barack Obama, and the treason to collude with UN UNESCO and the Chinese Communists to end small business, independent journalism, Free Speech, vacation travel for average people, combustion engines, and mass genocide to accomplish UN Agenda 21 and 2030 is best revealed in this Alex Jones, Infowars video:

The international teachers union promoting transvestite "story time" is just one reason that the international union should be kicked out of the US, and every other country.

The reasons provided in the link at top, is why I might want to seek political asylum and/or retire, work, and live out my life outside the US. I would consider Vietnam, Ukraine, Sicily, Italy, Greece, Russia, Croatia, Serbia, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, El Salvador, Ecuador, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Cuba, or any country that wants to arrest, and prosecute the Obamas, Clintons, Bill Gates, Dr. Tony Fauci, Jeff Bezos, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Mark Zuckerberg anyone associated with UN UNESCO, Big Pharma, Monsanto, the World Bank, the Federal Reserve and their NWO criminal minions.

Wearing a face mask, social distancing, and complying with anything that is the COVID-19 is supporting the biggest genocide in the history of the world, and volunteering, if you survive the vaccine that dumbs you down, changes your DNA, and helps prepare you to be a better slave for the UN UNESCO and Chinese Communist China.

The contact tracing czar, Bill Clinton, will see to it that if you ever supported Donald J. Trump for President in 2020, insulted Xi Ping aka Winnie the Pooh, and are anti UN and antivaxxer no masker you will be tracked down to be put in a concentration camp, starved, and/or immediately killed.

COVID-19 is a UN Chinese Communist WHO World Health Organization CDC Center for Disease Control PSY-OP for world domination and for the biggest mass murder in the history of the world, making Uncle Joe Stalin and Adolf Hitler look like mere chumps when it comes to mass murder.

You see all sorts of BLM Black Lives Matter, and Anifa signs. I don't see Joe Biden for President political signs, but donating to the BLM or Antifa probably is a direct campaign to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

my story: 



Best COVID-19 coverage on a blog, and awesome blog roll in right-hand side panel:


My video uploads [on LiveLeak] on [BitChute].

Friday, September 11, 2020

Tucker: Anarchists are working to tear down America

Click on title for complete post:

Bill Gates Incubated Babies come with Mask and Gloves "Grown On"???!!!

Bill Gates Incubated Babies come with Mask and Gloves "Grown On"???!!!

Was what was on the shelf in 2010 for what become "COVID-19" was a lame Flu, that was easily spread, could be cured with Gatorade and Tylenol, if you weren't dying in a nursing home? 

Wednesday, September 09, 2020

The Tesla Files: Shadow Government Revealed - Full Episode (S1, E5) | History

Was all the below planted in plain sight, as bait? If so, for what purpose? There are names, families, and so much really strange history, it is hard to know if the CIA, Mossad, or Military Intelligence is just playing with those who play with word searches ... definitely so many major player family names are mentioned in below video ...

Text with video:

Love The Tesla Files? Stay up to date on all of your favorite History shows at Marc, Jason and Travis follow the trail back to New York where they discover traces of a shadow government bent on keeping Nikola Tesla's files secret in Season 1, Episode 5, "Fowl Play". #TeslaFiles 

Subscribe for more from The Tesla Files and other great HISTORY shows: Find out more about the show and watch full episodes on our site: Check out exclusive HISTORY content: History Newsletter: Website - Facebook - 
Twitter - Why were trunks belonging to genius inventor Nikola Tesla confiscated in 1943? 

Did they contain the plans for nearly free worldwide electricity, massive death rays, and other inventions out of the future? A new investigation driven by declassified CIA documents suggests a secret history of bitter rivalries, government conspiracies, Cold War and WW2 spycraft, extra-terrestrial communication, and amazing achievements of a truly gifted man – 
Nikola Tesla. 

HISTORY® is the leading destination for award-winning original series and specials that connect viewers with history in an informative, immersive, and entertaining manner across all platforms. The network’s all-original programming slate features a roster of hit series, premium documentaries, and scripted event programming.


