Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Disclosure: Just because I post it, doesn't mean I agree, or disagree. I see it as interesting to post for debate. [My videos and favorites]

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[Direct link to below video]

Published on Oct 31, 2015
God will allow the Antichrist to usher in the nwo be very watchful of false prophets. read your bible accept jesus know he died for you on the cross and arose again ask Jesus to forgive you of all your sins tell him you believe and know it with your heart ask Jesus to save you and to come into your heart he will change your life and with the economic collapse coming you will need him.

Monday, December 07, 2015

Hillary Clinton Will Stop At Nothing To Bury & Suppress This Interview

Text with below video:

[Direct link to below video]

Published on Oct 27, 2015
This is an highlighted excerpt of a bombshell interview with Robert Morrow - co-author of "The Clinton's War On Women" Listen as Robert Morrow exposes truth after truth about the rape and sexual assaults of 30 documented women, and how Hillary Clinton enabled her man to maintain political office while committing these heinous acts all the way to and in the White House.

Listen to the full show here: Episode #1077 - Robert Morrow Exposes The Clintons' War On Women

Tonight's guest is Robert Morrow, Co-Author of the bombshell investigation into the Clinton crime syndicate: "The Clintons' War On Women" Now available on Amazon: http://amzn.to/1GHtqWM

Hillary Clinton is running for president as an “advocate of women and girls,” but there is another shocking side to her story that has been carefully covered up—until now. This stunning exposé reveals for the first time how Bill and Hillary Clinton systematically abused women and others—sexually, physically, and psychologically—in their scramble for power and wealth.

In this groundbreaking book, New York Times bestselling author Roger Stone and researcher and alternative historian Robert Morrow map the arc of Bill and Hillary’s crimes and cover-ups. They reveal details about their actions in Arkansas, during Bill Clinton’s time in the White House, about who really ordered the deadly attack on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, during Hillary’s tenure as secretary of state, about their time at the Clinton Foundation, and during Hillary’s current campaign for president.

This is the first book to shed light on the couple’s deeply personal violations of the people they crushed in their obsessive quest for power. Along the way, Stone and Morrow reveal the family’s darkest secrets, including a Clinton family member’s drug rehab treatment that was never reported by the press, Hillary Clinton’s unusually close relationship with a top female aide, and a stunning revelation of such impact that it could strip Bill Clinton of his current popularity and derail Hillary’s push to be the second Clinton in the White House.

Anyone who cares about the future of the United States will want to read this tell-all, exposing the appalling, unvarnished, and ugly truth about the Clintons

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===== GMN News Reports ====
Dumb-Dynasty: Donald Trump Followers Have Become Collectivists http://b4in.info/goa2

Will Ron Paul Become The Next Speaker Of The House? http://b4in.info/ioy6

Susan Rice Blames Climate Change for Conflict In Syria http://b4in.info/dmTu

Fact – Government Employees Make 78% More Than Private Sector http://b4in.info/amZR

Constitutional Crisis! Where Are All The Patriots? http://b4in.info/bmPL

Obama’s Newest & Most Dangerous Executive Order – Krisanne Hall http://b4in.info/fosk

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LOL....Dear Trolls: Here's the source of your Google'd "Pete Santilli is an FBI informant" article: http://thepetesantillishow.com/wp-con... You trolls are running around pretending to be truth seekers and tellers and can't even find material from a credible source.

Even one of Posel's little hacker cronies turned on her: http://priceofliberty.tumblr.com/post...

* * * *

This blogger's video uploads and favorites: 

Friday, December 04, 2015

Youtube's Orwellian Censorship Strikes Again

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Published on Dec 4, 2015
Filmmaker J. D. King has been actively proving the destructive reality and profit driven motivations behind climate change legislation and geo-engineering. This has made him a target in the ongoing battle to silence any dissenting opinion.

If you are in bed with those that would profit greatly from Orwellian control over the population, including taxing the air you breathe, it seems you are free to tout polar bears surfing the arctic on iceberg boogie boards. But if you challenge that system with facts proving thriving polar bear populations and growing ice formations, you’ll have to find an alternate publishing outlet.


Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family: http://www.infowars.com/show

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Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Maurice Strong is Dead

What are Maurice Strong's ties to Adnan Khashoggi [wikipedia post]?

Check out James Corbett's video below. 

Text with below video:

Maurice Strong may be dead, but unfortunately his legacy isn’t. Join James for today’s thought of the day as we break down the extraordinarily improbably life and times of the 14 year old dropout from Manitoba who became one of the 20th century’s key globalist supergophers and the father of the IPCC.


UN: Maurice Strong, Climate and Development Pioneer, Dies
Manitoba friends remember environmental pioneer Maurice Strong
Maurice Strong: Environmental movement loses a founding father
The World Mourns One of its Greats: Maurice Strong Dies, His Legacy Lives On
Statement by the Prime Minister on the death of Maurice Strong
Peter Foster: The man who shaped the climate agenda in Paris, Maurice Strong, leaves a complicated legacy
Who Is Maurice Strong?
Maurice Strong: The new guy in your future!
Episode 282 – The IPCC Exposed
Episode 087 – The UN Doesn’t Love You
A Conversation with Maurice Strong
The Earth Charter
Ark of Hope

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