Friday, April 30, 2010

Liberty Questioned in a song?

Note: just because I post text and videos from other authors, doesn't mean I agree, or disagree, just that I find it interesting.

The below video and text found:

Sudden Rush- Messenjah's (Feat.Amy Hanaialii Gilom)

"Messenger" by Sudden Rush and Amy Hanaialii Gilliom

By Amelia Kuulei Gora (about the author)

Reviewing the Kingdom of Hawaii's History shows the ongoing criminal moves by a belligerent, pirate based, imperialistic nation the U.S. supported by England and the bankers, J.P. Morgan, Bank of England, etc.

The 1493 Papal Bulls, combined with the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona signed by Austria, France, Russia, Prussia, the U.S., England, and the Vatican consenting to move the people on earth towards a One World Order/New World Order are at the basis of the business of Wars.

The 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona signors complements the Vatican for maintaining OBEDIENCE amongst the people. The Vatican, therefore, are 'tools' used to subdue, keep in control through religion, pacify, maintain the "sheep-like" behavior of their followers.

The Vatican also claims ties to all Christian Churches and are associates of those Churches.

Other activities of control over the populations are through the Masons/ Freemasons including the Mormon Church; Hollywood through movies, television utilizing subliminal messages; music; video games, etc.

Chronological Review of History since Dethroning Hawaii's Queen in 1893:

1893 - Premeditation of assuming a neutral, non violent nation, Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii, was made through the standing orders of Congress via the NEW YORK TIMES article, "PEARL HARBOR COALING STATION.; IMPERATIVE NECESSITY THAT THE UNITED STATES TAKE POSSESSION.

January 9, 1893,Wednesday

Page 9, 1176 words

WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. -- The United States, through the inactivity of the Navy Department and the indifference of the State Department, is likely to lose the only coaling station of which it stands in real need. Nothing has been done since 1884, when the Pearl Harbor site in the Hawaiian Islands became available, beyond a number of surveys which have abundantly demonstrated the excellence of this harbor as a site for a naval station. [ END OF FIRST PARAGRAPH ]

Note: This article will open in PDF format. Get Adobe Acrobat Reader or Learn More

Note: the article was printed on January 9, 1893, the U.S. military left their Warship Boston two days before dethroning the Queen on January 17, 1893. The breach of treaty by the U.S., illegal acts creating duress upon the Queen and subjects/citizens continues as an obstacle, legal obstacles for the U.S. in criminally claiming the Hawaiian Islands as theirs.

1893 Panic of 1893 in the U.S. President Cleveland made a loan from the J.P. MORGAN N.M. Rothchild's Syndicate, which was formed in 1870. Suspicion was on President Cleveland due to his allowance of the Nation's money being in absolute control by private interests, MORGAN, Belmont, and the Rothchilds. The country was shocked by the huge profit that was rendered to the private interest.

U.S. was in a depression. U.S. had FIXED assets and bankrupt.

Queen Liliuokalani wrongfully "overthrown" but actually dethroned by American businessmen supported by the United States. Queen Liliuokalani's deceased husband was a MASON, her brother in law Archibald Cleghorn was MASON, her hanai/adopted sister's husband was Banker Charles Reed Bishop, a MASON. (Masons/Freemasons are set in place to break down Monarchy governments worldwide. Masons/Freemasons are a part of the soldiers of the New World Order/ One World Order goals.)

2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Ponchoman Kuanoni - Do you remember

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[click here] for:

Blatantly Racist Blog?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

War Witness: German kid and Goering's car

Text with video:
RussiaToday April 27, 2010RT presents War Witness - a special project dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Victory in the Second World War. World War II veterans recount their stories about the war - from how it began to how it ended. Aleksandr Litvinov, a sergeant-major from the Soviet infantry, recalls how they discovered a brand-new car, covered with hay, in a barn. A young boy was hiding on the roof trying to protect this shiny car, full of fuel and with the key inside, from Soviet soldiers.

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[click here] for:

Lantern Spike, Garden Plot, Palmer Raids, Martial Law

So, if it happened before, was planned for before, it isn't happening right now, right?


Rex-84 was written by Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North, who was both the NSC White House Aide and NSC liason to FEMA, and John Brinkerhoff, the deputy director of "national preparedness" programs for FEMA. They patterned the plan on a 1970 report written by FEMA chief Louis Giuffrida, at the Army War College, which proposed the detention of up to 21 million "American Negroes", if there were a black militant uprising in the United States.[3]
[edit] Initial public reports


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Credit Victims Revolt

Learning How to Fight the Collector

[New York Times]

Among debt collectors, Steven Katz is known as a “credit terrorist.” For years, he has run what he calls the Steven Katz School of Bill Collector Education, otherwise known as the “credit terrorist training camp.”

Mr. Katz, a 58-year-old accountant in suburban Tucson, spends his free time schooling debtors on the finer points of consumer protection law to help them turn the tables on debt collectors. On occasion, he thumbs his own nose at them too.

“How many times can I sue you? Let me count the ways,” he wrote under his pseudonym, Dr. Tax, in a March posting on Inside ARM, a debt collectors’ Web site.

A former bill collector himself, Mr. Katz rebelled after a debt buyer damaged his credit score with what he says was a bogus bill. Mr. Katz sued, and in 2003 he collected his first damage award, a $1,000 check that he now keeps framed behind his desk.