John Gordon Trump (allegedly related to the 45th President Donald John Trump)

John George Trump (August 21, 1907 – February 21, 1985) was an American electrical engineer, inventor, and physicist. A professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 1936 to 1973, he was a recipient of the National Medal of Science and a member of the National Academy of Engineering.[3][4][5] John Trump was noted for developing rotational radiation therapy.[3] Together with Robert J. Van de Graaff, he developed one of the first million-volt X-ray generators. He was the paternal uncle of President Donald Trump.

Trump was the youngest of three children and the second son of German immigrants Frederick Trump and Elizabeth Christ Trump. He was born in New York City on August 21, 1907.

John's brother, Fred, joined their mother in real estate development and management while still in his teens (Elizabeth Trump & Son). Initially, John and his brother tried working together building houses, but ultimately they dissolved their partnership, and John pursued a career in electrical engineering.

Trump received his bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from the New York University Tandon School of Engineering (then Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn) in 1929, his master's degree in physics from Columbia University, and his doctorate of electrical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1933. He was a professor at MIT from 1936 until 1973.

During World War II, Trump switched from work on hospital X-ray machines to research into similar technologies, especially the development of radar. During 1940, he joined the newly formed National Defense Research Committee (NDRC), as technical aide to Karl Compton, President of MIT and the Chairman of the Radar Division.[6]

During 1942, Trump became Secretary of the Microwave Committee, a sub-committee of the NDRC. The director of the Microwave Committee was Alfred Lee Loomis, the millionaire physicist, who decided to create a laboratory. He selected a site for it, chose a suitably discreet and ambiguous name for it and funded the construction, until the Federal administration was established.

The new institution was the MIT Radiation Laboratory, or the "Rad Lab". The British were also researching radar, which they termed Radio Direction Finder (RDF), and had started much earlier.

Their Tizard Mission to the US showed how much more sophisticated they were with some of the technologies, particularly the magnetron. The US decided to send a team to Britain to help coordinate the efforts of the two Allies. The unit was known as the "British Branch of the Radiation Laboratory" (BBRL) and operated as a department of Britain's Telecommunications Research Establishment (TRE) at Malvern, in Worcestershire.

In early 1943, two days after the death of Nikola Tesla, the Federal Bureau of Investigation ordered the Alien Property Custodian to seize Tesla's belongings.[7] Trump was called in to analyze the Tesla items, which were being held in custody.[7] After a three-day investigation, Trump's report concluded that there was nothing which would constitute a hazard in unfriendly hands.[8]

From February 1944 to the end of the war in Europe, Trump was the Director of the BBRL.[9] During this time, Trump also served in the Advisory Specialist Group on Radar, advising USAAF General Carl Spaatz on navigational radar, precision-bombing radar, and also defenses against the German radars found in their night-fighters and in their flak units.

The systems included: Gee, Oboe, LORAN, H2X, MEW & SCR-584. Trump worked with all the most important British radar experts, including Sir Robert Watson-Watt, A.P. Rowe and Bernard Lovell. At the end of the war, Trump also had interviews with Germany's main radar technicians.[10][11] Trump received recognition for his war-work partnership from both the United States and the United Kingdom.[12][13][3]

John G. Trump is a member of the Trump family. He married Elora Sauerbrun (1913–1983), and they had three children: the late John Gordon Trump (1938–2012) of Watertown, Massachusetts; Christine Philp of New London, New Hampshire; and Karen Ingraham of Los Alamos, New Mexico; and six grandchildren.[3][14] Trump's nephew, Donald Trump, has been President of the United States since 2017.

