Monday, January 31, 2022

Largest Canadian Trucker Convey in History may end the COVID Deep State Tyranny BS Worldwide?

Tax the Unvaxxed - Quebec Effectively Ends “Universal Healthcare” - Viva Frei Vlawg [Direct link to video] Universal Health Care makes you an inmate of the state?

Sununu Sides Wtih China Biden on Supreme Court, Mask, and Vaxx Issues? Sununu 2024? [Direct link to video]

Text with the video:

Election Fraud, Much?

There are polls where respondents, over 80%, claim they will not vote for a candidate that believes Joe Biden election was legitimate. New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu seems to be okay with Whites and Heterosexual males be banned as a choice for US Supreme Court Justice. Most Republican voters are against all mandates.

Trump really took a dump on his supporters with Warp Speed, and Talking about having taken all shots to date. Right on the mask box, it doesn't protect the wearer from viruses. So, why be made to wear them? It is utter cuckold stupidity.

Sununu, if you are a Democrat in your thinking, put a D after your name for the next election, 2022, for Governor. I you kissing up to Biden because you want to run for US President in 2024? Those who committed the biggest fraud in the history of New Hampshire investigate themselves. Really???!!!

#BoycottMcD #No46 #Restore45 #ExposeFauci #BillClintonIsARapist #StopTheSteal #EndTheBS #CoofDestroyer #HillaryForPrison #AlexJones #J6NewIndependenceDay #SackDemocrats #MeToo #DeathJab22 #BanUN #USConstitutionParty

Sununu YouTube Video:

Chris Sununu, Joe Rogan, RFK Jr., and the doctors who invented the tests, RNA, and who are getting results using therapeutics aren't the ones spreading misinformation. CNN, Tony Fauci, CDC, NIH, UN and Joe Biden, and the whole Chinese influenced Left-Tard Democrat Commie Party are getting more, and more hated in the US, and World.

More on my Monsanto father:

Disclaimer: All of my blogs is my opinion. I post links and articles that I don’t necessarily agree with, but post for debate. What I state as fact is actually to my best belief and knowledge. I sometimes am satirical and some is inflammatory comedy. CLICK ON TIME CODE BELOW THIS POST IF POST ISN’T ISOLATED. THE VIDEOS WILL THEN PLAY



Black Sabbath "The Wizard" [Direct link to video]

Sunday, January 30, 2022

If Dopey Joey doesn't know he is the US President, Then he shouldn't be perceived as one.

Joe Biden Again Refers to Kamala as "President Harris" [Direct link to video]

Disclaimer: All of my blogs is my opinion. I post links and articles that I don’t necessarily agree with, but post for debate. What I state as fact is actually to my best belief and knowledge. I sometimes am satirical and some is inflammatory comedy. CLICK ON TIME CODE BELOW THIS POST IF POST ISN’T ISOLATED. THE VIDEOS WILL THEN PLAY

Gays Blackmailed by China. Hillary's role in 9-11/OKC/Kids & Guns Confiscated door to door [Direct link to video]

Text with video:

Link with more information:

Keywords: Connecticut CIA Barack Obama Social Security Number NDAA Patriot Act US Constitution Suspended Bill Clinton is a Rapist #AlexJones Joe Biden screwed his own kids Ukraine Russia War to hide Obama Clinton Biden selling Nukes Kazakhstan Canadian Truckers COVID Strike Oust Fidel Castro's son Justin Trudeau James Corbett Michael Chertoff Israeli Ponzi Scheme Free Pizza Coupon Hot Sexy Model Naked Nude Cookies Internet Censorship Event 201 McDonalds potatoes and carrots in Happy Meals are grown in Bill Gate bio-sludge dissolved human city sewage Tony Fauci arrested Donald J. Trump COVID Test patented 2015 Barack Obama funded Wuhan China gain of function World Bank UN Sex Trafficking Monsanto Big Pharma class action suits Supreme Court Justice murdered with pillow no mainstream media coverage Mike Adams Vladimir Putin Russia Ukraine Vietnam El Salvador Dominican Republic Freedom in Mexico Mask Mandate Social distancing where can I travel without COVID tests Pandemic declared over Florida Ron DeSantis for President Xi Jinping is a punk Free Taiwan Hong Kong Dead Commies are best Communists Martial Law Nuclear War Secret Weapons Anthrax Hoax Lyme Disease Kathleen Dickson Lisa Masterson put in Mental Hospitals for exposing testing treatment fraud Pfizer Glaxo Smith Kline Baxter Pub Med Doctors paid to kill patients. US Attorney John A. Danaher III covered up Tomas Foral for having enough Military Grade Anthrax in 2001 to kill all of New England FBI kill Code name: the big apple to the big easy saved by FBI doing Codename: Pail Rider first for being a Soprano type Mafia Trash Hauler with son AJ going after for income tax evasion Danbury Trashers almost win during NHL hockey league 2 year shut down 23 of 26 bombs planted in the OKC Federal Building 1995 failed to go off. The FBI found the bombers, paid them, arranged the plan, gave them live bombs, and the bombers failed to park the rental truck on the right floor of the parking garage for one twin tower to topple on the other 1993 F'ing Bombing Idiots.