“The bill collectors, when they call, make you feel like the only option you have is to lay down and play dead. That’s not true,” said Mr. Katz said, who does not charge for his advice. “Nothing validates this more than getting a check.”

Call this movement revenge of the (alleged) deadbeats. Even as collectors try to recoup debts from millions of Americans struggling to pay their bills, a small but growing number of lawyers and consumers are fighting back against what they describe as harassment, unscrupulous practices — and, most important to their litigiousness, violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.

In fact, 8,287 federal lawsuits were filed citing violations of the act in 2009, a 60 percent rise over the previous year, according to WebRecon, a site that tracks collection-related litigation and the most litigious consumers and lawyers on behalf of debt collectors.

On Wednesday, the Supreme Court made it even easier for consumers to use the courts to fight debt collectors, ruling that collectors cannot be shielded from suits by claiming they made a mistake in interpreting the law.

When a consumer stops paying a bill, creditors often try to collect on their own for a few months. In many instances, the creditor hires another company to collect the debt. In other cases, they may dispose of the debt by selling it to a debt buyer for a steep discount.

Debt collectors and debt buyers are the targets of litigious consumers, since the debt collection law primarily applies to third-party collectors.

Peter Barry, a Minneapolis trial lawyer, is so bullish on the future of debt collection litigation that he holds several “boot camps” each year to share his secrets with other lawyers who want in on the action. If the debtor wins a court case under the act, the debt collector must pay the lawyer’s fees.

The next boot camp is being held in early May in San Francisco, at a cost of $2,495 a person for two and a half days of instruction.

“I can’t sue every illegal debt collector in America, although I’d like to try,” Mr. Barry said.

Mr. Katz can also claim some credit for the increase in lawsuits. For six years, he has run a free Web site called, where people share tips on topics like keeping a paper trail and recording calls from collectors.

He said the site received two million hits in 2009, a 60 percent increase over the previous year.

“Debtorboards is geared to help people use the laws as they are on the books as both a shield and a sword,” said Mr. Katz, who says he has won $36,000 from his own litigation against collection agencies. (Since many of the settlements are confidential, it is difficult to prove the claims of Mr. Katz and others).

Of course, debt collectors are hardly pleased with the litigation trend.

Rozanne M. Andersen, chief executive of ACA International, a trade association for the debt collection industry, said she was “extremely concerned” about the increase in lawsuits, which she said cost her industry hundreds of millions of dollars a year. She said much of the increase was the result of ambiguous language in the Fair Debt Collection Act.

Debt collectors are required, for example, to identify themselves on a voice message left for a consumer, she said. But they are also prohibited from telling a third party — including someone who might overhear a phone message — about a consumer’s debt.

“We are between a rock and a hard place,” Ms. Andersen said.

Ms. Andersen said she had little patience for Web sites that encouraged consumers to thwart debt collectors.

“We believe those types of Web sites are encouraging people to not take responsibility for just debt,” she said.

Jack Gordon, who runs the fee-based WebRecon site, said it was no wonder lawsuits were increasing, because consumers were being bombarded with ads from lawyers when they searched online for information on debt collection. He said the proliferation of discussion sites like Mr. Katz’s had, to a lesser extent, also contributed to the trend.

On the boards, he said, “There’s a lot of hot air, a lot of people who overinflate their accomplishments.”

Regardless, Mr. Gordon’s database has become a badge of honor among the devotees of As Brandon Scroggin, a 37-year-old from Little Rock, Ark., puts it, “That’s one list I’m a proud card-carrying member of.”

Mr. Scroggin, who provides price estimates at a body shop, said he was the type of person who refused to be taken advantage of, even for petty offenses. For instance, years ago, he said he joined in the class-action suit against the pop group Milli Vanilli, accused of lip synching, and collected a $1.25 check.

After a messy divorce, Mr. Scroggin was stuck with a $7,000 bill that he said belonged to his ex-wife. Instead of paying it, he began researching the law and stumbled on

Armed with lessons he learned on the site, he demanded proof of the debt from the collection agency, and the calls stopped. But two and a half years later, they started up again so he sued the collection agency, National Loan Recoveries, for failing to provide proof of the debt, among other things.

The case was settled in 2008. The terms were confidential, but he says he never paid National Loan a dime. “Let’s just say I’m a very happy person,” he said. A lawyer for National Loan, Kathryn Bridges, did not return messages seeking comment.

Mr. Katz said his Web site was not intended to help people avoid paying legitimate debts. But if they do so, so be it — he feels no need to apologize.

He said Congress gave consumers certain rights, and he is simply making people aware of them, sometimes colorfully.

As Mr. Katz says at the bottom of each Dr. Tax posting, “A telephone in the hands of a collector is like a crowbar — it can be used to pry a mouth open wide enough to insert a foot.”

Barbara Thompson, 46, of Atlanta, said she challenged $11,000 in credit card debt using online research about collection laws. She does not dispute the debts but reasons that the credit card company wrote off her charges long ago. By her account, she owes the credit card company, not the debt collector.

“The credit card company, they sell it off, they charge it off, it’s just business as usual,” she said, adding, “I’m adamant about not paying a collection agency.”

Organized Crime Funded by US Taxpayers?

