Monday, April 22, 2013

Police perform house-to-house raids

We the people are getting completely f'd over. The government can stage bombings and shootings, and then put us on lock down. The US is fast becoming a war zone. International bankers and corporate organized crime have been secretly warring on us for decades.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Beck saying Feds Real Bombers of Boston?

I have issues with Glenn Beck being fair and balanced. What he is saying if true, is telling.

There has been chatter in the political activist arena that the Feds would stage something for an excuse for more surveillance cameras, microphones in public, more spying on citizens, [more military check points and presence on streets], and more dilution of the US Constitution until it no longer applies.

Was an Army Runner pulled just before the bombing for his own safety? If true, it means the bombing was either planned, carried out, or allowed to happen by the Feds. Yes, the 2nd video embedded is an Alex Jones video. [Did the FBI bomb the World Trade Center in New York City in 1993]?

[The FBI allegedly had the plan, found the patsies to bomb the WTC, supplied the bombs, and then allowed the bombs to go off in 1993].

The FBI was allegedly "handling" the current suspect of the Boston Bombing BEFORE the event.

The ATF was going to have their budget cut. Then came the Oklahoma City Bombing. Voila, the ATF gets an unlimited budget and power to circumvent the US Constitution. [That story].

[FBI lies compilation post and links]

Was the Boston Bombing an excuse to roll out new Police State Tyranny? [post]

There is a CIA-like organization in maybe all State Police Departments called "The Intelligence Unit". These officers are not responsible to obey laws, can get police informants to beat up, set up, and even murder targets on [Police Secret Enemies Arrest on Sight lists]. I wrote to Connecticut Governor Dannel P. Malloy [text of letter] about police acting as organized crime. Malloy does not seem to care about quality policing or in seeing citizens get justice.

The FBI, the Massachusetts State Police, USDOJ, and the Boston Mafia all knew that citizens were set up for murders when it was the Mob doing hits for the FBI. Whitey Bulger was tipped off by the FBI that he was going to be under investigation. The Boston FBI, FBI, and the Massachusetts State Police are still so utterly corrupt, the Boston Bombing could involve their help. So, when aren't authorities lying? Why not do a word search on Boston Winter Hill Gang?

On September 10, 2001, Donald Rumsfeld was on the hot seat at an official hearing. He was trying to explain where the missing 2.3 Trillion Dollars was. The Pentagon has not had to answer about that because of an event that happened the next day. How convenient, right?

Were Bill and Hillary Clinton cocaine traffickers who have FBI and CIA help and protection? [Meet the Clintons]

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

NYPD's Sadistic Pepper Spraying of Babies Program?

Love or hate Alex Jones, you got to love some of the topics on his channel. Note: after time the video embedded might not be the one originally cross-posted on [my as an embed].

When New York City Police use pepper spray to assault citizens and babies, that is a crime if the officer is not fearing his, or her life, and if the citizen is not a threat to others or public safety. Police Officers should be prosecuted when they commit perjury, file false reports, and commit crimes. Police investigate police, so almost everything is swept under the rug. Courts are for protection and revenue collection for the State.

Ritt Goldstein proposed Civilian Oversight of Police in the State of Connecticut. He then was so terrorized by police that he fled to Sweden seeking political asylum after making [this video]. I, Steven G. Erickson, found out that police can just refuse to protect and serve, can assault you at will, tell you don't own your home, your kids aren't the parents', that a police officer can threaten you with arrest and prison if they are attracted to your spouse, and can threaten you with taking your last ride in handcuffs in the trunk of a police car with your teeth kicked out if you contact elected officials about the abuse or spout off in newspapers printed in letters to the editor. That happened to me in Stafford Springs, Connecticut. [My letter to Connecticut Governor Dannel P. Malloy]

Malloy seems to be buds with Billionaire Club's NYC Mayor Bloomberg. They are UN, Wall St., bankster, and international organized corporate crime butt kissers. Should the elite tell you what to eat, what you can do, and that your US Constitution does not protect you anymore? Should these lying scumbags take your guns, bank account, and your property in the name of Agenda 21, the UN, and for banker profits? [That argument made in video, post, links]

Connecticut State legislators are now deciding on making UN international law part of Connecticut's laws. Who is in charge, we the people, or international banker and corporate puppets in the UN? Are we Americans and citizens of other countries, or are we slaves to a world power consisted of the world elite. Let State of Connecticut Officials know that you do not want them to set the precedent that States are now answerable and under the control of the UN.

If you like the UN, applaud the NYPD habit of pepper spraying babies. Offer NYPD your donation for more pepper spray so they do not run out.

Cops need to be desensitized and be taught to lie, commit perjury, rip off the public, and to be made into the "Cop Mafia" put an innocent person in jail after he or she, or he is, assaulted by police informants, loses his or her family and job, his or her home, and is railroaded to prison. Police can then allow a new recruit in to trust him, or her, to be a Central Banker, UN, and corporate organized crime minion. [Post about lying cops being made in the Cop Mafia]

I, [Steven G. Erickson], was told by Stafford Springs Connecticut constables and State Police that I did not deserve my wife, did not own my home, should never see my daughter again, have my contracting business built over 2 decades put out of business, that I should lose my home, and be railroaded to prison because I proposed legislation that police did not like and because I tested Free Speech. I broke no laws and am now suffering for life. That is why I posted this.

I believe that the [Sandyhook Newtown Connecticut Schoolyard shooting is a hoax]. As when aren't the Connecticut State Police lying and being douchebags? Why not end the Second Amendment and the sovereignty of all nations because of some lies perpetrated by the Connecticut State Police, Barack Obama, and lying piece of crap US Attorney General Eric Holder?

stevengerickson AT

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