During 1946 Trump, Robert J. Van de Graaff, and Denis M. Robinson initiated the High Voltage Engineering Corporation (HVEC) to produce Van de Graaff generators.[3]

He returned to MIT to teach and direct research for three decades after the war. He directed the MIT High Voltage Research Laboratory from 1946 to 1980. Some of his research at MIT concentrated on treating wastewater. He researched using an electron beam from a high voltage accelerator as the deactivating agent in the treatment of municipal wastewater sludge. The High Voltage Research Laboratory developed a prototype system that was tested at one of Boston's wastewater treatment plants and it was able to provide bacterial and viral disinfection via continuous on-line treatment.[15]

Trump died in Boston on February 21, 1985.[16]
The National Academy of Engineering described Trump as "a pioneer in the scientific, engineering and medical applications of high voltage machinery".[4]

James Melcher, Trump's lab director, is quoted as saying: "John, over a period of three decades, would be approached by people of all sorts because he could make megavolt beams of ions and electrons – death rays... What did he do with it? Cancer research, sterilizing sludge out in Deer Island [a waste disposal facility], all sorts of wondrous things. He didn't touch the weapons stuff."[17]

 [More from Wikipedia Source]

Facebook tries to censor me again... but they’re wrong.

Tuesday, September 08, 2020


Monday, September 07, 2020

Kamala Harris wins in 2020 saying "No Vaccine"?

Kamala is getting attention saying "No Vaccine". Democrats and Republicans really don't want to be forced vaccinated.

 If [Dennis Kucinich] were asked to be Kamala's VP, the Democrat Party could be in the lead for what Americans really want. With first time gun buyers leaving the Blue (Democrat) cities and states fleeing to Red (Republican) cities and states to buy land, guns, and to flee badly run Blue areas, the Democrats can get these voters back by giving them what they voted for with their feet.

I used to be known as a "hatchet man" and used to get at least 10,000 hits a day as one of the first bloggers to start to be widely read in the early 2000s. I was even part of some college courses, and some very young high school and jr. high school students were assigned to contact bloggers and ask their opinions. Emailing politicians back then actually got answers. It used to be that if you word searched some politicians names, the crap that I wrote about them came up in word searches before their official websites.

When [Gary Johnson] was running for President in 2012, I was considered by some of his people to be his media guy, in charge of making him look good, and giving him talking points to best slam his opponents. I got a full time car sales job and a full time job selling construction services on the same day I was offered the Johnson job. I took the 2 full time sales jobs at the same time, and worked both. I listened to Gary Johnson speak and the looney tunes I heard, I am glad I didn't take that job.

So, if Kamala Harris, the real Democrat 2020 US Candidate for President, just continued on with honesty. She said she doesn't trust a Donald J. Trump forced vaccine before the election.

I do not either. That is where I, and most Americans agree.

My own father met with Chinese operatives, and operatives from all over the world who were aligned with corporate bigwigs who envied the Communist Chinese for their control of workers, where subjects, not citizens, own nothing, have no rights, and are actually owned, a corporate raider's wet dream.

My first memories of my globalist Springfield, Massachusetts, Monsanto Chemical Company father from about 1966 or 1967, old enough to remember was that he was a complete touch hole Narcissist Psychopath. I didn't know what Round-Up weed killer  or Agent Orange was at age 2 or 3, but I do know that I heard my father drunk tell his his friends while drunk, that he was going to get something from the lab to kill my cat because only f-gg-ts hug on cats. So, days later all my cat's fur fell out and it died horrifically.

Random picture of a cat:

At about age 3 in 1967 after I believed my father murdered my cat, he came home and said, there is an old Chinese proverb, "A blade of grass, that grows up beyond all others gets cut down." He then grabbed me by my neck, almost shook, and choked me unconscious, then bowled me down the cellar stairs saying, "If you want to cry out in pain, I will really show you what pain is. I hope you are dead." If those weren't the exact words, there were words similar.

I understood why, hearing my father drunk, talking to one of his Monsanto friends, is that he like a hottie at work, and I should have never been born ...

So, I consider my father a Democrat, and Globalist.

So, as much as I hate both, why would I then want to vote for Kamala Harris for President in 2020?

Well, if I were a strategist, what would I want for me to make that so?

Well, I would rather face Antifa and BLM gunfire and assault from a mob than to get vaccinated.

Democrats are fleeing Blue cities and buying guns. So, If Kamala Harris comes out against riots, says the US Constitution is intact, including no new gun legislation, and especially no lock down, social distancing, and no masks required ever again, she would win the biggest landslide victory in the history of the US presidential elections.