Distrust, Discontent and Anger Toward Government But War and 'Defense' Get a Pass

A new Pew poll finds historic levels of unhappiness about the federal government and its role in the lives of average Americans, unrest that is at the foundation of what is shaping up to be a strongly anti-incumbent political year.

Nearly one out of three Americans view the US government as a "major threat" to their freedoms, and four out of five say they don't trust Washington to solve their problems.

more from source:

Intended Victim Shoots Apparent Mugger


Doug Stewart FOX CT

4:20 p.m. EDT, April 26, 2010

A would-be mugger was shot after an argument with his intended victim Monday afternoon, witnesses said.

New Haven police said the attempted robbery took place near St. Michael's Church, at 29 Wooster Place, shortly after 1 p.m. The person who was shot was taken to Yale-New Haven Hospital and has non life threatening injuries.

Officer Joe Avery, New Haven Police spokesperson, said a man with a knife tried to mug a second man sitting on a park bench eating his lunch on Wooster Place. According to police, the attempted mugger said to the man, "Give me all your money or I'll stab you."

Police said the would be mugger backed his victim up to the fence and was then shot twice in the chest by the intended victim.

Alexander Bragg, a neighborhood watch captain, said people in the area heard an argument and several shots. Avery said the intended victim shot the other man, who was attempting to rob him with a knife.

Police are interviewing the intended victim and said the gun was registered and he was properly licensed to carry it.

Check back for more information.

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This blogger resisted being mugged on his own Stafford Springs, Connecticut, rental properties, and was arrested by police for "overreacting" to being mugged for having used pepper spray. I had a permit to carry a pistol at the time. I had my life threatened, and was being stalked by a druggie felon for weeks before I was attacked. Connecticut State Police Officers committed perjury at my rigged trial saying I never asked to make a complaint against my attacker and about their refusal to interview witnesses to my being attacked. Connecticut law enforcement and courts are crap.

If Rockville Court, prosecutors, or the Connecticut Judicial Branch is being investigated, shouldn't Judge Jonathan J. Kaplan be investigated for this, and perjury to be reconfirmed?:

Should the State of Connecticut be shut down for this public corruption?:

Whoever was on the Connecticut Judiciary Committee in Dec. 1996, and every day since, is aware of the public corruption, police misconduct and brutality, and court case rigging that is common practice in the State of Connecticut. Whistle blowers face retaliation. "Big Mouths" face cops paying informants to kill in murder-for-hire plots and to beat up complainers, illegally paying out tax dollars to thugs. State Police put in for overtime not worked, committing fraud and theft, and aren't prosecuted and don't have to pay back the money when caught. Even more major defrauding of taxpayers is occurring in the Judicial Branch. Ritt Goldstein fled to Sweden seeking political asylum shortly after appearing in front of the Connecticut Judiciary Committee legislators, Dec. 1996, producing this video:

A US Marine coming home is stabbed 13 times and faced 6 months in prison for the offense of causing a disturbance. The felon on probation encouraged to murder the marine wasn't even violated on probation for attempted murder of three people!:

Are Connecticut State Senator John A. Kissel, Rep. Michael Lawlor, and Senator McDonald, complicit in rigging the system, enriching themselves in the practice of law within the realm of the judicial branch while pretending to be legislators in the Legislative Branch?

Has the Connecticut Mafia, State Police, Intelligence/Investigations, and courts been exposed for drug dealing, murder-for-hire, and investigation and court case rigging here?:

This blogger's email:

Monday, April 26, 2010

"Exodus 1947"

Jewish children, forcibly removed by British soldiers from the ship "Exodus 1947," stand behind a barbed-wire fence. Photograph taken by Henry Ries. Poppendorf displaced persons camp, Germany, September 1947.

— Henry Ries / The New York Times Copyright © The New York Times.

The "Exodus 1947" was a worn-out U.S.-owned coastal passenger ship launched in 1928. Originally called the "President Warfield," it sailed the Chesapeake Bay between Baltimore and Norfolk for over a decade. Transferred to the British under the Lend-Lease agreement as part of a group of shallow-draft ships, the "President Warfield" was later deployed in the Normandy invasion. After World War II it returned to U.S. waters. Yet the ship was to take part in one more event which ensured its place in history, symbolizing the struggle for unrestricted immigration into Palestine.

Initially sold as scrap for slightly more than $8,000, the ship was acquired by the Hagana (an underground Jewish military organization). Hagana personnel arranged to dock the ship in Europe in order to transport Jews who sought to illegally immigrate into Palestine. The plight of the ship's passengers would capture the world's attention. In July 1947, the "President Warfield" left Sete, France, for Palestine with over 4,500 Jewish men, women, and children, all displaced persons (DPs) or survivors of the Holocaust. Even before the ship (by then renamed the "Exodus 1947") reached Palestine's territorial waters, British destroyers surrounded it. A struggle followed in which a Jewish crew member and two passengers were killed. Dozens suffered bullet wounds and other injuries.

Attempting to make an example of the "Exodus 1947," the British transferred the passengers onto three navy transports which returned to Europe. The ships first landed at Toulon, France, where the passengers were ordered to disembark. When the French authorities refused to use force to remove the refugees from the ship, British authorities, fearing adverse public opinion, sought to wait until the passengers disembarked of their own accord. When the passengers, including many orphaned children, forced the issue by declaring a hunger strike, the British were forced to return them to Hamburg in the British-occupied zone of Germany. Amid worldwide public outrage, the British authorities compelled the passengers to disembark; some were forcibly removed from the ship. The passengers were then transferred to displaced persons camps in Germany.

