3 cops, 3 towns, 3 arrests
Text with video:
Police from 3 towns and cities in Connecticut have been arrested in separate incidents.
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Maybe only one police officer in a hundred who commits crimes is actually investigated, especially in the State of Connecticut. Judicial, Police, Official, and Prosecutorial Misconduct in Connecticut is considered an "Art Form". [more]
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Police Bullying and Lies in Hartford, CT
Text with video:
My account of today's confrontation (11/2/2009) with Hartford Police as they unlawfully utilized my property without my permission and my request for them to vacate the premises.
Steven G. Erickson responds to above video:
Links and Info posted with video:
This video is in response to this youtube.com video:
Should police be rude to the public?
Should police place citizens in handcuffs because they complain about police misconduct?
Should police in the State of Connecticut, or any other State, make citizens fear beatings and other police misconduct for just being at home and not wanting to be invaded by rude and out of hand cops?
Should police officers be able to do as they please, when they please, with no fear of prosecution or of losing their jobs?
Should police unions write officers blank checks to abuse citizens?:
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Ken Krayeske weighs in on his blog, click his title to go directly to his blog:
November 6, 2009
By Ken Krayeske • 11:15 AM EST
John Zito's wrists red from handcuff marks. Hey, at least he wasn't tasered, right?
Disclosure: I have done business with John Zito previously, and I consider him a friend. But the story he told me on Monday night has nothing to do with our relationship, and my dealings with him lead me to believe that he is a credible source of information.
John Zito called me a few minutes after this incident was over, while the handcuff marks still indented the flesh on his wrists. The incident, as reported here, was fresh in his mind.
Furthermore, at the outset, I will indicate that I reserve and hereby exercise the right not to call the Hartford Police Department for comment on this matter. First and foremost, I would have to go through Nancy Mulroy, the HPD spokesperson (read: paid prevaricator).
If anyone considers Ms. Mulroy to be credible in representing the truth, I point them to her lies about my political arrest in January 2007. I understand that my personal history necessarily colors my perceptions. But the fact that prosecutor dropped the trumped-up charges brought by the HPD lays waste to her version of what happened.
So rather than waste Ms. Mulroy’s time and mine, I’ll save us all the aggravation and fabricate her response in my best bureaucratic legalese. Ms. Mulroy would not allow me to speak with the line sargeant or the officers. Instead, she would likely say:
"The interaction was as a reasonable police reaction to aggressive behavior. We're in the business of protecting and preserving the peace. We're not in the business of handcuffing innocent people."
Simultaneously, I beg my audience, especially those who commented to me last week about how moved they were by Joe Santana’s Report from Inside the Belly, that this is what happens every day to people like Joe before they end up in jail.
Because law enforcement is often tainted by race, I should point out that John Zito is white.
Beyond race, Zito is president of the New Britain Avenue Merchants' Association. He runs Beij, Williams and Zito, a respected, hundred-year-old small business specializing in engraving headstones.
John and his wife Imani are leading the charge for sustainable small businesses with their restaurant Alchemy Juice Bar and Café. They are raising a large family together.
On Monday night, November 2, 2009, at about 8:40 p.m., John needed to exit his driveway in order to pick up one of his daughters at her dance class across town.
As he walked out of the front door of his storefront, towards his car in his lot, he noticed two officers coming out of his parking lot, crossing New Britain Avenue, heading towards a house.
"They were in my parking lot, blocking the gate," Zito said. "The vehicles were running with the lights on."
So John raised his voice to be heard across the street. "Hey guys," he shouted. "I need to get my car out, and I don't believe I gave you permission to park in my lot."
They said something aggressive back to him, and he said they ignored him. Then they went inside the building.
"I was forced to wait. I had no choice but to wait," Zito said, noting that his daughter was waiting for him.
So he called 911.
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Are Connecticut courts and those in most of the US about abusing the poorer Americans? [more]
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Steve Murzin - Police Violate 4th Amendment Seymour, CT
Text with video:
brief video. End portion is not quite audible as of yet. While driving to get a coffee in Seymour, CT I was stopped at a police checkpoint. The policeman shined his light in my face and I rolled down the window. The office states that his probable cause to stop me is because I won't let him do his job. The policeman suspects that because I know my rights that I am a lawyer. After the policeman had me exit the vehicle he stated that I would be arrested for interfering with police and that he would make sure that I stay in the court system "....so long that it will bankrupt you" The other policeman stated that now he knows who I am and that, "...We'll be watching you all of the time. The policeman asked me what my problem was, I replied that I have no problem. The officer never answered my questions about defending the Constitution. Because I decided to leave my home to get a coffee, I was stopped by police without probable cause, detained, removed from my vehicle and threatened. More to come!!!!
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This blogger's email: stevengerickson@yahoo.com
US Rigged Courts
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