Jonathan Bush
(Redirected from
Jonathan J. Bush)
Jonathan J. Bush (Jonathan James Bush) (1931- ) is an uncle to President George Walker Bush.
Jonathan Bush's "Pioneer Profile" in "George W. Bush's $100,000 Club" cites him as the "head" of the Riggs Investment Management Co.; "Bush's uncle Jonathan ... founded its subsidiary, J. Bush & Co., of which he is chair. He also is an ex-chair of the New York Republican State Finance Committee. Bush credits the investors sent his way by this banker uncle as a key to his 'success' in the Texas oil industry in the early '80s." [1] See Bush's Rangers.
- According to the July 30, 1999, Washington Post, "A Wall Street financier, Jonathan Bush pulled together two dozen investors to raise $3 million to help launch Arbusto. Among the investors was Dorothy Bush, George W.'s grandmother. At the same time, Jonathan Bush was lining up investors for Arbusto, he also was raising money for George H.W. Bush's presidential explorations. Many of the funders were the same." Bush is a Trustee of the George Bush Presidential Library Foundation. [2]
- On May 31, 2000, Riggs Bank N.A. "announced that the Board of Directors of RIMCO, a wholly owned investment management subsidiary, has elected Jonathan J. Bush President & Chief Executive Officer and a Director, replacing Philip Tasho who resigned. In addition, Henry A. Dudley, Jr. was elected Chairman.
- "Mr. Bush will continue as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of J. Bush & Co., an investment management company he founded in 1970, which Riggs acquired in 1997. Mr. Dudley, a 24-year veteran of Riggs, will continue to be responsible for all of Riggs Bank's investment management, trust and private banking business.
- "Located in the nation's capital, Riggs Bank has 53 branches in the Washington, DC metropolitan area, as well as banking offices in Miami, London and Berlin."
- "Massachusetts securities regulators have fined the stockbrokerage firm owned by President Bush's brother Jonathan $30,000 and barred it from trading with the general public for one year because the company and Bush violated state registration laws.
- "As part of a consent order worked out with Secretary of State Michael J. Connolly's securities division, the New York firm of J. Bush & Co., whose only principal is Jonathan J. Bush, also agreed that it would offer to reimburse its clients in Massachusetts for stocks it had sold them since January 1988. . . .
- "Connolly's securities chief, Neal Sullivan, said yesterday that Bush's problems began in February when Bush informed his agency that he had never registered as a broker-dealer in Massachusetts. But Sullivan said Bush compounded his legal problem by taking a cavalier attitude toward the violation of the Uniform Securities Act when he continued to carry out transactions even as state regulators were negotiating a consent decree with him.
- "'That created great concern for us. We were dismayed,' Sullivan said. 'Anyone who has been notified that he is violating state law and continues to do so certainly exemplifies a cavalier attitude toward the registration laws.'"
Margie Burns reported in the February 4, 2003, Prince George's Journal (Maryland), that President George W. Bush "nominated William H. Donaldson to head the Securities and Exchange Commission. Donaldson, a longtime Bush family friend, was a Yale classmate of Jonathan Bush." [3]
Jonathan Bush is also the father of Access Hollywood's anchor Billy Bush and Jonathan Bush, Jr.,the President, CEO and Co-founder of athenahealth (
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Marvin Bush
(Redirected from
Marvin Pierce Bush)
Marvin Pierce Bush, born October 22, 1956, is the brother of President George Walker Bush and Florida Governor Jeb Bush and the son of former President George Herbert Walker Bush and Barbara Bush.
Marvin Bush was described in 2000 by ABCNews as a "venture capitalist in Alexandria, VA. ... Marvin pitched in on his father's campaigns and his doing his part to help George W. raise cash. He and wife Margaret have two children, Marshall and Walker."[1]
Margie Burns, "Bush-Linked Company Handled Security for the WTC, Dulles and United," Prince George's Journal, February 4, 2003. Also here and here.