Displaced persons in camps all over Europe protested vociferously and staged hunger strikes when they heard the news. Large protests erupted on both sides of the Atlantic. The ensuing public embarrassment for Britain played a significant role in the diplomatic swing of sympathy toward the Jews and the eventual recognition of a Jewish state in 1948. [more from source]

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Was "Justice" overcompensated for?

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[click here] for:

"Hanging: it concentrates the mind wonderfully"

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The below found on the Kennysideshow blog:
Just another brick in the war .....

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Liars funded by US Taxpayers?

This is what the world sees ...

Iraq, Afghan wars drop bombs on US image abroad as Obama's fame fades

Text with video:
RussiaToday April 24, 2010U.S. lawmakers are working on how to reverse the countrys flagging image in Muslim nations. President Obama's election brought a welcome surge in U.S. popularity, but that reputation's on the slide as the unwelcome wars in Iraq and Afghanistan continue.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Is Alex Jones "Fear Mongering"?

Is Alex Jones asking police officers to pay attention to what is going on, and then join the side of the people?

What is he really saying?

Is what he is saying, "Seditious"?

The below from Wikipedia, found here:

Sedition is a term of law which refers to overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that is deemed by the legal authority as tending toward insurrection against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent (or resistance) to lawful authority. Sedition may include any commotion, though not aimed at direct and open violence against the laws. Seditious words in writing are seditious libel. A seditionist is one who engages in or promotes the interests of sedition.

Typically, sedition is considered a subversive act, and the overt acts that may be prosecutable under sedition laws vary from one legal code to another. Where the history of these legal codes has been traced, there is also a record of the change in the definition of the elements constituting sedition at certain points in history. This overview has served to develop a sociological definition of sedition as well, within the study of state persecution.

The difference between sedition and treason consists primarily in the subjective ultimate object of the violation to the public peace. Sedition does not consist of levying war against a government nor of adhering to its enemies, giving enemies aid, and giving enemies comfort. Nor does it consist, in most representative democracies, of peaceful protest against a government, nor of attempting to change the government by democratic means (such as direct democracy or constitutional convention).

Sedition is the stirring up of rebellion against the government in power. Treason is the violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or state, giving aid to enemies, or levying war against one's state. Sedition is encouraging one's fellow citizens to rebel against their state, whereas treason is actually betraying one's country by aiding and abetting another state. Sedition laws somewhat equate to terrorism and public order laws.

Alex Details ADL's Latest Attack on Him and Other Patriots on Alex Jones Tv 1/2

Text with video:
TheAlexJonesChannel April 23, 2010Alex talks about the latest attack by the ADL against him and other patriots.

Alex Details ADL's Latest Attack on Him and Other Patriots on Alex Jones Tv 2/2

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Building being blown up using explosive demolition charges:


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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ancient Artifacts for sale

Click to view original image.

Text with the above image [found here]:
Old Babylonian Terracotta Cuneiform Tablet - LO.1253
Origin: Mesopotamia
Circa: 1828 BC to 1817 BC
Dimensions: 3.25" (8.3cm) high x 1.87" (4.7cm) wide
Collection: Ancient Writings
Style: Old Babylonian
Medium: Terracotta

Location: Great Britain

Beverly Hills, California auction house of fine antiquities:

Were any items looted in illegal wars by corporate privateers? Do the nation's of origin have any claims to these items? Is there any type of semblance of justice in US and world courts if there were? Do the rich rule, and is this just more proof, physical proof?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wrecking the lives of an entire family over a cat?

What the guy did below could be considered in the wrong "area", but should a father of family risk jail time, the divorce it causes, loss of home, job, and an entire way of life for an intact family over a dead cat? I love animals, but yet again, Connecticut courts are about wrecking lives, revenue collection, making lawyers richer, and very little to do with criminal correction.

What Mr. Lesco did, as described below, is understandable. 20 years ago, this story may have not even gotten ink. Mr. Lesco didn't get home from work thinking about committing a crime or harming anyone. Mr. Lesco isn't a danger to society, his family, and if convicted and jailed, he could be a victim in prison of assault, rape, or even homicide. All over a cat, does that sound like equitable justice?

This blogger lost his home, business, relationship with his daughter, family, credit, retirement, health insurance, ability to get most jobs, and the sum total of his life for resisting being mugged in Connecticut. So, if you value your life, your family, and your future, it is best not to live in States like Connecticut.

[click here] for Steven G. Erickson's saga in Connecticut

This post expanded here:

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Cops: Cat Ate Bird, Man Killed Cat

By HILDA MUÑOZ The Hartford Courant

12:51 p.m. EDT, April 21, 2010

A 49-year-old father of five was arrested Monday for allegedly suffocating the family cat after it killed his pet bird, police said.

Gregory W. Lesco faces one count of cruelty to animals. He is scheduled to be arraigned April 28 in Superior Court in Manchester.

Lesco said his small, yellow bird would sit on his shoulder or bathe in the sink when he did the dishes. It was during this daily routine that, on March 25, the cat jumped up and caught the bird when it flew out of its cage, said Glastonbury Police Agent James Kennedy.

