Friday, July 30, 2021

Banks and Corporations to own all property especially RENTAL PROPERTIES? Planned-Demic ...



The United Nations was responsible for all the BS in the EU involving illegal immigration to erase sovereignty and bring in Communist United Nations Green Policies and eventual population reduction and sterilization. The CDC and most agencies seem to be run by the World Bank and Corporate Organized Crime. What was done to countries in the EU is now being done in the US.

When the US is done being cooked and the borders are erased. China can just come in and take over. China basically has, they just have changed the locks, or put their name on the mailbox yet. 


WATCH: BIDEN SO FAR GONE HE HAS TO ASK HIS HANDLERS IF IT’S OK TO LEAVE [Next News Network] Does half the population of the US and World not believe Biden is even in charge of anything?

7.30.21: THE LINE IS BEING HELD WITH CASUALTIES! PRAY! [Direct link to video] Election fraud in your face Bee-Otch!!!

FORMER PFIZER EMPLOYEE CONFIRMS TOXIN IN COVID INJECTION - GRAPHENE OXIDE NANOTECHNOLOGY [Direct Link to Video] Does China manufacture the secret ingredients in the Gene Altering Cocktail? Is China doing the same thing that they are doing to all electronic, to our cells?



The United Nations was responsible for all the BS in the EU involving illegal immigration to erase sovereignty and bring in Communist United Nations Green Policies and eventual population reduction and sterilization. The CDC and most agencies seem to be run by the World Bank and Corporate Organized Crime. What was done to countries in the EU is now being done in the US.

When the US is done being cooked and the borders are erased. China can just come in and take over. China basically has, they just have changed the locks, or put their name on the mailbox yet. 


WATCH: BIDEN SO FAR GONE HE HAS TO ASK HIS HANDLERS IF IT’S OK TO LEAVE [Next News Network] Does half the population of the US and World not believe Biden is even in charge of anything?

7.30.21: THE LINE IS BEING HELD WITH CASUALTIES! PRAY! [Direct link to video] Election fraud in your face Bee-Otch!!!

FORMER PFIZER EMPLOYEE CONFIRMS TOXIN IN COVID INJECTION - GRAPHENE OXIDE NANOTECHNOLOGY [Direct Link to Video] Does China manufacture the secret ingredients in the Gene Altering Cocktail? Is China doing the same thing that they are doing to all electronic, to our cells?


The Gap Band - You Dropped A Bomb On Me (Official Music Video)

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

COVID is not big deal - UK National Health Service !!!??? (Opinion)

YOU ARE BEING PLAYED - TIME TO WAKE UP [Direct link to video]

[Click Here] for: 

Chinese Trans Vaxx-Pig helped in flood waters? (Satire, Opinion, Commentary, Fiction, Bad Comedy)

Click on time code below if blog post isn't isolated. The video(s) will then play.

There was nothing strange about the election of coverage in November 2020 being shut down in the middle of the night, "... because the election coverage is too stressful, let's take a break and have a cooking show."

There was also nothing strange about the major backup for capturing internet and phone traffic, which was no evidence, has a camper bomb pulled up to it, and poof, no evidence ... but there was no wrong doing, and nothing to see here all the way through the FBI up to the Supreme Court.

George Soros had nothing to do with installing key prosecutors and judges in positions to take out legitimate government and checks and balances. George Soros and Bill Gates working together to have better PCR type tests to have any resistance test positive is also nothing to see here.

The World Bank will solve all the problems by eliminating the pitfalls, and anonymity, of cash. Digital currency, tracker chips, and injected nano technology will make everyone safer. 

You have been too greedy and wasteful. It is time to go [Green]. It is beneficial that everything is being shut off. Carbon Units (Human Beings) need to be eradicated. The elite have harvested all they need to become some sort of borgs that live forever, and are silicon based, and will save the Planet. 

Do you part to own nothing, and be happy about it, UNESCO United Nations Agenda 21 Cabal of Pedophile World Banker Corporate Organized Crime Communist Chinese International Police and Teachers Union Southern Poverty Law Center members will definitely thank you personally for your sacrifices, and your believing their BS, hook, line, and sinker. 

Soylent Green is people ... 


Vietnam is literally down river from Chinese Communist sh*tting on them from up river. Vietnamese unconfirmed reports of Chinese Warships hitting boats out in Vietnamese waters, and have infiltrated all government, police, media, and citizens are locked down for 5 days at a time where only 1 household member is allowed to go get the absolute necessities. There is no end in sight.

Elites met in 1992, in places like Rio de Janeiro, for UNESCO United Nations UN Agenda 21 to align all spy agencies to be funded by the World Bank to have all the psy-ops and covert operations to bring about needed change to reduce the population to about 500 million people. The B.A.R. Association of the world's "legal" field have been great at the primary jobs of being collection agents for the World Bank. 