It would be then, "Joe Biden, who?"



[click here] for:

Socialist Runs US and World out of UN UNESCO NYC. Is Beijing China the real Washington, DC? Trump is the Chump for China?

If you wonder why Socialism, Communism, and Corporate Totalitarianism is smacking you all in the face, causing a Mass Mask Psychosis, and making you soon to beg for food, a Bill Gates tattoo to be allowed to stand in line, and why the planet is becoming an open air prison system to vastly reduce population, look at Ground Zero, the UN UNESCO in New York City. 

If Osama bin Laden was a legitimate terrorist, he would have hit the UN in New York City ...

António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres [Wikipedia] is a Portuguese politician and diplomat serving as the ninth secretary-general of the United Nations. A member of the Portuguese Socialist Party, he served as prime minister of Portugal from 1995 to 2002. Communism completely screwed up Portugal. So, send the leader of that to lead World Government, the UN, and spread the plague of disaster to functional countries.

If you want a face to look at of why you can't travel, your retirement, freedom, and hope to pursue liberty, life, and happiness all went poof, look at the image above.

If I could legally get away with it, and if I had one, I would send an autonomous drone with enough explosives that it could barely fly and set it to find António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres.

If I had more, and could legally get away with it, I would hit Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, George Soros, Zuckerberg, a Davos meeting in progress, Bilderbergers in session, and if the all 3 Clintons and all 4 Obamas were first convicted of treason and/or crimes against humanity, those too ... if enough rope, a large mob, and a high branch in a tree wasn't available ... 


Sunday, September 06, 2020

KKK Agendas of the Democratic Party, the Criminal Activity, Murders, Accessory to Murders, and Obstruction of Justice Should be Addressed

Agent: Government allowed guns into Mexico [CBS March 2011 video upload] (The ATF, Barack Obama, Eric Holder and others are involved in murders to eliminate the US Constitution? Why hasn't anyone been arrested and punished for this? Are powerful Democrats, minions of UN UNESCO above the law, and murder, mayhem, riots, anything that THEY cause or do is okay?)

[Click Here] for: The UN UNESCO/Chinese Communist evolving tactics for World Domination. Submission is for NWO Slaves

The 2 below took oaths to protect, and defend the US Constitution, not dismantle it. Covertly trying to end the 2nd Amendment to dismantle the entire US Constitution itself is blatant treason. Breaking laws to allow guns to "walk" to criminals in Mexico to Mexico gun gangs and other criminals to commit murders is an act of war, and for any US dead, both are guilty of being accessories to murder, before, during, and after the fact. So, why has neither of these lying scumbags been arrested, and why are they in prison, or worse?

US President Barack Obama and former US Attorney General Eric Holder was [found here].

[click here] for:

African & African American responsible for Killing White Kids?

Image of US Attorney General Eric Holder and UN Official and international bankster spokesperson, Barack Obama was [found here].

[more from 2013 Stark Raving Viking blog post]



Mexico sends US note over ‘Fast and Furious’ Obama-era gun-running scheme

The Mexican government is still waiting for an apology for Operation Fast and Furious, an illegal and secret gun running scheme implemented during the Obama administration.

"Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said his government would send a diplomatic note to Washington for information on the 2009-2011 operation known as ‘Fast and Furious,’ a topic that has resurfaced in recent days amid a debate over historic U.S.-Mexico cooperation on security and possible corruption under previous administrations," Reuters reports.

During the operation from 2009-2010, thousands of AK-47s, .50 caliber rifles and other weapons were purposely allowed by ATF and Department of Justice officials to be purchased illegally by straw buyers at gun stores in the United States and trafficked over the border into Mexico. ATF officials sat by as thousands of guns "walked." They argued this was done to trace weapons to the upper echelons of Mexican cartels, but out of thousands of firearms, only two were rigged with GPS devices that died within hours of crossing the border.

On December 14, 2010, Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, a former police officer and U.S. Marine, was shot and killed while on a BORTAC mission near Rio Rico, Arizona. The weapons left at the scene were obtained through Operation Fast and Furious.