George W. Bush's brother was on the board of directors of a company providing electronic security for the World Trade Center, Dulles International Airport and United Airlines, according to public records. The company was backed by an investment firm, the Kuwait-American Corp., also linked for years to the Bush family.
The security company, formerly named Securacom and now named Stratesec, is in Sterling, Va.. Its CEO, Barry McDaniel, said the company had a 'completion contract' to handle some of the security at the World Trade Center 'up to the day the buildings fell down.'
It also had a three-year contract to maintain electronic security systems at Dulles Airport, according to a Dulles contracting official. Securacom/Stratesec also handled some security for United Airlines in the 1990s, according to McDaniel, but it had been completed before his arriving on the board in 1998.
McDaniel confirmed that the company has security contracts with the Department of Defense, including the U.S. Army, but did not detail the nature of the work, citing security concerns. It has an ongoing line with the General Services Administration - meaning that its bids for contracts are noncompetitive - and also did security work for the Los Alamos laboratory before 1998.
Marvin P. Bush, the president's youngest brother, was a director at Stratesec from 1993 to fiscal year 2000. But the White House has not publicly disclosed Bush connections in any of its responses to 9/11, nor has it mentioned that another Bush-linked business had done security work for the facilities attacked.
Marvin Bush joined Securacom when it was capitalized by the Kuwait-American Corporation, a private investment firm in D.C. that was the security company's major investor, sometimes holding a controlling interest. Marvin Bush has not responded to telephone calls and e-mails for comment.
KuwAm has been linked to the Bush family financially since the Gulf War. One of its principals and a member of the Kuwaiti royal family, Mishal Yousef Saud al Sabah, served on the board of Stratesec.
The managing director at KuwAm, Wirt D. Walker III, was also a principal at Stratesec, and Walker, Marvin Bush and al Sabah are listed in SEC filings as significant shareholders in both companies during that period.
Marvin Bush's last year on the board at Stratesec coincided with his first year on the board of HCC Insurance, formerly Houston Casualty Co., one of the insurance carriers for the WTC. He left the HCC board in November 2002.
But none of these connections has been looked at during the extensive investigations since 9/11. McDaniel says principals and other personnel at Stratesec have not been questioned or debriefed by the FBI or other investigators.
Walker declined to answer the same question regarding KuwAm, referring to the public record.
Walker is also chairman and CEO of Aviation General, a Tulsa, Okla.-based aviation company with two subsidiaries. SEC filings also show al Sabah as a principal and shareholder in Aviation General, which was recently delisted by the Nasdaq. Stratesec was delisted by the American Stock Exchange in October 2002.
The suite in which Marvin Bush was annually re-elected, according to public records, is located in the Watergate in space leased to the Saudi government. The company now holds shareholder meetings in space leased by the Kuwaiti government there. The White House has not responded to various requests for comment.
Speaking of the Watergate, Riggs National Bank, where Saudi Princess Al-Faisal had her 'Saudi money trail' bank account, has as one of its executives Jonathan Bush, an uncle of the president. The public has not learned whether Riggs - which services 95 percent of Washington's foreign embassies - will be turning over records relating to Saudi finance.
Meanwhile, Bush has nominated William H. Donaldson to head the Securities and Exchange Commission. Donaldson, a longtime Bush family friend, was a Yale classmate of Jonathan Bush.
On the very day of the tragic space shuttle crash, the government appointed an independent investigative panel, and rightly so. Why didn't it do the same on Sept. 12, 2001?
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Neil Mallon Bush
Neil Mallon Bush, born January 22, 1955, is a brother to President George Walker Bush and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and the son of former President George Herbert Walker Bush and Barbara Bush.
It is noted by several sources that the "Mallon" name derives from Neil Mallon, a one-time president of Dresser Industries (acquired by Halliburton in 1998/merger engineered by Dick Cheney) with strong connections to the Bush patriarchy.