Donald J. Trump saved the planet from nuclear war and all the devastation. Maybe half the population of the world would have been wiped out if Trump claimed his legitimate win and had to have a nuclear exchange with China. But Trump saved the planet, but doomed over 90% of the current populations to slow acting lethal injections. Trump has time to redeem himself. 

More importantly, if you were a peasant, a serf, back in the day and the King's Knights were out to rape your young daughter, and take all of your crops to feed you, and your family for winter, and you just had a pitchfork, and were going to die anyway, what would you do? If the knights encountered a farmer like you at every house, the knights wouldn't get far, would they?  

Big Tech and the Left announces it will ELIMINATE Opposition. (Opinion)

Your private text messages aren't private. Your thinking, and passing information to others needs to be monitored, and blocked for your protection. Censorship is the new Free Speech. Love is Hate. War is Peace. Will PayPal, Go Fund me, other platforms to raise money, and any World Bank affiliates block you from doing business, or transacting unless you accept their communist ideology and turn in anyone who supports religion, the Bill of Rights, US Constitution, Free Trade, Free Speech, Private Land and Property Owner Rights, intact families, reproduction, eating meat, and not being locked down waiting to a pin cushion?



Sunday, July 25, 2021

Humanity Must Resist LockDown2 And Arrest The Tyrants (Alex Jones, Opinion Video)

[Direct Link to below video]


Live Cyber Threat Map

Someone close to me knows about the Cyber Threats worldwide and about some of what is going to happen. With that, she took both shots and will wait her turn early with our Lord. 

She turned me onto the Check Point Live Cyber Threat Map. It looks like a continuous nuclear war:

* * * *


With all the shots called vaxxing, there are a lot of people getting sick. So, if the shops keep being given, there needs to be another lock down to prevent the spread of diseases allegedly loaded into the vaxxing delivery systems. It is a real good thing that that therapeutics with the patents run out, taken out of the cure equation, so the numbers could be obtained to cause hysteria for support of a total elimination of all basic human rights.

My bitchute SvenVonErick uploads are [found here]. 

* * * *

Tim Hawkins - Inappropriate Wedding Songs

* * * *

Lots of video, links, and more on a variety of topics:

Friday, July 23, 2021

Tucker Carlson breaks down how the Illegal Biden Administration is Bringing Down America, and more videos. (Opinion)

The enemy is waiting, staging, as Americans weakens from the implosion. A vacuum is being created and China can just come in. 

Can any intelligent believe, and say, that Joe Biden was legitimately elected and is acting to improve the United States of America. 

There has never been anyone in the history of the US to do as much damage in such a short time as had Joe Biden. 

If this blog post isn't isolated, click the bottom blog time code. The video(s) will then play

TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT 07/22/2021 [Direct link to video] Will Joe Biden ban 9mm handguns? Will Joe ban all pistols? Will there be door to door gun confiscation and forced inoculations? Will the US Constitution and Bill of Rights be officially declared null and void?

La Marseillaise, sung by Mireille Mathieu. American English subtitles. The French National Athem suggests that the French will fight enemies and the enemies blood will spill into the dirt. It is an inspiring song. The UNESCO United Nations Agenda 21 from the time of the 1992 Rio de Janeiro Brazil meetings of the elites, all this was in the works. France and much of Europe has been Communist infiltrated and the World Bank again uses medical tyranny to wipe out populations resisting imprisonment and vast population reduction. France is a good example of a United Nations imploded former sovereign nation. The Nazis didn't lead to France's complete demise, it took the UN.

Whitney Houston - Battle Hymn Of The Republic (WHH)

Righteous Brothers -- Unchained Melody (Live, 1965) (Picture and Sound Restored)

The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army (Official Music Video)

CRISIS PAVES THE PATH TO FREEDOM [TheCrowHouse - Bitchute] Maybe Max Igan's best ...

"THERE IS NO AMERICA. THE WORLD IS A BUSINESS." -- NETWORK, 1976 [SGT Report] The UN Agenda 21 and 2030 thinking discussed. This video helps you understand globalists.


Thursday, July 22, 2021

Is any Sovereign Country Safe with Biden in WH? Will China sense absolute weakness and hit with First Strike Nuclear? (opinion)

Trump was accused of absolutely everything, and impeachment was put on the table and the military was allegedly asked just to install Hillary Clinton into the White House. Hillary's not secure servers as US Secretary of State which benefited China, the World Bank, and Communists running the United Nations, there probably isn't any individual alive that has committed more treason against Americans in America, than Hillary. 

