Sunday, September 21, 2014

Political Cause Distraction Magnet

The whole global warming thing is probably just a lot of hot air, complete BS.

That is not to say I am not concerned about pollution and war. Both are connected as well.

Elites in the mainstream media and in Hollywood movie distraction corporations want you to spin your wheels, spend your money, and to fund their scams and not fight what is really wrong.

Al Gore is a lying elite scumbag. His lies have earned him 100's of millions.

Wake up and fight the real enemies ... not each other.

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P. Fed


My videos and favorites:

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Added October 18, 2014, at 4:20 PM EST:

The above is a video about the comment below that I tried to post to [this RT America episode], "Confirm Nor Deny" of the "In the Now" program hosted by RT's Senior Political correspondent Anissa Naouai.

Prior to 9/11 Stafford Springs, Connecticut, was a test city to have surveillance cameras and microphones strung from telephone poles. All phones calls and all internet activity was being monitored by police without a warrant. The "Diaper Gang" was working with police while beating citizens with bats during robberies. [The Diaper Gang] was offered money to help set up citizens for Drunk Driving arrests, property confiscation, and processing in courts. Women on probation were offered as much as $10,000 to set up men for a Drunk Driving Arrest. Police told me that my wife was too pretty for me, that I was not allowed to have a contracting business, my daughter, and didn't really own my home. I got "mouthy" in newspapers and to elected officials. State Police then told me that I was kicked out of Connecticut. I didn't leave so they railroaded me to prison and then ran me out of the state upon my release. Surveillance helps police break laws and make money. My name is Steven G. Erickson

[my beef with video and pictures]

Friday, September 12, 2014

Police don't manufacture anything, They take away from Economy

Police, courts, and government are a necessary evil.

But, in too great a numbers they destroy industry, freedom, the family, and the basic function of a community.

Civilian Oversight of Police and the Courts is necessary for any "Free" society.

Sunday, September 07, 2014

Criminal Illegal Aliens given Homes, US Citizens are being run out of theirs

Click on any pictures to make larger. 

I was told by Connecticut State Police that their job was to run me out of my house, break up my family, and make me lose my contracting business built over 2 decades. The silver van shown before it was towed away was at one time a temporary living situation for me. Video of my properties police said it was their job to take away from me [found, embedded here].

Those who are living in the house I posted a picture of, are apparently from Africa, but these people were clean, polite, and able to speak in complete sentences. They were the exception.

I even ended up homeless, living out in the cold snowy Vermont Winter in the woods after being terrorized by police out of my home and job.

It was my job this past Summer to work for a lot of families from Africa and South America. Some are obvious criminals with little job skills, some mentally challenged, and many who do not know how to clean up after themselves leaving rotting food, baby diapers, and even dead animals lying around. Many can lie around drunk, barbecue, and engage in sexual activities all their waking hours. Why are American taxpayers funding this scam?

Some of these "new" residents own these homes outright, or pay $50 to $500 per month for lavish accommodations. Home equity loans can be taken out and these residents can buy new cars and buy all sorts of big screen televisions, furniture, and appliances. Because of a confidentiality, non-disclosure contract I signed to have my service job, I cannot tell you more. I was even told I should carry groceries from one of these homeower's new SUV inside their home like I somehow I am their slave. I now have no fixed address, sometimes have couch surfed, and live like a refugee after working honestly, paying taxes, saving for and buying a home, and pursuing the American Dream.

In America, no good deed goes unpunished, and laziness, dependence, and criminal behavior is rewarded.

It really burns my butt and makes my head fry under my hair that these worthless bags of crap are now being shipped in by the millions to be given everything on a silver platter and we, the New Native Americans, are being ripped off and run out of our homes, jobs, and families.

My video uploads and favorites are found here:

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