- "The Handbook of Texas" Online: Dresser Industries: "By 1927 the company's annual sales had reached $3.7 million, and some 400 workers were required to keep up with the demand. Dresser's descendants, who had been operating the company since the founder's death, decided to sell it, and in 1928 the Wall Street investment-banking firm of W. A. Harriman and Company, Incorporated, converted the firm into a public company by issuing 300,000 shares of stock. H. Neil Mallon was selected as president and chief executive officer; he held that position until his retirement in 1962."
- The Sins of the Father: "...Yuppie elite groups operating out of Yale, produce many familiar names, like Prescott Bush, grandfather of George Dubbya. ... Prescott convinced his partners at the banking house of Brown Brothers Harriman--among them Averell Harriman, a fellow Skull and Bones member-- to wave the firm's nepotism rule so George could work there. Uncle George Herbert Walker, Jr. offered him a job at G.H. Walker and Co., the private Wall Street banking firm founded by his father, Bush's maternal grandfather. ... Instead of taking those two prospects, George opted for a third family tie. He met with Henry Neil Mallon, the president of Dresser Industries. Mallon offered George his first job at Dresser subsidiary International Derrick and Equipment Company (Ideco), in Odessa, Texas. Brown Brothers Harriman had underwritten Dresser's transition from a private company to a publicly traded one. Years later, George named a son after Mallon.... "
- 14 November 2002, Dallas News: "Former President George Bush will receive the prestigious H. Neil Mallon Award on Friday from the World Affairs Council of Greater Dallas. He'll be introduced by Dallas political legend Robert Strauss at the council's annual award dinner. ... The late Mr. Mallon, former chairman and chief executive of Dresser Industries, was a Yale University classmate of Mr. Bush's father, Prescott Bush. ... Mr. Mallon founded the Dallas Council on World Affairs, which was recently renamed the World Affairs Council. He also brought George Bush to Texas to work for Dresser and later helped him start his oil business in the Midland area."
- 30 June 2002: "In merging with Dresser, Cheney picked a firm with long ties to the Bush family. Prescott Bush, the father of the former President Bush, was the banking representative who helped finance the deal that established Dresser and served on the company's board. The former president wrote in his autobiography that Neil Mallon, the former president of Dresser Industries, was a mentor second only to my father. ... It was Mallon who helped former President Bush get into the oil business, and Bush worked for Dresser for 21/2 years. The brother of the current President Bush, Neil, is named after Mallon."
According to information gathered by ABCNews in 2000, Neil Bush is a "Houston businessman [who] worked on [his brother George?s] failed 1978 congressional campaign and helped out with each of his father?s campaigns. Currently director of Interlink, an international consultancy based in Houston ? in his father?s offices. Noted most for his involvement as director of the failed Silverado Savings and Loan, which cost the federal government $1 billion to clean-up during the S&L crisis. Regulators never pressed charges, but he paid $50,000 to settle a lawsuit lodged by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Married to Sharon Smith, who he met while campaigning for his father in New Hampshire. They have two children, Lauren and Pierce. Education: St. Alban?s preperatory; Tulane University BA International Relations; MA Business."[1]
25 November 2003: "Bush Brother Business Deals Detailed in Divorce," Reuters:
"Neil Bush, younger brother of President Bush, detailed lucrative business deals and admitted to engaging in sex romps with women in Asia in a deposition taken in March as part of his divorce from now ex-wife Sharon Bush.
"According to legal documents disclosed on Tuesday, Sharon Bush's lawyers questioned Neil Bush closely about the deals, especially a contract with Grace Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp., a firm backed by Jiang Mianheng, the son of former Chinese President Jiang Zemin, that would pay him $2 million in stock over five years." -- see online copy of contract at the Memory Hole.
"Bush said he was co-chairman of Crest Investment Corporation, but worked only an average of three to four hours a week. For that, he received $15,000 every three months."