Terry's family has been repeatedly lied to about the circumstances of his death. ATF and DOJ officials moved quickly to cover up the scandal behind how his murderers got their guns.

It wasn't until Terry was killed that knowledge of the program came into public view. ATF agent John Dodson, who opposed the operation internally, became the first whistleblower to speak out.

The Mexican government was also left in the dark as thousands of guns were used to kill hundreds of civilians. A .50 caliber rifle from the program, a weapon often used by Mexican cartels to take down helicopters, was found in drug kingpin El Chapo's hideout.

A report from 2011, released by then House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, showed "ATF and DOJ 'failed to share crucial details of the Operation Fast and Furious with either their own employees stationed in Mexico or representatives of the Government of Mexico.' Specifically, personnel in Arizona denied ATF agents working in Mexico information directly related to their jobs and everyday operations."

In June 2012, Eric Holder became the first sitting attorney general to be voted in civil and criminal contempt by the House of Representatives for refusing to turn over documents related to the case.

Despite memos addressed to directly to Holder about the operation, Holder repeatedly claimed he learned about it in the news. President Obama also claimed not to have knowledge of the operation despite making gun trafficking to Mexico a top priority. White House National Security Adviser Kevin O'Reilly was also briefed regularly on the operation by senior ATF officials in the Phoenix field office.

[More from source]


When isn't Gropy Uncle Joe Biden lying or plagiarizing? "Joe Biden is victimized by the truth."

BRUTAL: Resurfaced Video of Joe Biden Should Destroy His Campaign

Saturday, September 05, 2020

A Pres Trump Legal Team to Go After NYC Gov Cuomo regardless of his BLM, Antifa, Democrat Protected Group Status?

Bruce Jenner's transformation in process photo was [found here]. Photo is from what the opposite you would think Kaitlyn Jenner would do, rear-end, another driver out of the road and allegedly cause death.

NY Gov. Cuomo Attacks Trump With Psychotic Hatred, But His Decision Killed 5,300 Elderly People [Link to Liberum Arbitrium bitchute video]

Text with video:

NY Gov. Cuomo Attacks Trump With Psychotic Hatred, But His Decision Killed 5,300 Elderly People

Effort to recall Gov. Newsom gains support from volunteers across the state (OAN One America News Network)

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The latest effort to recall California Governor Gavin Newsom is heating up and hundreds of thousands of signatures have already been collected. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more on why Californians are desperate to remove their governor from office. Visit us at: Tired of censorship from other social media platforms? Join us on Free Talk Free Talk is OANs new social platform. Users can post, chat and connect with other members. It allows Free Speech at home, on the go and anywhere in the world, No SHADOWBANNING! 


N.Y. businesswoman: New Yorkers are fleeing because of Bill de Blasio

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The New York exodus that began at the start of the pandemic has continued. New Yorkers are blaming Mayor Bill de Blasio and his policies. One America’s Caitlin Sinclair has more. Visit us at: 

Tired of censorship from other social media platforms? Join us on Free Talk Free Talk is OANs new social platform. Users can post, chat and connect with other members. It allows Free Speech at home, on the go and anywhere in the world, 


The Media Is FACTUAL, But Not TRUTHFUL In Its Coverage Of Lockdowns And Unrest [Timcast Tim Pool video direct bitchute link] (who did more damage to New York City, the 9/11 alleged terrorists or the currenet NYC mayor?)

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Tim and guest Michael Malice discuss the ways the mainstream media has maintained a charade of truthfulness by presenting carefully-curated facts.


The SRV [LiveLeak videos, click here].

I continue on with this post [click here].

The UN's PSY-OP of Choice, Anarcho-Tyranny (Race Riots and Engineered Fake Pandemic Fears)

Pettibone Video below, scroll down

I image searched Britt Pettibone and came up with the above image, even though I absolutely despise Bill Gates, anything Microsoft, Jeff Bezos, Amazon, Zoom App, or anything that is an aid to UN UNESCO forcing a Chinese Communist Government on the world.