#BoycottMcD #No46 #Restore45 #ExposeFauci #BillClintonIsARapist #StopTheSteal #EndTheBS #CoofDestroyer #HillaryForPrison #AlexJones #J6NewIndependenceDay #SackDemocrats #MeToo #DeathJab22 #BanUN #USConstitutionParty

Pete Seeger - What Did You Learn In School? [direct link to video]

Friday, January 28, 2022

"I like Children They are Tasty," & a Grateful Dead Live Music Video

Grateful Dead - Bird Song - 08/27/72 - Old Renaissance Faire Grounds, Veneta, OR (Sunshine Daydream, about Janis Joplin) [Direct link to live music video]

Disclaimer: All of my blogs is my opinion. I post links and articles that I don’t necessitated is ssarily agree with, but post for debate. What I state as fact is actually to my best belief and knowledge. I sometime am satirical and some is inflammatory comedy. CLICK ON TIME CODE BELOW THIS POST IF POST ISN’T ISOLATED. THE VIDEOS WILL THEN PLAY.

Monsanto Serial Killer Streams Your Data to China last 6 Decades? (#FauciTryFry) [Direct Link to Video]

12 Monkeys (1/10) Movie CLIP - The Scientists' Offer (1995) HD [Direct link to video] Film also stars Brad Pitt.

12 Monkeys (4/10) Movie CLIP - Institutionalized With Jeffrey (1995) HD [Direct link to video]

The Standells - Dirty Water [Direct link to music video]

Mr. Hitler - Leadbelly [Direct link to music video] ... "Puppet Joe" ... too ... ?

Cee Lo Green and Daryl Hall - F*ck You [Direct link to video]



Monday, January 24, 2022

Were all Democrats paid through Biden, during the Obama Admin, to sell out US to be too weak to not be occupied by a Russian & Chinese Alliance?

Disclaimer: All of my blogs is my opinion. I post links and articles that I don’t necessitated is ssarily agree with, but post for debate. What I state as fact is actually to my best belief and knowledge. I sometime am satirical and some is inflammatory comedy. CLICK ON TIME CODE BELOW THIS POST IF POST ISN’T ISOLATED. THE VIDEOS WILL THEN PLAY.

Why did Pamela Anderson visit Julian Assange while he still had asylum at the Ecuador Embassy in UK? What does that have to do with Joe Biden allegedly taking 31,000,000 dollars from Chinese Intelligence when he was Vice President of the. United States? Videos including a Montage of Pamela Anderson modeling on the Beach in her Baywatch Days? Click Link:

TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT 01/24/2022 [direct link]

White Zombie - More Human Than Human [direct link]

Evidence That US Government Targeted Red States With Deadly Batches of Vaccine [Direct Link] Are Red Republican States getting 11 times more more lethal injections that are Blue Democrat States? Greg Reese Reports.

Washington DC and UN Starvation Warnings? Is everything in the World getting beyond ridiculous with UN/China/World Bank Puppet Head of Free World, Joe Biden at helm?:

Pandemic Armageddon Is About To Put A Dagger In America's Core! Something We NEVER Expected Arrives [direct link] If lawyers, judges, and the International B.A.R. Asssociation, which is also 2/3 of elected officials didn't first swear allegiance to the World Bank, then to covert child F'ing and trafficking, not to the US Constitution, there might be some justice. Hillary and Bill Clinton would have been nailed for the Dixie Mafia and CIA Cocaine Trafficking when they were Co-Governors. There should be no more OKC Fed Bombing False Flags to get the Sex & Drug Traffickers out of a jam.

Has China and Big Pharma finally succeeded after multiple attempts? [Direct Link]

Text with video:

Rumble — Was there any reason Pamela Anderson of Baywatch fame went to "see" Julian Assange?

The Monsanto/Big Pharma/UN/World Bank/Corporate Organized Database has been located on Chinese soil along with what is first crypto currency from early 1970s? Click my channel name for more videos, or check links:
US Constitution Party and my email:

Ritchie from Boston's take on those like us being targeted by 5G and Chinese Satellites AND all of humanity:

Gerald Celente breaks it down here: 

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Bob Dylan - Subterranean Homesick Blues

Xi Jinping & Klaus Schwab “Year of the Tiger”, Davos to enter Phase B. UN Event 201 Fails. China to Take Over World

Disclaimer: All of my blogs is my opinion. I post links and articles that I don’t necessarily agree with, but post for debate. What I state as fact is actually to my best belief and knowledge. I sometime am satirical and some is inflammatory comedy. CLICK ON TIME CODE BELOW THIS POST IF POST ISN’T ISOLATED. THE VIDEOS WILL THEN PLAY.