Related SourceWatch Resources
External Links
- "Bush Son Had Dinner Plans With Hinckley Brother Before Shooting," Associated Press, March 31, 1981: "The (Houston Post) said in a copyright story, Scott Hinckley, brother of John W. Hinckley, Jr., who allegedly shot [Ronald] Reagan, was to have dined tonight in Denver at the home of Neil Bush, one of the vice president's sons." This would have been the night after the assassination attempt on President Reagan.
- Rick Casey, Sex, lies and computer chips, Houston Chronicle, November 21, 2003.
- Harvey Rice, Neil Bush provides sample for paternity case, Houston Chronicle, November 22, 2003.
- Bush's brother has 400,000-dollar contract with Chinese firm, AFP, November 27, 2003: "'There's certainly the appearance of influence being sought,' the paper quotes Charles McMillion, a Washington business consultant who advised a congressional commission on US-China policy as saying. 'If nothing else, it doesn't look good.'"
- Stephen Fidler and Thomas Catán, Consultant on Iraq contracts employed president's brother,, November 27, 2003: "Neil Bush ... has had a $60,000-a-year employment contract with a top adviser to a Washington-based consulting firm set up this year to help companies secure contracts in Iraq."
- Alec Russell, Bush brother tells of sex adventures and tangled deals, Telegraph/UK, November 27, 2003.
- Bruce Einhorn, Neil Bush: No Saving Grace. Aspiring chip tycoon Winston Wong figured hiring the President's brother would be a big plus. He's finding it's not that easy, Business Week, December 8, 2003.
- Ron Nissimov, HISD wary in deal with Bush brother, Houston Chronicle, November 14, 2003.
- Cynthia Leonor Garza, "Former first lady's donation aids son. Katrina funds earmarked to pay for Neil Bush's software program," Houston Chronicle, March 24, 2006.
- David Rossie, "Mother Bush Takes Care of her Brood," Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin (New York) (Common Dreams), April 2, 2006.
- "No Bush Left Behind. The President's brother Neil is making hay from school reform," BusinessWeek Online, October 16, 2006 (issue); truthout, October 7, 2006.
- Bill Berkowitz, "Neil Bush's family values", Media Transparency, October 30, 2006.
- Siraj Wahab, "JEF Diary: American President’s Brother Building Bridges With Saudis," Arab News, February 27, 2007.
- Bill Berkowitz, "Neil Bush of Saudi Arabia: During recent visit, President’s brother describes the country as a 'kind of tribal democracy'", Media Transparency, March 11, 2007.
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William H.T. Bush
William H.T. Bush ("Bucky" Bush; William Trotter Bush) (1938- ) is the brother of former President George Herbert Walker Bush and uncle of President George W. Bush.[1] Bush chairs Bush-O'Donnell & Co., "a holding company with interests in insurance, money management, investment banking and manufacturing,"[2] of St. Louis, Missouri.
Commercial interests: Engineered Support Systems
In January 2003, the Prince George's Journal (Maryland) reported [3]:
- "William H.T. (Bucky) Bush, an uncle of George W. Bush, is on the Board of Directors of a company which will benefit substantially from war with Iraq, according to financial analysts. The company, Engineered Support Systems, is based in St. Louis. William H.T. Bush was also a major Bush donor and campaign fund-raiser... Defense Department databases list Engineered Support Systems 54th in the Department of Defense's top 100 contractors for fiscal 2001 (up from 62nd for 2000). The company received over $297.5 million in military contracts in 2001, including $120.5 million from the Army. Since 2000, following the presidential election and 9/11, the company's federal contracts have gone up, its revenues have gone up, and its stock price has gone up. Net revenues for the first nine months of 2002, when the company acquired two new subsidiaries in Northern Virginia, increased to $289.7 million."
In February 2005, the Associated Press reported that William Bush had cashed in some of his ESS stock [4]:
- "An uncle of President Bush made more than 450-thousand dollars last month by selling stock in a defense contractor whose profits are growing because of the Iraq war. In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, it's been learned that William Bush made the money by exercising stock options in Engineered Support Systems, where he's also a board member. The youngest brother of former President Bush insists he had not pulled any strings in Washington for the company."