Lesco threw everything in the kitchen at the cat, hoping it would drop the bird. He threw a baseball bat at the cat, and it hit the cat in the head. The cat ran into a crawl space in the house with the bird in its mouth, police said Lesco told them.

"The cat came out in the afternoon and [Lesco] picked up the cat, saw it had blood on its ear and felt that the best thing to do was to put it out of its misery," Kennedy said.

Lesco said the cat would have recovered if he had taken it to the vet, but he couldn't afford it. So he brought it to a shed and suffocated it under a rug. He took the carcass to a dump and told his children the cat had run away, Kennedy said. Blogger's Fair Use Notice of Copyrighted Materials [click here]

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Steven G. Erickson, Chris Kennedy, and Ken Krayeske on the Connecticut Secret Police "Enemies List", subject to arrest on sight for political views, free speech, and exposing public corruption and official obstruction of justice and racketeering:

Text with video:
SvenVonErick January 11, 2010Secret Police memos obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, scroll as a pdf in video. Police aren't interested in members of the KKK, skinheads, hate groups, actual criminals, and others. They're after journalists and bloggers critical of government. The police are actively out to false arrest anyone on the list. With false arrests sometimes comes prison. So political prisoners are being held in the US. There is no mention of terrorists, mainly Steven G. Erickson, Ken Krayeske, Chris Kennedy, and those who are journalists, bloggers, or who just wrote letters critical of public corruption and police misconduct and brutality in the State of Connecticut.

US President Richard M. Nixon had an enemies list for dealing with political rivals and those with "Big Mouths". Connecticut Governor M. Jodi Rell seems to think the same way. Target citizens for political reasons and see to it that they are ruined, arrested, and left penniless facing prison. More information:

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[click here] for:

Illinois “Pre-Crime” Prosecution?

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The art of framing citizens using FBI and State Police Crime Labs. Video and more:
Is the DEA complicit in using those label "terrorists" to smuggle heroin into the US?

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Video leading others to this post:

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US Rigged Courts (Uploaded Dec. 2009)

Text with video:
The US really doesn't manufacture much anymore. Breaking up families, taking away children, ruining productive people, and railroading them to prison, enriches lawyers, and allows friends and family of elected officials and other officials to have 6 figure jobs having to do with taking away children, domestic spying, processing citizens to fleece and "re-educate" them, and for locking up as many citizens and children as is possible. Organized Crime builds, runs, and supplies facilities, elected and other officials get bribes and other freebies. Much of the US is run the same way as Connecticut. The world is abused out of Connecticut. Some of the richest bankers, those in drug companies, and even those involved in bio-weapons and research reside in Connecticut. Yale University in New Haven is the starting place for many US Presidents and the who is who in America. Many citizens, including myself, Steven G. Erickson, want to leave while the getting is still good.

In Connecticut a son of a candidate for governor, Benjamin Malloy, a Stamford Connecticut drug dealer, can commit, or try to commit armed robbery and NOT GET PRISON!:
Will Dannel Malloy be Connecticut's next governor? Getting favors and fixing law enforcement and the courts is the first step in that process ...

Targeting Citizens, Protecting Criminals (Sept. 2008 Upload)

Text with video:
Imagine buying rental property or a small business in downtown America realizing police, prosecutors, judges, and their attorney friends seem out to protect organized crime, each other, prostitutes, heroin and crack cocaine dealers, vandals, and other undesirables before they will families and citizens who aren't connected but think they can work for a piece of the pie.

If you do a word search on "Steven G. Erickson" or on the Mafia of Judges and Lawyers, the "Judencia" you will probably find more on this subject and what I have to say. Look for the Stark Raving Viking blog links.

keywords: Mark Irving, Connecticut State Police Misconduct, Vernon, Rockville Superior Court Judge Jonathan J. Kaplan Attorney Michael H. Agranoff Governor John G. Rowland M. Jodi Rell Amaral Langlois Sgt. Sticca Troop C Izzarelli John Desso Frank Prochaska Prison Jail Robbery rape assault mugger gun knife beat up sexual assault Prosecutor Keith Courier Lana Thompson Robbin Pelc Ken Kenneth Vicky Tamaro Tomaro Peter J. Coukos Pistol Permit Enfield Hartford Wethersfield West East


Peter J. Coukos left the below voicemail for my 14 year old daughter and myself, 2001. He threatens her life. Connecticut State Trooper Mulcahey and Stafford Springs Police Officer "Fat Frank" Prochaska allegedly offered alcoholic, crack cocaine using, and prostitute patronizing, Coukos, help in obtaining a pistol permit to sexually harass and terrorize us out of Connecticut. I notified the FBI that Coukos was trying to extort $30,000 out of me, for him not to make a false accusation against me to send me to prison, making me lose my daughter. Coukos said he would make a false statement against me regarding a gun, I gave that recording to police. I was told by Mulcahey and Prochaska that I would be arrested again and go to prison, if I brought charges against Coukos and didn't leave Connecticut as I was "kicked out".