Special Address by Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China | Davos Agenda 2022 [Direct Link] Klaus Schwab opens up the meeting at Davos, and/or World Economic Forum. So, is Xi Jinping been put in a Premier World Leader. My take fro Xi's translated statement of what he is to do: "I am erasing the borders. I take over eveything. I decide who lives, who dies. We will not have any opposition to this. Financial, and technogical help is a priviledge. I give to my best subordinates. You will have Peace and Security with my stregth."


My blogs, and videos often don’t show any increase in number of comments. I could have 22 comments on and views could be 23, or 24. Then later, there would be no comments as comments would not stick. I have tried looking at my own videos and blogs on different devices and with different internet connections and then not see counter go up.

On YouTube I found the algorithm was probably 1000 views for every view showed. When I was was blogging on before Del Simmons was threatened by Connecticut State Police with losing business his family, and being gone after he took down the website in, or around the 2005. I was getting about 10,000 hits a day. 

On I had about 2.5 million hits in 2008. The counter never went up. I gave a warning of what was to come. The video started to get 100s of hits, the counter when to zero, then the whole website then went down permanently. 

With that being said, I comment to all this, here:

And here:

Nuclear War Ends All Humanity, 26000 year cycle? (Science Fiction/Rough Draft/Sreenplay)

Scroll down for English Version about the coming Nuclear Holocaust. Link to video at bottom of post. My email is at end of:

[This Video Click Here]

My main blog with lots of Music Videos, Independent News Videos, and Links:

The Doors - The End (Full) Apocalypse Now (1979) Music Clip [Direct Link to Music Video]

* * * *

Vietnam is allegedly now occupied by China for their farms, their food production.

It is allegedly start of China genociding local populations of all countries they plan on seizing. Along the equator, planning to have food for their own people to be replacement migration after their partners in World Bank, Puppeteers in the United Nations, the international B.A.R. Association’ have Biden start a Nuclear War with Russia. 

Now 3rd World Shite-Hole USA is to be baited over Russian Invasion of Ukraine. 

Xi Jinping thinks that Vladimir Putin is that stupid. 

Most American Patriots with knowledge know that Putin and Russians are true allies, not the enemy. 

Even though Vladimir was forged out of Military Intelligence, and International Spy, he seems to care about the traditional family.

Putiin’s country’s national sovereignty and unique Russian Culture is being preserved as nations as in the EU are not.

The United Nations has decimated national identity, borders, culture, and has financially destroyed with the march towards all out Corporate/Bankers version of UN Communism. How has unmitigated illegal immigration worked out for all countries in the EU. 

Check out Internal Cupid Dating Site as guest. Search 18 to 24 in Germany, and half to 3/4 of those on the site are newly there from Africa, South America, and Muslims of the 3rd World. [Click Here for Video]

Putin even allegedly allows self defense of the home, and out in public, with the rise of the Russian version of the 2nd Amendment. I belief Putin won’t be baited by the sacks of crap Deep State, Puppeteers of the 2/3 of B.A.R. Association Insider Trader Treasonous Lying Lawyer Officials that are illegally “Elected” Officials in USA ... 

* * * *

Hermano. Tenga en cuenta que le envío este correo electrónico con BCC o copia oculta. Todos los demás que también envío una versión un poco diferente, más de 100, se envían a todo el mundo y se envían solo a aquellos que tienen una inteligencia y conciencia similares.

No necesitas leer nada de lo que escribo. Solo te pido que mires el video. Es lo suficientemente corto como para que pueda traducir lo que se dice. La información es vida o muerte, literalmente para ti.

Si no hace nada, hay más del 50 % de posibilidades para 2030 de que usted y toda su familia, y todos los que ahora ve a su alrededor, estén muertos.

La parte más importante de este correo electrónico es el enlace al video en la parte inferior de este correo electrónico. Se trata de torres de telefonía 5G que casi me quitan la vida mientras estaba en Santiago República Dominicana.

Tener las 2 medicinas baratas que les cuento y todo eso, me salvó la vida. Mi primo John Mari, médico, de la misma edad que yo, tenía los mismos síntomas que yo en Santiago DR, pero él en Fargo North Dakota.