If you are rich, politically powerful, and you die allegedly die while being high out of your mind, and drunk, and if you live in the State of Connecticut, they may name a major highway after you. I just tried to let authorities what pedophiles associated with the UN and Connecticut State Police were up to [and my entire life was burned down]

[Click here] for:

Police Report Recounts 15-Year-Old's Final Hours

Heather Specyalski, Laurie Latourelle
(HARTFORD COURANT / April 29, 2004)
In this 2004 file photo, Heather Specyalski, left, laughs with her friend Laurie Latourelle after a jury found Specyalski not guilty of felony charges in connection with the death of her boyfriend Neil Esposito in a 1999 crash.

By STEVEN GOODE | The Hartford Courant
December 23, 2008

Fifteen-year-old Brandon Specyalski spent the last hours of his life at home in Ashford drinking beer, downing shots of vodka and snorting ground-up morphine tablets he had taken from his mother, according to friends interviewed by police.

Though his death on Aug. 24 was labeled an accidental overdose by the state medical examiner, a state police investigation into the circumstances leading up to it resulted in his mother, Heather Specyalski, 38, being charged with three counts of risk of injury to a minor.

Heather Specyalski made headlines in 2004, when she was found not guilty of manslaughter in the 1999 death of her boyfriend, prominent Connecticut businessman Neil Esposito, who died in a car wreck in Cromwell. Specyalski, the only other person in the vehicle, was badly injured. Investigators initially concluded that Esposito had been behind the wheel, but later said that Specyalski had been driving. The jury, however, didn't believe it.

The charges Specyalski now faces grew out of the investigation into what authorities say happened in her presence, at her home on Seckar Road in Ashford, in the hours that preceded her son's death.

According to the arrest warrant affidavit, Specyalski's son and two of his friends, Christopher Whitehouse, 16, and Travis Neborsky, 14, were at her house in the hours before Brandon's death.

Whitehouse, who told police that he had been friends with Brandon since grade school, said they were hanging out at the Specyalski home the night of Aug. 23. Around 8 p.m., Brandon took some beers from the refrigerator and they went into the backyard. Whitehouse said Heather Specyalski was in her room sleeping and apparently didn't mind her son's drinking because she had purchased beer for him.

Between 11 p.m. and midnight, Whitehouse told police, the two went inside. Whitehouse said he wasn't feeling well and went into Heather Specyalski's bedroom and got into bed with her.

Whitehouse told police he believed that was when Brandon took his mother's car to pick up Neborsky, who lived a few miles away.

Neborsky told police that Brandon picked him up at his house about 1 a.m. and they drove back to Specyalski's house. They drank beer at a campfire in the backyard before going into the house and drinking shots of vodka, Neborsky told investigators.

At some point, Neborsky said, Brandon went into his mother's room and came back with her purse, which contained a bottle of prescription morphine. Neborsky said Brandon swallowed one of the 100-milligram pills and then crushed three more into two lines of powder, which he snorted before drinking six more beers.

About 2:30 a.m., Neborsky said, he told Brandon that he wanted to go home, but that he wanted Brandon's mother to drive. Brandon, according to the affidavit, had a confrontation with his mother, who nonetheless drove Neborsky home. Brandon got into the back seat for the ride.

Specyalski told investigators that she had stopped her son from taking her purse and medication that night and that she left Brandon sleeping in the back of the car when she returned home from dropping off Neborsky because she didn't want to fight with him. She said she and Whitehouse took turns checking on him, and the last time she did his skin was blue and he wasn't breathing.

Whitehouse told investigators that Specyalski got a pillow and a blanket for Brandon and that he checked on him a few times before going to bed about 5 a.m. Whitehouse said that when he woke up between 9:30 and 10 a.m., Specyalski was also lying in bed awake. He told police that when he asked if she had checked on Brandon, she said "no."

Whitehouse said he went to check on Brandon, found him unresponsive and told Specyalski, who shook Brandon and told Whitehouse to call 911, but he had no cellphone service.

