Tuesday, December 15, 2009

3 cops, 3 towns, 3 arrests

Text with video:

Police from 3 towns and cities in Connecticut have been arrested in separate incidents.

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Maybe only one police officer in a hundred who commits crimes is actually investigated, especially in the State of Connecticut. Judicial, Police, Official, and Prosecutorial Misconduct in Connecticut is considered an "Art Form".

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Police Bullying and Lies in Hartford, CT

Text with video:

My account of today's confrontation (11/2/2009) with Hartford Police as they unlawfully utilized my property without my permission and my request for them to vacate the premises.

Steven G. Erickson responds to above video:

Links and Info posted with video:

This video is in response to this youtube.com video:

Should police be rude to the public?

Should police place citizens in handcuffs because they complain about police misconduct?

Should police in the State of Connecticut, or any other State, make citizens fear beatings and other police misconduct for just being at home and not wanting to be invaded by rude and out of hand cops?

Should police officers be able to do as they please, when they please, with no fear of prosecution or of losing their jobs?

Should police unions write officers blank checks to abuse citizens?:

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Ken Krayeske weighs in on his blog, click his title to go directly to his blog:

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Are Connecticut courts and those in most of the US about abusing the poorer Americans? [more]

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Steve Murzin - Police Violate 4th Amendment Seymour, CT

Text with video:

brief video. End portion is not quite audible as of yet. While driving to get a coffee in Seymour, CT I was stopped at a police checkpoint. The policeman shined his light in my face and I rolled down the window. The office states that his probable cause to stop me is because I won't let him do his job. The policeman suspects that because I know my rights that I am a lawyer. After the policeman had me exit the vehicle he stated that I would be arrested for interfering with police and that he would make sure that I stay in the court system "....so long that it will bankrupt you" The other policeman stated that now he knows who I am and that, "...We'll be watching you all of the time. The policeman asked me what my problem was, I replied that I have no problem. The officer never answered my questions about defending the Constitution. Because I decided to leave my home to get a coffee, I was stopped by police without probable cause, detained, removed from my vehicle and threatened. More to come!!!!

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This blogger's email: stevengerickson@yahoo.com

US Rigged Courts

Steven G. Erickson videos posted on liveleak.com:

My main blog:

[click here] for:

Is Connecticut Organized Crime and Street Gang friendly?

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Dollar Bubble

text with video:

The Dollar Bubble starring Peter Schiff, Ron Paul, Marc Faber, Gerald Celente, Jim Rogers, and others. Prepare now for the U.S. dollar collapse.

Become a member of the National Inflation Association for free at http://inflation.us

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Winning Hearts and Minds?

US military-run Iraq jail an al-Qaeda 'recruiting centre' - 12 Dec 09

text with video:
Since the US invaded Iraq in 2003, it has detained an estimated 100,000 people in its military-run jails.

But now former inmates of one prison have told Al Jazeera it was used as a recruiting and training ground for al-Qaeda.

Camp Bucca was shut down in September, but the US still holds thousands of prisoners in Iraq, ahead of a planned handover to local authorities some time next year.

Zeina Khodr has our report.

Alex Jones: Obama's peace prize is a joke

text with video:
Barack Obama accepts the Nobel Peace Prize as he plans to expand the war in Afghanistan and continue many of George W. Bush's policies. Radio host Alex Jones says that Obama's actions over the past 11 months have shown that he is a complete fraud and the Nobel committee has made a joke of the peace prize by giving it to Obama.

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[click here] for entire post:

The American KGB

Friday, December 11, 2009

Justice, Money, and Political Influence



No Jail For Ex-Stamford Mayor Dannel Malloy's Son

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Someone without a record can be attacked on their own property can receive a year in prison for resisting being mugged, where is justice?