La esposa de John había recibido la segunda vacuna y se enfermó de COVID probablemente por la segunda inyección. Igual que a mí, no me he puesto ninguna inyección, y me pongo de los que me rodean que se vacunaron, en mi opinión.

Los que se dejan inyectar 2, 3, 10 o el número que sea, porque esto nunca acabará hasta que a los que hacen esto se les haga parar.

A diferencia de usted, cualquier persona que no haya recibido las inyecciones puede demandar y presentar cargos penales contra los banqueros mundiales por intento de asesinato, asesinato en masa y crímenes contra la humanidad, solo si ellos y yo no nos vacunamos.

Es por eso que se están esforzando por dar a todos en el mundo el código QR de la patente de Bill Gates ID de pison global para determinar cuándo se ve obligado a recibir la inyección letal de solución final obligatoria.

Estas torres y las vacunas le dieron a su suegra 5 o 6 infartos, y pueden quitarle la vida en cualquier momento.

Ha cambiado los estados de ánimo, la mente, y ha tomado la inteligencia y la empatía por los demás, que su cuñada pudo o no haber tenido.

Probablemente la ha vuelto estéril e incapaz de tener hijos o de tener lo que es el matrimonio tradicional en República Dominicana.

Las torres 5G y el programa de vacunas le han costado cientos de miles de dólares en lo que potencialmente ganó conmigo.

Dificultades económicas para toda su familia extendida que se beneficiaría de la manada de inversores mundiales que quieren ver la caída de los banqueros mundiales, y están actuando globalmente para ver que se enfrenten a la justicia y sean ejecutados si son declarados culpables de crímenes de guerra.

Quería reunirme con médicos, gobierno y medios de comunicación en República Dominicana para que seamos el Nuevo Sistema Bancario Suizo del Mundo y tengamos Reservas de Oro eventualmente custodiadas por el Ejército Dominicano. Quiero revertir todo el daño de la vacuna que sea posible.

Quería estar allí, para que todos ustedes no se mueran de hambre si sucede lo peor. Parece que ya está en marcha, y al menos la mitad de toda la población mundial morirá para 2025, como se jactan de esto en sus Libros Blancos del Banco Mundial.

188 torres celulares 5G en RD. Sin 5G y mi salud mejora, instantáneamente bien. Mi salud empeora instantáneamente, mi estado de ánimo es malo y creo que siento que voy a tener un ataque al corazón o un derrame cerebral, donde hay 5G en el rango.

Día que no subiste a las montañas a visitar a la familia de Marco creo que en agosto, le avisé a Yani, y a tu esposa, estaba perdiendo el sitio de los ojos, mi audición estaba afectada, me costaba respirar, salía algo de sangre. hasta mi boca desde mis pulmones.

Usé la radio de mi barco para tener ivermectina e hidroxicloriquina. La radio alcanza de 1 a 3 horas de viaje, especialmente en altura. Lo tomé. Sabía que era bueno que condujéramos fuera del alcance de 5G.

5G está en el rango electromagnético. No debe ser utilizado para la comunicación, ni nada. Hierro en la sangre, y si hay algo que son solo moléculas gruesas y metálicas en las vacunas, interactúa con la longitud de onda electromagnética para afectar la inmunidad y la función corporal.

Entonces, pasé de sentir que moriría de inmediato a estar bien a medida que nos alejábamos y subíamos la montaña. Yanni, tu esposa e incluso Marco me preguntaron repetidamente si quiero ir al hospital.

Parte de mi agenda era eliminar 5G en República Dominicana, junto con todas las pruebas y tratamientos de vacunas. Las personas adineradas de todo el mundo acuden en masa a áreas de México en busca de Bitcoin y otras criptomonedas, y se alejan del 5G y del ataque sigiloso chino al transporte, la banca y los gobiernos mundiales.

China tomó Vietnam en el otoño de 2019. Lo sé. El bloqueo ha provocado que el Banco Mundial, las Naciones Unidas y el dinero digital chino compren todos los negocios, tierras, granjas y personas en República Dominicana.

El gobierno usa gmail. Usas Hotmail. Google es la empresa Alfabeto. Hotmail es Microsoft y es Bill Gates. Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, el Partido Comunista Chino de las Naciones Unidas, CDC, NIH, etc. son organizaciones internacionales de salud.

El Banco Mundial es realmente miles de billones de dólares que se componen de la nada para estar en servidores informáticos bancarios en China. Este dinero falso se usa para comprar todo en el planeta y luego cerrar todo. El dinero no es real, pero están tomando negocios como los que tienen Marco y Lucía y luego los convierten en esclavos en su propia propiedad.

Black Rock, Vanguard, State Street Global Financial, Firdelity son las mayores empresas internacionales de gestión de activos. Ellos son el Banco Mundial. Poseen el 99% de todas las corporaciones, bancarias, médicas, gubernamentales, policiales, militares, navieras, pruebas y tratamiento para COVID.