In a deal which closed January 2006, the sale of Engineered Support Systems Inc. to DRS Technologies of New Jersey netted Bucky about $1.9 million in cash, plus stock valued at $800,000, according to an SEC filing, reported the Los Angeles Times on 23 March 2006. [5]
- "Before DRS purchased it, Missouri-based ESSI experienced record growth as a result of expanded U.S. military contracts — many to supply U.S. efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan."
Other Affiliations
- Halliburton Company Connection: "...Lord Abbett & Co., with about 8 million shares of Halliburton. Lord Abbett's trustees, who manage billions controlled by this investment firm, include Bush uncle William H. T. Bush. Lord Abbett is also one of Halliburton's top ten mutual fund holders (another 4.7 million shares)." [8]
"William H.T. Bush, is chairman of the St. Louis-based investment firm, Bush O'Donnell & Co., which he founded in 1986. Previously, he was president and CEO of Boatmen's National Bank of St. Louis and began his career with the Hartford National Bank and Trust Co. in Connecticut. Bush has been a Director of the Company since 2000 and serves as a director of Mississippi Valley Bancshares, Inc., Maritz, Inc., RightChoice Managed Care, Inc., DT Industries, Inc. and The Lord Abbett family of Mutual Funds." [9]
According to the St. Louis Business Journal, Week of November 10, 1997:
- "In 1986, William H.T. Bush left Boatmen's Bank of St. Louis, where he served as president and director, to found Bush-O'Donnell & Co., a Clayton investment and financial advisory firm.
- "Brother of former President George Bush, William Bush's firm's clients have included South Korea's Samsung group. Among its other deals, the company's Micro Partners investment partnership saw its stake in Microtek Medical Inc. rise nearly 40 percent when the medical supplies maker agreed to a $106.5 million sale last year.
- "Bush serves on the board of directors of Mississippi Valley Bancshares, Maritz Inc., Southwest Bank, RightChoice Managed Care, D.T. Industries and Intrav Inc.
- "He has also served on the boards of numerous civic organizations, including the Arthritis Foundation, Eastern Missouri Chapter, and was chairman of the board of the Gateway Arch Park Expansion, president of the St. Louis Variety Club and chairman of the Saint Louis University board of trustees."
According to his "Bush Pioneer Profile":
- This Bush uncle co-founded a venture capital firm. He heads his nephew's fundraising operations in Missouri, which some analysts expect to be a potential swing state in November 2000. "Bucky" Bush sat on the board of the deluxe ocean liner company Intrav and received $405,000 for his shares in the company when it was purchased in '99. RightCHOICE Managed Care, a Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Missouri subsidiary, named him to its board in '97.
Edgar Online Listings
EdgarOnline Listings for William H.T. Bush; More Listings:
- Director, Right Choice Managed Care, Inc. (1997-2001)
- Director, Cobalt Corp. (2003)
- Director, DT Industries, Inc. (1997-2003)
- Director, Engineered Support Systems (2001-2003)
- Director, Intrav, Inc. (1998, 1999)
- Proxy, Lord Abbett Funds (2002)
- Annual Report, Mississippi Valley Bancshares, Inc. (1997-2002)
- Proxy, Search Financial Services, Inc. (1997)
- Proxy, Wellpoint Health Networks, Inc./DE (2002-03)
- Ownership Statement, Medix Resources, Inc. (2002)
- "WellPoint also announced that William H.T. Bush, formerly a member of the RightCHOICE Board of Directors, has been elected as a Class II member of WellPoint's Board of Directors. Bush, who has served as a RightCHOICE director since 1994, is chairman of Bush-O'Donnell & Company of St. Louis, an investment management and financial advisory firm." --Alliance Blue Cross Blue Shield, January 31, 2002.