I don't believe Russian Hookers peed on Trump, or that Donald J. Trump had any improper financial relationship with leaders in Ukraine. I can see Robert Hunter and Joe Biden doing, or did. [Did Joe Biden F' his own kids? Post]

Did Hillary and Bill Clinton, both Obamas, a gaggle of Bidens, and key officials in all aspects of Government, and those NGOs key to American interests all take bribes, are blackmailable, or just have been coerced into letting the United Nations, the World Bank, Corporate Organized Crime, and Chines Communist to allow elites to own everything and start operations to reduce the population by over 90%.

If they have stolen everything by converting all to digital currency to be in offshore servers, why not delete the masses who are no longer needed except for harvesting children for F'ing, rituals, and getting high like only elites do? 

If China invades nearby islands, Australia, New Zealand, all of Asia, Japan, finishes swallowing up all of Africa and South America, what is Joe going to do, nuke them? No, Xi Jin Ping will probably demand that Hunter and Joe come by and F' freshly kidnapped children and just enjoy themselves. 

All that is happening now was probably part of United Nations UNESCO Agenda 21 talks where elites are in charge of the world 1992 in Rio de Jeneiro Brazil and other locations. Read the wording of the 1992 links on that meeting and you may come away that psychological operations have been launched by all worldwide spy agencies to get what we have right now. 

* * * *

One of the best ways to understand all that is going on, is the video that is on James Corbett Report website about the Clintons and their early life as alleged CIA, China, and Drug Trafficking assets:

"Hey Joe, did you F' your own kids?" (Satire, Opinion, Commentary)

Is there a statute of limitations on getting prosecuted for raping your own children? Or, are lawyers, Democrats, and/or are Globalists just plain immune from any prosecution?

Is there circumstantial evidence of substance abuse and being treated for sexual addiction, childhood trauma, and having been molested that Joe's now adult children have had livelong psychological treatment where they have been medicated, and have self medicated for?

It is the Judge cult that has a thing with little boys, 

Bankers have a Satanic Ritual thing with kids, allegedly. 

The elite want to fly over our unmarked mass graves in their private jets F'ing children. 

Dumping their victims out the back of the private jet after having an adrenalin blood child cocktail. 

Joe is the perfect Poster Boy of their agenda to be in charge.

Never mind that the Fearless Lying Lawyer Pedo Psychopath Scumbag who was installed by the Communist Nation founded on destroying us gave his son, brother, and himself loads of cash to now have what we now have in the "Free" World. 

About half the world believes the lies hook, line, and sinker. Then we have the other half. We have the numbers until shots start taking effect shedding the real pandemic. The 2019 preventative measured given in the fall was probably the real culprit for the alleged Big P Psy-Op mainly evident early 2020.    

A certain global organization living on 30 Acres of land in New York City that was donated the land by one of the biggest criminal psychopath bankers in the history of the world. 

The 21 and 2030 Agenda is to have us all in camps modeled after one in Poland in World War II, but with the speed of nano bot technology. If you don't hear the train whistle yet, you will soon.

In 1995, I found out the hard way that the Global Organization on that 30 acres manipulate all court cases worldwide, all policing, and is circumventing the taxation of all of the world making all citizens, subjects without representation for their taxation.

I was attacked on my property by a police informant because I didn't vote for tax increases that Troop C Connecticut State Police wanted, that I planned on running for selectman as a Republican, and was a small business owner, conservative, white heterosexual family raising, home owning deemed enemy of the state after a Fed Building half blew up so that a pair in the White House then could avoid prosecution and go after all of their enemies, those of those on the 30 Acres, and all their big banker and corporate organized crime friends. 

So, we have what we have now. When I was prosecuted for pepper spraying a police informant who left me a voicemail that the police refused to listen to of their police informant leaving a message that he was going to cut my penis off when he caught me outside my house, before he attacked me in my dark driveway trying to do just that. 

I pepper sprayed him and got sentenced to a year in prison by a Judge in Court zip code 06066.

The judge, who I had been trying to remove for bias against self-employed, and his alleged little boy F'ing. 

Also by a prosecutor who told me he would put in jail if I evicted the whore who was giving him free oral sex. She to not to pay rent, after she just moved into one of my apartments without permission changing the locks.

I was served in the "case" of "overreacting" to being mugged and nearly stabbed for using pepper spray, by a lawyer who charged me $17,000 plus to defend me. The lawyer acted as a prosecutor because he had an "improper" relationship with an underage client and owed the judge a favor.  
"My" lawyer was a property acquisition partner to a CIA operative who located 4 to 8 year old mainly boys for the use of judges and other elites, allegedly. The alleged CIA Pedophile [Name mentioned here] who was also allegedly on the Troop C Police Informant Taxpayer Funded covert 30 Acres crew agenda, was the beneficiary of my properties for his helping railroading me to prison. 