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This blogger's email:

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Update April 23, 2010, 11:42 AM EST

I've gotten emails from people saying that Mr. Lesco was a concern of police and other authorities. I was also warned that I probably shouldn't take up his cause, to get attention to mine. The reason given was that, Mr. Lesco, was known to be a problem and police were looking at nailing him. Well, it could be rumor, someone who doesn't like Mr. Lesco, or a cop propagandist. More, and more, police officers, judicial branch employees, and others are getting hold of me, filling in the blanks on many stories, and issues. By keeping you, and them, anonymous when asked, I hope to continue to get the flow in of information I'm getting.

I would like Mr. Lesco, to contact me. I would like to hear his side of the story, and would try to remain impartial. I know that authorities are less likely to railroad, harass, and break laws when a light is shining on them.

Thank you.

-Steven G. Erickson

Monday, April 19, 2010

“Dying for Liars” – My Anti-War

It is time for all Americans and all Soldiers to go on strike.

More info: “Collateral Murder” has really stirred a controversy. Many people are now questioning what America is doing in two wars of occupation. Why are trillions being spent and why is so much not accounted for? If Americans are paying more than half of their taxes for wars, the military, and killing, should they be?

Should US Troops fight for lying, liars, out to rip off and kill all they can?

If the US had a viable justice and investigation system would the US have been lied into two wars of occupation?

Naomi Wolf interviewed by Rob Kall:

Paul Craig Roberts interviewed by Rob Kall:

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Ron Avery on WTC Collapses - Blowing Theories

Text with video:
TruTHTVSpokaneWA March 24, 2010Over 1,000 architects & engineers have joined the movement to expose the lies of the WTC collapses. visit www.AE911truth .org.
9/11 Truth aint going away! Over 1 million (about 4% of their population) Iraqi civilians and over 250,000 Afghans have died. Someone must be held accountable! Over 3,000 Americans died on that day (some say it is closer to 14,000). Those who planned and executed this false flag operation deserve to BIH !

In Los Angeles, 15 AE911Truth dedicated activists attempted to hand deliver the petition and press release to Dianne Feinstein's office but were surprisingly met by 9 police officers and security personnel who refused to let them enter the building. Being the constitutionalist that he is, AE911Truth supporter Jeremy Rothe-Kushel asked why Feinstein's constituents couldn't enter a public office to give her the paper documents. He was told that although her office was public, the building was privately owned. The members persisted and engaged in many lively discussions, hopefully turning on a few lightbulbs. Great job Los Angeles! What's next?

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The below Richard Gage video found on the Kenny's Sideshow blog:

If there were lies told, officially about WTC building 7, all the lies are then exposed. Can US officials just post a picture of someone, say they committed a crime, or terrorist act, and then subject them to secret hearings, torture, confinement, or even to be killed on sight? "Weapons of Mass Destruction" and other, out and out, lies makes the word of US officials highly suspect and not credible. When weren't they lying?

Veoh Videos

High tech thermostats being "given away" to covertly spy on families?

5 minute teaser. You have to download their video browser to see full documentary.

Shadow Government: How The Secret Global Elite Is Using Surveillance Against You

Internationally known best-selling author Grant Jeffrey details how individual's rights

Watch Shadow Government: How The Secret Global Elite Is Using Surveillance Against You in Activism & Non-Profit | View More Free Videos Online at

[source of above]

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Sunday, April 18, 2010

I was at the NCMR Minneapolis Event in 2008 ...

I said hello to Bill Moyers. I wish I was there for this:

What Bill O'Reilly doesn't want you to see

Text with video:
videofreepress June 10, 2008

From Glenn Greenwald:

What the whistleblower prosecution says about the Obama DOJ

(updated below)

The more I think and read about the Obama DOJ's prosecution of NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake, the more I think this might actually be one of the worst steps the Obama administration has taken yet, if not the single worst step -- and that's obviously saying a lot. During the Bush years, in the wake of the NSA scandal, I used to write post after post about how warped and dangerous it was that the Bush DOJ was protecting the people who criminally spied on Americans (Bush, Cheney Michael Hayden) while simultaneously threatening to prosecute the whistle-blowers who exposed misconduct. But the Bush DOJ never actually followed through on those menacing threats; no NSA whistle-blowers were indicted during Bush's term (though several were threatened). It took the election of Barack Obama for that to happen, as his handpicked Assistant Attorney General publicly boasted yesterday of the indictment against Drake.

Aside from the indefensible fact that only crimes committed by high-level Bush officials -- but nobody else -- enjoy the benefits of Obama's "Look Forward, Not Backward" decree, think about the interests being served by this prosecution. Most discussions yesterday suggested that Drake's leaks to The Baltimore Sun's Sibohan Gorman were about waste and mismanagement in the "Trailblazer" project rather than controversial NSA spying activities, but that's not entirely accurate.

Just consider this May 18, 2006, article by Gorman, describing how and why the NSA opted for the "Trailblazer" proposal over the privacy-protecting "Thin Thread" program, in the process discarding key privacy protections designed to ensure that the NSA would not eavesdrop on the domestic calls of U.S. citizens (h/t ondelette). In that article -- which really should be read to get a sense for the whistle-blowing that is being punished by the DOJ -- Gorman described at length how then-NSA head Michael Hayden rejected technologies that could "rapidly separate and encrypt U.S.-related communications to ensure privacy" and "that monitored potential abuse of the records." As she put it: "Once President Bush gave the go-ahead for the NSA to secretly gather and analyze domestic phone records -- an authorization that carried no stipulations about identity protection -- agency officials regarded the encryption as an unnecessary step and rejected it."