[more about judicial misconduct in Connecticut]

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[click here] for:

HPD Officer Robert Lawlor, "The Teflon Badge"

The "Teflon Badge", Hartford Connecticut Police Officer, Robert Lawlor

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A Norwalk, Connecticut, police officer, Matthew Morelli, allegedly committed suicide by holding an AK-47 out by its barrel, yeah right! There are allegations of all sorts of police misconduct including risk of injury to minors and worse. [more]

[click here] for blogger's fair use of copyrighted materials notice


[click here] for Steven G. Erickson's main beef with the US legal system with docket # and other information.

This blogger's email address: stevengerickson@yahoo.com

Thursday, December 10, 2009

One UFO Conspiracy Theory ...

Ufo Kecksburg Men in Black Stole all Evidence Antarctica UFO Cover-up

Text with video:

Ufo Kecksburg Dec 9 Men in Black Stole all Evidence Antarctica UFO,, The Kecksburg UFO incident occurred on December 9, 1965 at Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, USA. A large, brilliant fireball was seen by thousands in at least six U.S. states and Ontario, Canada. It streaked over the Detroit, Michigan/Windsor, Ontario area, reportedly dropped hot metal debris[citation needed] over Michigan and northern Ohio, starting some grass fires, and caused sonic booms in western Pennsylvania. It was generally assumed and reported by the press to be a meteor.

However, eyewitnesses in the small village of Kecksburg, about 30 miles southeast of Pittsburgh, claimed something crashed in the woods. A boy said he saw the object land; his mother saw a wisp of blue smoke arising from the woods and alerted authorities. Others from Kecksburg, including local volunteer fire department members, reported finding an object in the shape of an acorn and about as large as a Volkswagen Beetle.

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This blogger's main blog site:

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Jesse Ventura, “Calling all in the Tinfoil Hat Brigade”?

I am not a big Howard Stearn fan, but I did catch interviews of Jesse Ventura on youtube. Ventura was promoting his conspiracy theory show now on the TruTv network. I don't believe much out of the mouths of Bush, Obama, other politicians, and the mainstream media. If Jesse Ventura truly believes something, and conveys it in what, and how, he says something, I would be inclined to believe him.

For Alex Jones fans, hearing about DARPA, HAARP, extra JFK assassination killers in a grand conspiracy, a civil court case proving the government complicit in the Martin Luther King assassination, and the government's real reason for being in Afghanistan, heroin, and more, are all discussed by Jesse Ventura just days ago. Ventura talks about being a current resident of Mexico. The videos of the audio interview are in 10 minute segments and there are 5. I found the 2nd part of the 5 part series to be the most compelling. The interview is found here in its 5 parts, all together. If you go to youtube it is hard to listen to it all in one place without doing extra searching.

I believe what Jesse Ventura has to say, and reveal, will send out shock waves. Some citizens will literally be inclined to start wrapping their houses in tinfoil and wearing tinfoil hats. I both laughed, and had concern through all of the Dec. 2, 2009 interview.

My take on what I saw:

Steven G. Erickson is a freelance cameraman, blogger, photographer, documentary producer, screenwriter, sometimes journalist, and can and will travel anywhere if the terms are right. His objective is to reform America's courts, creating a "People's (more...)

[click here] for the Howard Stearn/Jesse Ventura interviews

Saturday, December 05, 2009

youtube video contest

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Major General Announces Escalation II for Obama

By Ralph Lopez (about the author)

In one of the most bizarre episodes of the on-going contradictory claims between the White House and the Pentagon on a possible troop escalation in Afghanistan, a top CENTCOM commander in a "wide-ranging" interview granted to the St. Petersburg Times, days before the president is scheduled to make a speech on the issue, all but announced a massive escalation. The article is headlined "CentCom planners study massive move of equipment to Afghanistan."

This is during a month in which administration officials have accused generals of attempting to force the president's decision, and less a week after administration officials said the president was still engaged in information-gathering and personal deliberations.