La empresa Asset Management decidió tomar toda la agricultura y la producción de alimentos en el Planeta Tierra. Eso significa que todas las personas en República Dominicana, Haití, Puerto Rico, Estados Unidos, Vietnam y todas las áreas donde hay carbón, gas natural propano, oro, plata, litio, diamantes, suministros de agua pura.

Entonces, en 2025, China ha programado la muerte de la mitad de la población del mundo, todos están cerca de las torres de telefonía 5G. Quería que Yani usara lentes de contacto de color y peluca para decirle esto a todos a República Dominicana y todos los países de habla hispana sin que nadie supiera quién era, o que me persiguiera cuando estaba con ella en cualquier lugar.

Entonces, lo que escuché afuera de mi habitación en Ludlow, Massachusetts, en 1970, cuando tenía 6 años, no se está convirtiendo en realidad. Acababan de llamarlas islas bajo Florida cuando mi padre habló con la inteligencia militar china.

Durante aproximadamente 1000 años, aquellos que son de herencia rumana y judía poseen el mundo antiguo como la banca mundial de los tiempos medievales, lo que se convertiría en el crimen organizado corporativo y la realeza mundial. Los líderes en Japón y la clase de guerreros Samauri se hicieron famosos como familias gobernantes ninja y chinas.

Estas familias parecían europeas, y en Japón y China estas líneas de sangre se mezclaron con sangre china y japonesa. Las representaciones antiguas de estas élites reales y bancarias en el aislado Japón no parecían asiáticas. 5 a 10 siglos de mezclar la sangre hace que todos aparezcan como asiáticos en China y Japón.

Vlad el Empalador, también conocido como Drácula, tenía sangre judía, rumana y alemana, al igual que los Zares de Rusia y la actual Reina de Inglaterra, ella no es británica.

Todas las personas tienen algo en común. No creen en Dios, tienen rituales secretos que se remontan a decenas de miles de años. Sacrificaron bebés, narradores, después de horribles torturas sexuales de sangre drenada y la banca de élite y la realeza consumieron la sangre.

Las vírgenes femeninas de 12 a 14 años que eran las más atractivas de las aldeas fueron entregadas con gusto por los ciudadanos promedio en la época premedieval y sacrificadas y luego la sangre fue recolectada y consumida por aquellos que eran más poderosos. Hay evidencia de esto en las ciudades antiguas de América del Sur y en Egipto.

¿Por qué te digo esto? Bueno, aproximadamente cada 26000 años borran toda la historia, almacenan todas las semillas no modificadas genéticamente y especies especiales congeladas, y hay grandes meteoros que aparecen alrededor de solo 26000 años, más o menos.

Todo lo anterior no es necesariamente mi creencia.

Pero, por lo que puedo decir, es la creencia de quienes están a cargo.

Puede haber evidencia en todo el planeta de que hubo meteoritos que golpearon la Tierra y una guerra nuclear que involucró máquinas voladoras. Hay rumores persistentes de que los alemanes durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial encontraron esta tecnología escondida en la Antártida y afirmaron que era alienígena para ocultar su verdadero origen.

Mucho está inventado. Muchas son solo mentiras para engañarnos. La historia una vez que es digital puede ser cambiada por quien sea más fuerte. Se están derribando estatuas de la historia en todo Estados Unidos.

Entre los años 1980 y 1984 recibí lecciones de historia cada pocos meses de un veterano de la Primera Guerra Mundial y él nació en algún lugar entre 1888 y 1898, ya que yo iba a memorizar todo lo que me dijera y luego hacer la investigación en mi propio.

Entonces se supone que debo transmitir mi conocimiento a 3 hombres jóvenes cuando tenga entre 70 y más de 100 años, si es que los tiempos finales aún no han llegado.

Mi abuelo con el mismo segundo nombre y su amigo, un jefe de policía jubilado en Dakota del Norte, me hablaron desde 1968 hasta 1972 para prepararme también para la vida como lo que sería mi propósito. Nací a mediados de febrero de 1964.

El jefe de policía retirado de Dakota del Norte, EE. UU., estaba en el ejército y tenía autorización de seguridad. Fue lo más alto que puedes llegar.

Me dijeron que hay ciudades cueva y túneles subterráneos de carreteras de 4 carriles. Llamándolo Contigencia de Gobierno. Hacer que solo las personas importantes vivan bajo tierra durante 500 años hasta que la lluvia radiactiva desaparezca y luego aparezcan los nuevos dioses Zeus, Apolo, etc., comenzando el mito de todas las religiones dándoles texto para escribir y repetir.

