Sunday, March 28, 2021

Funniest Verbal Torture of a Scammer over the Phone, Ever?

Click on time code below this blog post to make video play if this post isn't isolated.

Scammer Loses Everything To Ransomware Virus [direct link to video]


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[Click Here] for: 

Hunter Biden Gun in Dumpster incident in October covered up by US Secret Service when Bidens had no official role?


[more of this post and video

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Don't know how much of [this DisclosureLibrary Video Channel Video] is true. Some pretty out there stuff on famous people is alleged. 

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My own father, I considered a globalist and minion of the Deep State, probably with a lifelong security clearance being a Monsanto Executive. I consider him a psychopath who love to covertly destroy families, lives, religion, and freedom of all those he considered worthless eaters to have their lives restricted, sterilized, confined, and even culled to give important people more space, wealth, and power. 

At 3 I wasn't good enough to eat at the family dinner table in 1967, nor to associate with my mother, or younger sister. At age 57, I realize their are demons in my father's head regarding his childhood, or some sort of traumatic event(s), that might be some sort of victimizing of him, sexually. It would explain his gaslighting and other behaviors. 

I am permanently estranged from my father. From age 4, I was punished for joy or having friends. I was told by him about that age that he didn't have friends growing up, didn't have opportunities, and had harsh childhood, so he would see to it I suffered at least as much as he did. 

Pretty much every romantic relationship I had, my father would get to the woman and destroy the relationship. This would extent to who I had for friend, bosses, and those who thought good of me, and wanted to do business with me. My father wanted to make sure that the riggers of courts, alphabet agencies, and police gave me the worst treatment possible, and I have been harassed officially for as far back as I can remember.

What I post on my blogs in opinion, and commentary, and is to my best belief, and knowledge. My father tried to permanently estrange me, and take over the relationship of my only daughter, Sarah, from the time she was born. 

My father almost succeeded when my daughter was age 5, when he had my ex and my daughter move in with him, and later after he may have been key in my getting mugged, nearly stabbed on my own property by a felon police informant to end the assault that was to look like a mugging, to murder, or harm me, when I pepper sprayed the mugger after his trying to stab me, I go prison for this is rigged court case. 

I have not been permanently estranged from my only daughter, and may never know if I have, or meet my own grandchildren. [The Atlantic on the Psychology of the Silent Treatment]

[More of my story]

erickson_77 at hotmail dot com

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Tuesday, March 23, 2021

We have lost the war on common sense

Leftists are just testing us on how much we will take. 

If you watch PBS, CNN, NBC etc your mind is raped. 

If you didn’t listen to this, you might have part of your mind left, right?

Basic Human Rights from the Middle Ages that peasants fought against a King for, have been revoked by the UN, World Bank, Corporate Organized Crime, Billionaire Bad Boys, and Communist Chinese. 

You own nothing, you have no rights, so be happy, right? Or, left turn, Clyde?

Few tell lies. We can’t get together. All that we say electronically is to identify our threat level against them. 

You don’t have to ask permission from others, or be part of a group, team, or army to resist, and fight back, you have the right to just not comply. 

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Pink Eye, because of Fecal Matter, might be a worse Pandemic. Fly Safe "Butt Plug" Up?

Up to 6,000,000 people are affected by [Pink Eye] aka Viral conjunctivitis, a common Ocular Disease. Worldwide, the transmission of this scourge, might exceed that of the Common Cold, or the 2019 escapee out of an alleged Chinese Germ Warfare Lab in Wuhan. So, is Pink Eye, a worse "Pandemic" based on "cases"?

Doctor "F" whose last name begins with "F", and world health organizations seemingly run by the Communist Chinese Intelligence Wings as a Psy-Op, may claim "Pandemics" have nothing to do with death, or anything that is a global threat, but is something that can be easily transmitted, or caught. So, the definition of a Pandemic may include Pink Eye.

All content on this blog, my other blogs and video channels [bitchute], and on [the Stark Raving Viking blog] is opinion, commentary, sometimes creative writing, and if the "Deep State" actually existed, choke ... choke ..., it could be considered fiction. This is a disclaimer for all Steven G. Erickson blogs, current chief administrator for the US Constitution Party. 

The main rule is no lawyers who are current members of the International B.A.R., have a financial relationship with the UN, international police union/Teacher's Union, and/or those who do not support the US Constitution as originally ratified and/or who don't support term limits.

Paper ballots, hand counted, stored for a recount within a reasonable period if there is legitimate dispute to results, and voting in person, with proper ID, by citizens who are legitimately authorized to vote. The very few exceptions should be military that are out of US as part of official duties. 

The UN, Socialist Democrat Party, World Bank, Corporate Organized Crime, the Billionaire Bad Boys Club might be the biggest fecal matter exporters, and importers, and maybe you should mask up, and butt plug up just to safe ...

If the below video doesn't play, click on time code below this blog post to isolate this post. 

The below video on [Free Speech Warrior Video Channel], and other recently posted are a "must see". 

This blogger's contact information can be [found here]. The source of top photo can be found on the Stark Raving Viking blog. The source of the photo below that is [here].

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