It's not hyperbole to say that Bush's decision to use the NSA to spy domestically on American citizens was one of the most significant stories of this generation. It was long recognized that turning the NSA inward was one of the greatest dangers to freedom, as Sen. Frank Church warned back in 1975, after he investigated America's secret surveillance apparatus: "That capability at any time could be turned around on the American people and no American would have any privacy left, such is the capability to monitor everything: telephone conversations, telegrams, it doesn't matter. There would be no place to hide." It was, of course, the December 16, 2005, New York Times article by Jim Risen and Eric Lichtblau which first disclosed that the Bush NSA was illegally eavesdropping on American citizens inside the U.S., but Gorman's articles regarding the Trailblazer program -- in the time period covered by the indictment, using NSA sources (almost certainly including Drake) -- provided crucial details about how and why the Bush NSA dispensed with key safeguards to protect innocent Americans from such invasive domestic surveillance.

And then there's the massive fraud and waste which Gorman also exposed as a result of Drake's whistle-blowing. The primary focus of her stories was that the Trailblazer project turned into a massive, billion-dollar "boondoggle" which vastly exceeded its original estimates, sucked up enormous amounts of the post-9/11 intelligence budget explosion, and produced very little of value. But look at the coalition of corporations which was contracted to develop this Trailblazer project, the familiar cast of Surveillance State interests who were the recipients of the "boondoggle" which Gorman and Drake exposed:

Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) today announced a contract award from the National Security Agency to be the provider of the technology demonstration platform phase of the TRAILBLAZER program.

The TDP phase of the TRAILBLAZER program is currently estimated at $280 million and will be performed over a period of 26 months.

The NSA selected the SAIC-led Digital Network Intelligence Enterprise team that includes Northrop Grumman, Booz Allen Hamilton, The Boeing Company, Computer Sciences Corporation and SAIC wholly-owned subsidiary Telcordia Technologies to contribute to the modernization of the NSA's signals intelligence capabilities.

SAIC itself is, by its own description, an enormous defense contractor devoted to "customers in the U.S. Department of Defense, the intelligence community, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, other U.S. Government civil agencies and selected commercial markets." Just like its Trailblazer partners -- Boeing, Booz Allen and Northrop Grumman -- SAIC feeds off the massive Pentagon and intelligence budgets. In other words, Drake's leaks to Gorman exposed serious wrongdoing on the part of (a) the NSA and its illegal domestic spying activities and (b) the vast private intelligence and defense industry that has all but formally merged with the CIA, NSA and Pentagon to become the public-private National Security and Surveillance State that exercises more power, by far, than any single faction in the country.

Think about to whose interests the Obama DOJ is devoted given that -- while they protect the most profound Bush crimes based on the Presidential decree of "Look Forward, Not Backward" -- they chose this whistle-blower to prosecute (and Drake, incidentally, is apparently impoverished, as he's been assigned a Public Defender to represent him). In the process, of course, the Obama DOJ also intimidates and deters future whistle-blowers from exposing what they know, thus further suffocating one of the very few remaining mechanisms Americans have to learn about what takes place behind the virtually impenetrable Wall of Secrecy surrounding the Surveillance State -- a Wall of Secrecy which the Obama administration, through its promiscuous use of "state secrets" and immunity claims, has relentlessly fortified and expanded. Anyone who doubts that whistle-blower prosecutions like this are intended to prevent any further disclosures of wrongdoing should simply review the 2008 Pentagon report which identified WikiLeaks as a major threat to the U.S. and proposed that exposure and prosecution of their sources would crush their ability to obtain further leaks.

It's true that leaking classified information is a crime. That's what makes whistleblowers like Drake so courageous. That's why Daniel Ellsberg -- who literally risked his liberty in an effort to help end the Vietnam War -- is one of the 20th Century's genuine American heroes. And if political-related crimes were punished equally, one could accept whistle-blower prosecutions even while questioning the motives behind them and the priorities they reflect. But that's not the situation that prevails.

Instead, here you have the Obama DOJ in all its glory: no prosecutions (but rather full-scale immunity extended) for war crimes, torture, and illegal spying. For those crimes, we must Look Forward, Not Backward. But for those poor individuals who courageously blow the whistle on oozing corruption, waste and illegal surveillance by the omnipotent public-private Surveillance State: the full weight of the "justice system" comes crashing down upon them with threats of many years in prison.

UPDATE: John Cole, proving once again that one can be an enthusiastic Obama admirer without reflexively excusing and justifying everything he does, writes today:

The message is clear- you torture people and then destroy the evidence, and you get off without so much as a sternly worded letter.

If you are a whistle blower outlining criminal behavior by the government, [] you get prosecuted.

Cole is referring to the revelation today that, once he learned it was done, then-CIA-Director Porter Goss approved of the destruction of CIA interrogation videos (an act which the co-Chairs of the 9/11 Commission said constituted obstruction of justice); the message Cole describes is exactly the one being sent by the Drake prosecution.