Hay edificios individuales dentro de las cúpulas de Immence bajo tierra. Las élites han estado recaudando billones de dinero de los impuestos para construir desde que pudieron usar la energía nuclear para hacer funcionar el inmenso equipo de perforación de rocas que funciona las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, en todo el planeta desde aproximadamente 1962.

Cada edificio en las cúpulas es independiente. Puede sustentar la vida por sí mismo, se pueden cultivar alimentos y todos los desechos se reciclan y se mantienen en el edificio, la orina y las heces se convierten nuevamente en agua.

No sabía cómo se llamaba en ese momento, pero la energía, la calefacción y la refrigeración se generaban mediante energía geotérmica. Los edificios autónomos se asientan sobre un lecho de inmensos resortes helicoidales con tecnología de absorción de impactos.

Entonces, un meteorito que supuestamente mató a los dinosaurios podría golpear, y estas élites subterráneas sobrevivirán. En 1968 había películas y se hablaba de tener Estaciones Espaciales.

El actor estadounidense Charleton Heston y sus amigos, querían advertir al mundo de lo que estaba por venir. Si usa o un motor de búsqueda de palabras similar, busque su nombre en IMDb como parte de la búsqueda.

Intente buscar a DENNIS E ERICKSON MIS AMIGOS INVISIBLES para encontrar dos enlaces de humanismo secular.

Los banqueros mundiales, lo que se convertiría en el crimen organizado corporativo, y todos los involucrados en el comercio de opio y esclavitud, y cualquier envío, son los que se apoderaron del mundo entero después de la guerra.
guerra de 1812,

Los Estados Unidos de América no ganaron esta guerra. La Constitución de los EE. UU. fue traída a Inglaterra, y los Rothchild quemaron partes de los documentos de respaldo de lo que era la Constitución de los EE. UU.

La parte acerca de que a los abogados no se les permite ocupar cargos electos, o que fueron despojados de su ciudadanía y deportados fue eliminada de la Constitución de los EE. UU. por Rothschild World Bankers of Romanian y Jewich Royal Blood.

Existían las 13 colonias originales de los EE. UU., copias verdaderas de la Constitución de los Estados Unidos ratificadas originalmente hasta la época de la Guerra de 1812. Fue una época en la que los soldados del Imperio Británico quemaron parte de la Casa Blanca, quemaron archivos en la Biblioteca de Congreso que los Bancos Mundiales y la BAR Association, la Asociación Británica de Acreditación.

Eso significa que alrededor de 2/3 de los funcionarios electos son completamente ilegítimos y deben ser destituidos y deportados después de que se les quite la ciudadanía estadounidense.

La Guerra de 1812 fue una forma en que los Rothschild rumanos y judíos se apoderaron del Imperio Británico y de todo el mundo, con la Guerra de 1812, en 1815 con la Batalla de Waterloo.

Los periódicos de los medios eran propiedad de los Rothschild. Hicieron que sus reporteros regresaran a caballo a Londres, Inglaterra, para informar que Napoleón ganó y que el Imperio Británico ya no existía.

Los Rothschild compraron todo el mercado de valores del Reino Unido de ese momento por el equivalente a aproximadamente 1/100 de la moneda nacional en ese momento, o en términos estadounidenses, "Pennies on the Dollar".

Entonces, los banqueros mundiales eran dueños del mundo entero y de todo en 1815, solo esperaron hasta ahora con su plan de 200 años para apoderarse del planeta y matar a todas las personas, excepto a las que necesitan como personal de servicio y esclavos.

Tienen el código QR para trabajar, viajar, comer y decide cuándo es su fecha de terminación.

Entonces, la población mundial que no cumple con la identificación de esclavo global de la prisión de esclavos de los banqueros mundiales, el código QR es una cuestión de vida o muerte.

* * * *

Brother. Please notice that I send you this email with BCC, or blind copy. All others that I also send a little different version, over 100, are sent all over world and they send only to those who are of similar intelligence and awareness. 

You do not need to read anything I type. I only ask you to look at video. It is short enough that you can translate what is said. Information is life and death, literally for you.

If you do nothing there is more than 50% chance by 2030, that you and your whole family, and all those that you now see around you will be dead.

The most important part of this email is link to video at bottom of this email. It is about 5G Cell towers that almost took my life while I was in Santiago Dominican Republic.

Having the 2 cheap medicines that I tell you and all about, saved my life. My cousin John Mari, a doctor, same age of me, had same symptoms that I did in Santiago DR, but he in Fargo North Dakota.

John's wife had gotten 2nd vaccine, and got sick with COVID probably from 2nd Injection. Same as me, I have not gotten either injection, and I get from those around me who were vaccinated, in my opinion.