The Pedophile left me a voicemail saying he would keep me from being prosecuted, that I could keep my contracting business, not be estranged permanently from my only daughter, and not spend the rest of my life in prison wanted $30,000 thinking I had that cash. Coukos said the police, judge, and officials all wanted me to shut my mouth and leave the state, "Or else!" 
Otherwise "Pedophile Pete" would make a claim that I threatened him with a gun. The lawyer who later became selectman of Stafford Springs Connecticut told me he could pay the judge off with just $15,000 cash paid to him in the Town Hall Parking lot, no receipt. 

If a puppet is installed, are those who pull the strings representing those who pay taxes and who think their votes actually count?

Somebody has to be prosecuted for something. 

Otherwise, what is the point of listening to a damn thing any of these Pedos tell us to do? 

I have one thing to say to them, "Pedo said what?"

[More Posts]

[My video uploads]

[My beef with the Pedo Child Abductors on the 30 Acres in NYC]

Image up top was [found here]

My email:

thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

"Sweet Home Chicago" (Buddy Guy, Eric Clapton, Johnny Winter, Robert Cray, Hubert Sumlin...)

The Door s Strange Days Full Album 1967

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Teaching Non-White Children to be Racist and Want to Kill Whites from age 3 Months? (Opinion)


Division needs to be spread. 

The Banks and Corporations taking over the world and looking to own everything, and wipe out and then control whatever is left of humanity has been [the plan]. 

All that is happening may have been part of Rio de Janeiro Brazil 1992 International Meeting to push UN United Nations UNESCO Agenda 21. 

Agenda 2030 means electricity, fuel being, and food being shut off for vast populations to reduce the numbers and give elites their living space and ownership of the planet. Go GREEN, and like it.

After those who have been used as useful idiots to think they are oppressed and it was some random White Heterosexual Male who never owned slaves, probably voted for the first Black US President and maybe have never uttered the N-word to any person for color ever. 

But for the World Bank, UN, Chinese Communist, Corporate Organized Crime Pedophiles and Sex Traffickers coup of the Free World, they have to maintain control of all narratives and completely censor our cellphone text messages and keep us from meeting up in public to discuss all that is being done to humanity in front of our face.

Will the US be worse that the USSR and Cuba ever was in regards to domestic spying, starving out populations, and having no sense of public service from alphabet agenicies, police, courts, and governing bodies?

5 Eyes Alliance will allow foreign corporations and banks to identify threats and eliminate people who get in the way. [blog post]

The Jimi Hendrix Experience Live in Sweden 1969

Critical of AT&T, Blackrock Financial, World Bank, UN ETC, get detained, tortured, killed. (Opinion)

The above photo was [found here].

Above photo was [found here].

Does Blackrock Financial, Vangard etc. and the main world investors (with stolen Ponzi Scheme money, YOUR MONEY!!!???) stand to gain by pushing a medical procedure and medical martial law? 

Make money on the front end with a medical procedure.

Make money on the back end buying up foreclosed property and businesses all over the world. 

Buy back better???!!! (for them!!!!???) 

YOU own nothing and STFU!!! 

Rent M'er F'er, feel lucking that you are still breathing.

Click on time code below this blog post if blog post not isolated. The video(s) will then play.



thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com




Saturday, July 17, 2021

UNESCO Covert Operation 2019, or before, was set in motion 1992 Rio de Janeiro Conference (Opinion)

If you know how to read in between the lines, it is all there.

Download the UNESCO United Nations UN Agenda 21 document PDF [click here] while you still can. 

Word search the word "reduce" and figure that where you see that it means that 3rd World Women and Children are to be brought in and put in charge in communities not native to them. 

There is a "V" word in the document. Word search that. 

This was a thinly veiled plan of attack to wipe out most of the population, and there is the blueprint. See it, understand it. Look at the words, know the real meaning. It is doublespeak. 

Check out more posts on this blog. Tucker Carlson breaks it down well in [this video]. 

[My main blog].

The image above was [found here]. 

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Election Fraud Confirmed By Top RNC Expert (Opinion)

Click on time code below to isolate post, if not isolated, so video(s) will play.

Election Fraud Confirmed By Top RNC Expert [click here for direct link to video]

WHO’LL STOP THE RAIN? (OPINION) [Direct link to video]


The Box Tops - The Letter (Upbeat 1967)

A Night at the Roxbury (What is Love - Haddaway)

Talking Heads - Psycho Killer

Motley Crue - Shout At The Devil

Pantera - Walk (Official Music Video)

Grateful Dead - Ripple (New York, NY 10/31/80) (Official Live Video)

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