UK Telegraph:

In one of the most bizarre episodes of the on-going contradictory claims between the White House and the Pentagon on a possible troop escalation in Afghanistan, a top CENTCOM commander in a "wide-ranging" interview granted to the St. Petersburg Times, days before the president is scheduled to make a speech on the issue, all but announced a massive escalation. The article is headlined "CentCom planners study massive move of equipment to Afghanistan."

This is during a month in which administration officials have accused generals of attempting to force the president's decision, and less a week after administration officials said the president was still engaged in information-gathering and personal deliberations.

UK Telegraph:

"Tensions between the White House and the Pentagon over the deployment have already bubbled to the surface. Senior presidential advisers have accused generals of leaking the misinformation that Mr Obama has all but decided to dispatch more than 34,000 additional troops, in a bid to force his decision"

In the interview, Major General Kenneth Dowd, who reports directly to CENTCOM commander General David Petraeus, blabs:

"This is probably the most complicated logistical operation we've done in our lifetime."

Dowd said landlocked Afghanistan presents greater difficulties than Iraq with its fewer routes of supply, and that CentCom is conducting an assessment of air strips in Afghanistan. Dowd said engineers will have to expand them.

"I'm a little concerned about" airfield capacity...We've got to expand and make it better."

The leak and spin wars over what the president will announce poked through the surface in early November when, in response to reporters' questions about an all-but-certain escalation, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said that anybody who says Obama has made a decision:

"doesn't have in all honesty the slightest idea what they're talking about. The president's yet to make a decision" about troop levels or other aspects of the revised U.S. strategy in Afghanistan."

The next week, the AP floated an article quoting "anonymous," "unauthorized" military officials giving a number in the 30 thousands of more troops as the decision Obama has made.

"Administration officials said Obama has not made a final decision about the number of troops he would approve. Military officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to discuss the president's plans, said they expected the total to be between 32,000 and 35,000."

Professor Rick Ayers writing for Huffington Post in "General McChrystal's War" said:

McChrystal's recent leaks and public comments have pushed the limits of their PR strategy...In the end, the military (not the troops, mind you, but the officers and the massive military industrial complex behind them) need war and promote it.

It began in September when Army General Stanley McChrystal's classified report that the situation in Afghanistan was deteriorating was leaked, which put pressure on Obama to agree to McChrystal's request for more troops.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Moment

Obama, during his presidential campaign, at a time when there were around 30,000 US troops in Afghanistan, promised to send in "at least two or three additional combat brigades," or about 10,000 more troops. Since then troop strength has reached 62,000. In The Nation in December of 2008, well before Obama's inauguration, Richard Dreyfuss wrote:

True enough, Barack Obama has pledged to support a "surge" in US forces in Afghanistan, as bad an idea as that might be...[But Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mike Mullen] said, without even a nod to Obama's role as incoming commander-in-chief, that he's planning to double US forces there by adding up to 30,000 new troops.

Dreyfuss called Mullen's December 2008 announcement "shocking and outrageous."

Thus the purported Escalation II arrives nearly a year after Escalation I, when Bob Woodward reported that in a war council meeting, after the Pentagon had assured Obama's team that they could get the job done with 21,000 more troops, coming back for more would produce a "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot moment" (WTF.)

In that meeting,

[National Security Adviser General] Jones recalled how Obama had initially decided to deploy additional forces this year. "At a table much like this," Jones said..."the president's principals met and agreed to recommend 17,000 more troops for Afghanistan." The principals...made this recommendation in February during the first full month of the Obama administration. The president approved the deployments, which included Nicholson's Marines...

"They [Pentagon staff] then said, 'If you do all that, we think we can turn this around,' " Jones said, reminding the Marines here that the president had quickly approved and publicly announced the additional 4,000...

Jones went on, after all those additional troops, 17,000 plus 4,000 more, if there were new requests for force now, the president would quite likely have "a Whiskey Tango Foxtrot moment."

Take action -- click here to contact your local newspaper or congress people:
Out of Afghanistan

Click here to see the most recent messages sent to congressional reps and local newspapers


Ralph is the author of a new book "Truth in the Age of Bushism."

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