Those who allow themselves to be injected twice, 3 times, 10 times, or whatever number, because this will never end until those who do this are made to stop.

Unlike you, anyone who has not gotten the injections can sue and go after criminal charges against the World Bankers for attempted murder, for mass murder, and Crimes Against Humanity, only if they, and me stay unnvaccinated.

That is why there are tyring to give everyone in world Bill Gates Patent QR Code Global Pison ID to determine when you are forced to get Mandatory Final Solution Lethal Injection.

These towers and the vaccines gave your mother-in-law 5 or 6 heart attacks, and may take her life at anytime.

It has changed the moods, mind, and has taken intelligence, and empathy for others, that your sister-in-law may, or may not, have had.

It has probably made her sterile and unable to have children or to ever have what is traditional marriage in Dominican Republic.

The 5G Towers and vaccine program, has cost you 100s of thousands of dollars in what you potentially made with me.

Economic hardship for all of your extended family who were to benefit from the gaggle of world investors who want to see the downfall of World Bankers, and are acting globally to see they face justice, and are executed if found guilty of war crimes.

I wanted to get together with medical people government, and media in Dominican Republic for us to be the New Swiss Banking System of the World and have Gold Reserves eventually guarded by Dominican Military. I want to reverse all the harm of the vaccine that is possible.

I wanted to be there, so all of you would not starve if the worst is to happen. It looks like it is already set in motion, and at least half of all of world's population will die by 2025, as their World Banker White Papers brag about this.


188 5G Cell Towers in DR. No 5G and my health gets better, instantly good. My health gets instantly bad, my moods are bad, and I think I feel like I am going to have heart attack, or stroke, where there is 5G in range.

Day that you did not come up to mountains to visit Marco's family I believe in August, I let Yani know, and your wife, I was losing site from my eyes, my hearing was affected, I was having difficulty breathing, some blood was coming up into my mouth from my lungs.

I used my boat radio to have Ivermectin and Hydroxycloriquine. The radio reaches out 1 to 3 hours drive away, especially at height. I took it. I knew it was good that we would be driving outside the range of 5G.

5G is in the electromagnetic range. It should not be used for communication, or anything. Iron in the blood, and if there is anything that is just thick molecules and metalic in vaccines, it interacts with electromagnetic wavelength to affect immunity and body function.

So, I went from feeling like I would immediately die to being okay the farther we drove away and up mountain. Yanni, your wife, and even Marco asked me repeatedly, do I want to go to hospital.

Part of my agenda was to eliminate 5G in the Dominican Republic, along with all vaccine testing and treatment. Wealthy people from all over the world are flocking to areas in Mexico for Bitcoin and other crypto currency, and getting away from 5G and the stealth Chinese attack on world transport, banking, and governments.

China took Vietnam in Fall of 2019. I know this. The lock down has caused World Bank, United Nations, and Chinese digital money to buy all business, land, farms, and people in the Dominican Republic.

The government uses gmail. You use hotmail. Google is Alphabet Company. Hotmail is Microsoft and is Bill Gates. Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, Chinese Communist Run United Nations, CDC, NIH etc are international health organization.

The World Bank is really thousands of trillions of dollars that is made up out of thin air to be on banking computer servers in China. This fake money is used to buy everything on the planet, and then shut everything down. The money isn't real but they are taking business like Marco and Lucia have and then make them slaves on their own property.

Black Rock, Vanguard, State Street Global Financial, Firdelity are the biggest International Asset Management Companies. They are the World Bank. They own 99% of all corporations, banking, medical, governments, police, military, shipping, testing and treatment for COVID.

The Asset Management company decided to take all farming and food production on Planet Earth. That means that all people in the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Puerto Rico, lower US, Vietnam, and all areas where there is coal, natural gas propane, gold, silver, Lithium, diamonds, pure water supplies.

So, in 2025, China has scheduled half the population of the world to be killed off, they are all near 5G Cell Towers. I wanted Yani to wear eye coloring contacts and wig to tell this to every one to the Dominican Republic and all Spanish speaking countries without anyone knowing who she was, or to go after me when I was with her anywhere.

So, what I heard outside my bedroom in Ludlow Massachusetts, 1970, and I was 6 years old is not coming true. You were just called the islands under Florida when my father talked to Chinese Military Intelligence.

For about 1000 years those who are of Romanian and Jewish heritatage own the ancient world as the world banking of medieval times, what would become corporate organized crime, and the worlds royalty. The leaders in Japan, and the Samauri Warrior Class made famous as Ninja and Chinese ruling families.

These families appeared to look as Eropeans, and in Japan and Chinese these blood line mixed with Chinese and Japanese blood. Ancient depictions of these royals and banking elites in isolated Japan did not appear as Asian. 5 to 10 centuries of mixing the blood makes them all appear as Asian in China and Japan.