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New US Slogans Needed

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The Connecticut "Sopranos"

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bag of Dicks Fuzz Pedal Demo - Ace Guitars

Text with video:
aceguitarparts January 25, 2010The Gooby Bag of Dicks is a great two knob fuzz inspired by the amazing Jordan BossTone of the late '60's. An expressive and dynamic fuzz pedal with a low noise floor. Hand built in very small numbers by Casey Gooby in the Twin Cities, Minnesota. Now gracing the pedal board of the great Billy Gibbons.

The Bombay Sweets "I Don't Wanna Be Your Soldier Anymore"

Text with video:
theBombaySweets November 06, 2009The Bombay Sweets "I Don't Wanna Be Your Soldier Anymore" video. The alternative title was "My Generation (Went to Die for Democracy and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt)".

The Bombay Sweets is a one man band (with occasional onstage and studio guests) from Minneapolis, MN. In true 'solo mission' fashion, this video was also produced, directed, and edited by the Bombay Sweets (thanks for the loaner camera, Eric!). Check out for more info.

The "Bag of Dicks" pedal on the 60's GEM keyboard was created by Casey Gooby and is available at Buy one, you won't regret it...they are sick. The 60's suit coat is from Black List Vintage ( in Minneapolis. Thanks!

Song and Video Copyright 2009 Horn Rimmed Tiger Music SESAC

The roar of the Gran Torino - [ Supro / Valco guitar ]

The Ballad of Curtis Loew

Text with video:
k8tb52 March 30, 2007blues ballad by Lynyrd Skynyrd, pictures are public domain. Blues icons, and juke joints. Truly American. Guitar music.

Robert Johnson- Crossroad

Where Did You Sleep Last Night (Unplugged) Nirvana

Text with video:
cristianelmaldito July 30, 2009Where Did You Sleep Last Night (MTV Unplugged in New York) Aka Leadbelly Cover by Nirvana / Kurt Cobain - Rockeros de Toronto by Cristian Gomez

Nirvana - The Man Who Sold The World

The Tragically Hip - New Orleans is Sinking (Westwind)

Text with video:
Scottitude — August 14, 2006 — The Hip doing the Westwind/Cookie Factory version of NOIS featuring an early, VERY raw rendition of Ahead By A Century. Filmed June 5, 1995 at the PinkPop Festival (Landgraaf, Holland)

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This blogger's Anti-War Video:

Friday, April 16, 2010

420 Views since June 11, 2009

The American Revolution

1158 views since June 1, 2009

Representative Democracy

245 views since September 7, 2009

Role of the Press

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Even if you hate Barney Frank, you might still love this

Barney Frank Confronts Woman At Townhall Comparing Obama To Hitler

Text with video:
PoliticsNewsPolitics August 18, 2009At a Barney Frank town hall meeting in Dartmouth, MA, a constituent asks, "Why are you supporting this Nazi policy?"

Frank responds: "On what planet do you spend most of your time?" He then calls her approach "vile, contemptible nonsense." He closes by saying: "Trying to have a conversation with you would be like arguing with a dining room table."

Tea Party Infiltrator Comedy Video?

The below found:

Leftist Infiltrator is Driven From Tea Party in St Louis

...a liberal infiltrator was detected and driven from the Tea Party Rally in St. Louis.There were many incidents of this sort during the Tea Party protests across the nation yesterday,April 15th,2010.

There were similar incidents across the nation at the Tea Parties as leftist infiltrators attempted to give fodder to the liberal main stream media (MSM)who were looking for negative profiles to feature in their broadcasts and publications...

In Greensboro, North Carolina local police put the kibosh on a disguised tea party protester...
The News-Record reported:

" The Tax Day Tea Party in downtown Greensboro ran smoothly Thursday. Everyone sang the patriotic staple “God Bless the U.S.A.,” kids got their faces painted and the parched drank their Liber-Tea.

Well, there was one tiny glitch.

A man dressed in all black and a hood or mask came to the side of the stage by the old county courthouse while a person spoke and held up a sign reading, “Prosperity = White Supremacy.”

The crowd didn’t fancy the man’s sign and cast a round of boos in his direction. Pretty soon, three Greensboro police officers escorted the man away from the protest."

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The below came in by email:

FDA Says Walnuts Are Drugs and Doritos Are Heart Healthy

This is a call to action. Your freedom to eat real food—and even to hear the truth about it—are under attack.

by Heidi Stevenson

14 April 2010

FDA Says Walnuts Are Drugs and Doritos Are Heart Healthy

In its latest salvo against our health and freedom, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning to Diamond Foods stating that their claims for the health promoting qualities of walnuts have moved them from a food to a drug. At the same time, it allows Frito-Lay to advertise its health-destroying chips (crisps in the UK) as "heart healthy".

This is an attack on both your health and your right to free speech. The FDA is not interested in the science. It's not interested in your health. It's not interested in the truth. It's interested only in supporting its corporate masters. To this end, it uses its massive power to shut down the truth and ignore blatant lies when it's beneficial to big corporate players. [more from source]

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Catholic Church Sex Scandals Go Back 2000 Years

Text submitted with below video:

Contrary to Pope Benedict's assertion that the immorality of modern society is to blame for sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests, the church's own historical documents reveal that sexual abuse has been a problem that the Catholic Church has failed to properly deal with since its earliest days.

The Church's first official document referring to the problem of sexual abusing children was i More..n the year 60 AD. All of the documents referred to in this piece are real and have been fact checked

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