When Specyalski returned to the kitchen, Whitehouse said, she asked "what are we going to do?" before looking at the counter and instructing him to "get rid of the beer, go throw it in the woods."

Whitehouse said he did, and Specyalski then called 911.


The Real Reasons the UN UNESCO and Chi-Coms are using Riots and a False Pandemic to Takeover the World?

The Below is the complete comment that I placed in this [Green Crow as the Crow Flies blog] post.

From those who I were talking to from various Asian Countries BEFORE the Covid thing, back in 2019, had some interesting things to say. China was preparing for getting all of it's population ready for war with the rest of the world. An American who married a Chinese National, lived in China, and who was on YouTube changed his tune when he realized what was really going on. [His video is embedded in this post].

Vietnam population is nearing 100 million. I just went on their Embassy website not allowing anyone to travel to Vietnam even for family unification. Only those who Vietnam Government deems essential are allowed in, almost a total travel ban. The Vietnam official COVID numbers from 4 September, 2020, are 1046 cases, minus 755 recovered and allowed to go home, minus 253 still being treated leaves a number of 38 total deaths.

Vietnam could be a main country that even US Veterans have been eying as an ideal place to live, retire, with a high quality of life, with longevity. Nutrition, and good family and community life is possible. The Vietnam government, and the people are conducive to family, and moral living, although discussing religion with Vietnamese nationals would probably be a very bad idea. I don't see small business, and family and social interaction groups being under attack by the UN as in US, Canada, and most of what is considered the "Free World". [Disparity of justice detailed]

Without being critical of Vietnam government, there was no reason for Vietnam to shutdown, especially given what has happened with Sweden and Japan. Those countries never really shut down and have even better numbers than the countries that did shut down.

Chinese Government had a problem with over a 100 million surplus military age men, and no women for them, as the one child policy favors aborting females. This as at a time where pigs, and chickens have viruses that are wiping them out in China. So, their is a protein deficiency, along with weather issues hurting crops. With nothing being done, the current Chinese Government faced famine, and the biggest crisis that they would be blamed for. Doing nothing means that Xi Ping gets overthrown, and the Free World enters and assimilates China, where Communism has failed on its own.

Just like the Democrats in US, Chinese Communists, banded with Obama's planned stay behind government from 2015, to Spring COVID on the world's population in 2017 during Hillary Clinton's first term as US President, to burst the World Bank bubble, and the Democrats, Puppeteers of the UN UNESCO, and the Chinese Government could all share the wealth of the world, run it like tyrants, and wipe out as much of the population becoming Uncle Joe Stalin on steroids, killing billions not just 10s of millions, and Stalin will then be considered lame. 

So, using contact tracing (now headed by Bill Clinton for rest of world), and social media in China, all threats to the starts of any uprisings, or movements, those who would voice opposition to government edicts were all identified as if it was a "pre-crime" program.

A massive amount of Chinese cellphone holders ceased to have cell numbers in one of the biggest modern day purges of citizens, ever. The was under the cover of the planned UN UNESCO PSY-OP, COVID (COVID = Flu), for Agenda 21 and 2030, to take out most of the world's population, where the UN UNESCO and Chinese Communist party co-run the world.

Some of what I talk about is in [this video, direct link]. Video is called, "Dark Forces Infiltrated The US By Blackmailing Those At The Top,Their Plan Is Pure Evil :Cyrus Parsa" by the X22 Report on BitChute.


Trump Bans Leftist Ideology From Government In BIGGEST Victory For Conservatives In The Culture Wa.. [Direct link to Timcast Tim Pool BitChute video]

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Trump Bans Leftist Ideology From Government In BIGGEST Victory For Conservatives In The Culture War. Trump has ordered Critical Race Theory and "White Privilege" training banned from federal agencies.

These ideas are major underpinnings of the far leftist ideology on race and are a major component of the antifa BLM riots sweeping this country.

Democrats have for too long negotiated with, entertained, or outright adopted this fringe and dangerous belief system. Joe Biden has been accused of being a direct line from the Democratic establishment to the far leftists with many Democrats agreeing with the fringe ideology.


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