Vlad the Impaler, also known as Dracula, had Jewish and Romanian, and German Blood, as does the Czars of Russia and current Queen of England, she is not British.

The people all have something in common. They have no belief in God, they have secret rituals going back 10s of thousands of years. They sacrificed babies, toldlers, after horrific sexual torture of drained the blood and the elite banking and royalty consumed the blood.

12 to 14 year old female virgins that were the best looking in the villages were gladly given up by average citizens in pre Medieval times and sacrificed and then the blood was collected and consumed by those who were most powerful. There is evidence of this in South American ancient cities and in Egypt.

Why am I telling you this? Well, about every 26,000 years they wipe out all history, store all non-GMO seeds, and special frozen species, and there are either large meteors that come around only 26,000 years, or so.

All of the above is not necessarily my belief.

But, as far as I can tell is the belief of those who are in charge.

There might be evidence all over the planet that there were both meteors that hit Earth and Nuclear War involving flying machines. There are persistent rumors that Germans during World War II found this technology hidden in Antarctica and claimed it was alien to hide its true origin.

Much is made up. Much is just lying to deceive us. History once it is digital can be changed by whomever is the strongest. Statues to history are being torn down all over the United States.

Between the years 1980 and 1984 I got history lessons every few months from a Veteran of World War I and he was born some where between 1888 and 1898 as I was to commit all that he tell me to my memory and then do the reasearch on my own.

I am then supposed to pass on my knowledge down to 3 young men when I am 70 to over 100 years old if there the end times have not already come.

My grandfather with the same middle name and his friend, a retired police chief in North Dakota, talked to me from about 1968 to 1972 to also prepare me for life as what was to be my purpose. I was born mid-February 1964.

The North Dakota USA retired Police Chief was in the military and had security clearance. It was as high as you can go.

I was told that there are cave cities and 4 lane highway tunnels underground. Calling it Contingency of Government. To have just the important people live underground for 500 years until radioactive Fall Out is gone and then appear and the New Gods Zeus, Appollo, etc, starting the myth of all religions giving them text to write and repeat.

There are individual building inside immediate domes underground. The elites have been taking tax money in the trillions to build since they were able to use nuclear power to run the immense rock drilling equipment running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all over the planet since about 1962.

Each building in the domes is independent. It can sustaing life on it's own, food can be grown, and all waste is recycled and kept in building, urine and feces are converted back into water.

I did not know what it was called at the time, but energy, heating, and cooling was all generated by geothermal energy. The self contained buildings sit on a bed of immense coil springs with shock absorbing technology.

So, a meteor that allegedly killed the dinasaurs could hit, and these underground elites will survive. In 1968 there were movies and talk of having Space Stations.

American Actor Charleton Heston and his friends from him, wanted to warn the world of what was to come. If you use or similar word search engine look up his name with IMDb as part of the search.

Try all looking up DENNIS E ERICKSON MY INVISIBLE FRIENDS for two Secular Humanism links.

The World Bankers, What was to become Corporate Orgnized Crime, and all those Involved in the Opium and Slavery Trade, and any shipping, are the ones who took over the entire world in the Aftermath of the
War of 1812,

The United States of America didn't win this war. The US Constitution was brought to England, and Rothchilds burned parts of the back up documents for what was The US Constitution.

The part about lawyers not being allowed to hold elected office, or they were stripped of their citizenship and deported was burned out of the US Constitution by Rothschild World Bankers of Romanian and Jewich Royal Blood.

There were the original 13 Colonies of the USA true copies of the United State Constitution as original ratified up until that time of War of 1812. It was a time that British Empire Soldiers burned part of the White House down, burned files in the Library of Congress that the World Bankers and the BAR Association, the British Accreditation Association.

So that means that about 2/3 of elected officials are completely illegitimate need to be taken out of office and deported after their US Citizenship is stripped.

The War of 1812 was a way the Romanian and Jewish Rothschild took over the British Empire and all of the World, with the War of 1812, in 1815 with the Battle of Waterloo.

Media Newspapers were owned by Rothschilds. They had their reporters race back on horseback to London England to report that Napoleon Won, and the British Empire was no more.

The Rothschild bought up the entire UK Stockmarket of that time for the equivalent of about 1/100 of the national currency at the time, or in American term, "Pennies on the Dollar".

So World Bankers owned the entire world, and everything in 1815, they just want until now with their 200 year plan to take over the planet and kill all people except those they need as service staff and slaves.

They have the QR Code to work, travel, eat, and decide when is your date of termination.

So, the world population does not comply with the World Bankers Slave Prison Global Slave ID, the QR Code is a matter of life and death.

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