Thursday, July 07, 2022

Some Whacky Stuff ...

Since my main blog, The Stark Raving Viking, & my Get Justice Coalition Blog got removed from the internet because I questioned the legitimacy of the 2020 Election, I mainly blog here:

Georgia Guidestones and its TIME CAPSULE #322 Again, a crime scene is quickly disposed of ... does this make sense? When have you seen this before? Destroy the school, the debris ... hide the evidence ...

Saturday, July 02, 2022

Pedo Joe Greenlights Chinese Invasion of USA. Africa, South America, EU, Australia New Zealand already Sino Central Banker Occupied (Opinion)

(Opinion) Pedo Joe FEB 95 co-writes Pre-Patriot Act. Clintons’ OKC Bombing April 95. CBS Exec Mike Nowacki UBS Bank rig ‘00 Election for Bush. UN Rothschild Mainland Chinese Opium Cartel (Dod CIA FBI B.A.R. Child Traffickers) Israeli Intelligence Anthrax Bio-warfare attack Fall ‘01. Tomas Foral caught w/ enough Military Grade Anthrax to ill up to billions of people. CT US Atty John A. Danaher III prevents any prosecution of Foral at same time I did not pay off CIA “Pedo Pete” Coukos $30,000 to not be permanently estranged from my only daughter then railroaded to prison for warning of Israeli Saudi Chinese Monsanto Intel Attack, that ended up to be 9/11 to Dodd & Blumenthal. ‘11 DHS Founder Rich Murzin & AJ Fountain die within hours of each other w/ list of DHS & CT Police who would be paid for coming SANDY HOOK DRILL. 2012 NDAA Obama greenlights China’s future occupation. July ‘19 Steven G. Erickson threatened by woman w/ FBI ID in Odessa Ukraine, w/ plane blowing up back to US w/ all passengers aboard if I blabbed about the Bidens to Alex Jones.

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